

单词 impression
impressionimpression /ɪmˈprɛʃən/ ●●○ S3 W3 noun [countable] Collocations Thesaurus 1the opinion, belief, or feeling you have based on how someone or something seems: impression of What’s your impression of Hal?impression that I got the distinct impression that he wasn’t very happy. It’s important to make a good first impression at your interview. I’m afraid I gave her the wrong impression – I’m not interested in dating her. My initial impression was that they had a really nice family. see thesaurus at idea2be under the impression that... to believe that something is true when it is not true:  Sorry, I was under the impression that you were the manager.3the act of copying the speech or behavior of a famous person in order to make people laugh SYN imitation: impression of Sandy does a pretty good impression of Madonna.4a picture or drawing of what someone or something might look like, or what something will look like in the future: impression of The illustration is an artist’s impression of the proposed park.5a mark left by pressing something into a soft surface:  An impression of a heel was left in the mud.6all the copies of a book printed at one timeeditionCOLLOCATIONSverbsmake an impression Think about what sort of impression you want to make.have/leave an impression (on somebody) (=make someone remember a person, place, or thing) The movie left a lasting impression on me.give (somebody) an impression (also leave (somebody) with an impression, convey an impression formal) Her speech definitely gave us the impression that she was enthusiastic about the project.create an impression Wearing ripped jeans won’t create a very favorable impression.get/form an impression I got the impression that Alex didn’t want to be there.confirm/reinforce an impression The report confirmed his initial impression that the business was worth investing in.adjectivesa good/positive/favorable impression He was eager to make a good impression on his boss.a bad/negative impression Arriving late for an interview gives a very negative impression.a strong/deep/big impression (=one that someone feels very strongly) She made a strong impression on me the first time I met her.somebody’s first/initial impression My first impression was that Steve was pretty arrogant.a clear/vivid impression He had the clear impression that most people were in favor of the idea.a vague impression (=not very clear) Dave only had a vague impression of the man who had attacked him.a lasting impression (=one that someone remembers for a long time) The book left a lasting impression on me.the wrong/mistaken/false impression He had the mistaken impression that Julia was married.a misleading impression The advertisement gave a misleading impression of the product.somebody’s/the overall/general impression The general impression was of a very efficiently run company.the distinct impression (=used when something seems very clear to you) We were left with the distinct impression that the contract was ours if we wanted it.




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