

单词 fulfill
fulfillfulfill /fʊlˈfɪl/ ●○○ verb [transitive] Etymology Verb Table Collocations 1to achieve a goal, wish, or aim:  The couple fulfilled their dream of getting married in Tahiti. None of the trainees have fulfilled our expectations. The program helps to fulfill parents’ hopes for their children’s education.2to do something that is useful or necessary: fulfill a function/role/need etc. The church fulfills an important role in daily life.3to do something because it is required by a rule or law, or because it is your duty:  I took the class to fulfill the science requirement.fulfill a role/function/duty etc. In trying to fulfill his role as leader, he has alienated his own supporters.4formal to do what you said you would do: fulfill a promise/pledge/commitment Will the government fulfill its pledge to hold free elections?5if your work fulfills you, it makes you feel satisfied because you are using all your skills, qualities, etc.6fulfill yourself to feel satisfied because you are using all your skills, qualities, etc.:  She succeeded in fulfilling herself both as an actress and as a mother.7fulfill your potential/promise to be as successful as you possibly can be:  He never fulfilled his potential as a basketball player.8fulfill a prophecy if a prophecy is fulfilled, something happens that someone said would happen see also self-fulfilling prophecy




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