

单词 answer
verb | noun
answeranswer1 /ˈænsɚ/ ●●● S1 W1 verb Etymology Verb Table Collocations Thesaurus 1REPLY [intransitive, transitive] to say something to someone when he or she has asked you a question, made a suggestion, etc.:  She thought for a moment before answering. You still haven’t answered my question.answer (that) Hughes answered that he knew nothing about the robbery.answer somebody I answered him as honestly as I could.answer yes/no When asked if he had ever taken drugs, he answered no.THESAURUSreplyto answer someone:  “Are you coming?” “Yes,” he replied.respondto answer someone by saying or doing something:  His father responded to his question by telling him to be quiet.retortto reply quickly, in an angry or humorous way:  “It’s none of your business,” she retorted.2TEST [intransitive, transitive] to write or say the answer to a question in a test, competition, etc.:  Only one person answered all the questions correctly.3LETTER [intransitive, transitive] to send a reply to a letter, advertisement, etc. SYN reply, respond:  Whitmore never answered any of my letters.4answer the phone/the door/a call to pick up the telephone when it rings or open the door when someone knocks on it5answer criticism/charges/accusations etc. to explain why you did something when people are criticizing you:  Robinson appeared in court on Monday to answer the criminal charges against him.6REACT TO something [intransitive, transitive] to do something as a reaction to criticism or attack SYN respond, retaliate: answer by doing something The army answered by firing into the crowd.7DEAL WITH A PROBLEM [transitive] to deal with or try to solve a problem:  Officials have made every effort to answer trade concerns. Our transportation system is designed to answer the needs of the city’s commuters.8answer a description if someone answers a description, he or she looks like someone who is being described SYN match:  A hiker spotted a man answering the description given by police.[Origin: Old English andswaru]USAGE: answer• You answer a question, advertisement, etc. or you answer someone who asks a question:  Who can answer the question/teacher?• If you answer to someone, they are the person directly responsible for you in an organization, at work, etc., and you have to explain to him or her if there are problems:  If you make a mistake, you’ll have to answer to your boss.• You give an answer to a question or criticism:  She gave good answers to all the questions.• You get an answer from someone:  I finally got an answer from Dave.answer back phrasal verb answer somebody ↔ back to reply in a rude way to someone that you are supposed to obey:  She’s only three, and she’s already answering back.answer for something phrasal verb1to explain to people in authority why you did something wrong or why something happened, and be punished if necessary:  The leaders will be made to answer for their actions.2have a lot to answer for informal to be responsible for causing a lot of trouble:  That sister of yours has an awful lot to answer for.3I can’t answer for somebody spoken used to say that you cannot make a decision or give an opinion for someone who is not there:  I’m sure John will help us – I can’t really answer for the others.answer to somebody/something phrasal verb1to give an explanation to someone or be responsible to someone, especially about something that you have done wrong:  We need small schools that can answer to the community.2answer to the name of something to be called a particular name:  He’s 6 foot 5, but he answers to the name of Shorty.
verb | noun
answeranswer2 ●●● S1 W1 noun Collocations Thesaurus 1REPLY [countable, uncountable] something you say when you reply to a question that someone has asked you SYN reply, response:  What was her answer? There was a question and answer period after the lecture. No one seemed able to give an answer on how the law would affect employers. Every time I ask Jo about it, I get a different answer. I told you before, the answer is no! In answer to the question, most employees said they were satisfied with their jobs. see Usage at answer12TEST/COMPETITION ETC. [countable] something that you write or say in reply to a question in a test, competition, etc.: answer to What was the answer to question 4?a right/wrong/correct/incorrect answer Score one point for each correct answer.3INVITATION/LETTER ETC. [countable] a written reply to a letter, invitation, advertisement, etc. SYN reply, response: answer to Did you ever get an answer to your letter?4PROBLEM [countable] a way of dealing with a problem SYN solution:  The obvious answer is to keep poisonous plants out of children’s reach. This may not be the answer to the problems of our health care system. see thesaurus at solution5PHONE/DOOR [singular, usually in questions and negatives] a reply when you telephone someone, knock on his or her door, etc.:  I called him but there was no answer and he hasn’t phoned me back.6somebody’s answer to something someone or something that is considered to be just as good as a more famous person or thing:  The Space Needle is Seattle’s answer to the Eiffel Tower.7somebody knows/has all the answers informal used to say that someone seems very sure that he or she knows everything about a situation, when he or she does not:  You act like you think you have all the answers.8be the answer to (all) somebody’s prayers to be exactly what someone wants or needs most:  The job was the answer to all my prayers. see also somebody won’t take no for an answer at no1 (8)




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