

单词 son
sonson /sʌn/ ●●● S1 W1 noun Etymology 1CHILD [countable] someone’s male childdaughter:  Our son Jamie is five years old. They have three sons and a daughter. see also like father like son at father1 (5)2YOUNG MAN used by an older person as a friendly way to address a boy or young man:  What’s your name, son?3JESUS the Son Jesus Christ; the second member of the Trinity, the three parts of God in the Christian religion that include God the Father and the Holy Spirit4MAN FROM A PLACE [countable] written a man, especially a famous man, from a particular place or country:  Mozart, Salzburg’s most famous son see also favorite son at favorite1 (2)5DESCENDANT [countable usually plural] literary a man who has a particular ancestor, or whose ancestors come from a particular place or were involved in a particular thing: son of the sons of Abraham the sons of the Revolution6my son used by a priest to address a man or boy[Origin: Old English sunu]




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