1a)a hollow metal object shaped like an upside-down cup, that makes a ringing sound when it is hit by a piece of metal that hangs down inside it: church bells were ringingb)a round ball of metal with another small ball inside it that makes a ringing sound: a bell on the cat’s collar2a piece of equipment that makes a ringing sound, used as a signal or to get someone’s attention: Please ring the bell for assistance.a bell rings/sounds/goes etc. The bell sounded to end the fight.3the sound of a bell ringing as a signal or a warning: When you hear the bell, stop writing.4bells and whistles informal special extra features you can have with something you buy: The software has all the functions you need, plus a few bells and whistles.5have/get your bell rung informal to be hit on the head, sometimes hard enough to make you unconscious6something shaped like a bell: Its flowers are tiny white bells.7I’ll be there with bells on spoken used to say that you will definitely be somewhere and eager and ready for what is going to happen [Origin: Old English belle] → see also as clear as a bellat clear1 (8), diving bell, ring a bellat ring2 (5)