► habit something that you do regularly, often without thinking about it because you have done it so many times before: Kids with healthy eating habits get sick less often. It is best to learn good work habits when you are young.
► routine the usual things that someone does every day or every week: I have a cup of coffee every day as part of my morning routine.
► ritual something that you do regularly and in the same way each time: My son and I have a little ritual of singing a song together before he goes to bed each night.
► tradition a way of doing something that is repeated and has existed for a long time: We have a family tradition of opening presents on Christmas Eve.
► custom something that people in a particular society do because it is traditional: It is a Japanese custom that you take off your shoes when you enter a house.
► practice something that people often do, especially as part of their work or daily life: In some parts of the world, the practice of marrying your cousin is fairly common.
► convention a rule of behavior that most people in a society accept: Shaking hands to greet someone is a social convention.
► mannerism a way of speaking or moving that a person often uses: The way she flips her hair and some of her other mannerisms are so annoying.