► vacation a period of time when you are allowed not to work at your job, while still getting paid: How much paid vacation do you get at your new job? I have only two vacation days left this year.
► holiday a day when officially no one has to go to work or school: School is closed for the Thanksgiving holiday.
► break a short vacation from your work or school: We spent spring break in Florida.
► time off time when you are officially allowed not to be at your place of work or studying: Before you buy the tickets, make sure your boss will give you the time off.
► leave a time when you are allowed not to work for a special reason: Angela is on maternity leave.
► furlough a short period of time in which someone is allowed to be away from his or her job, especially in the military: Dan is home on furlough from the army.
► sabbatical a period when someone who teaches stops doing his or her usual work in order to study or travel: Prof. Morris is on sabbatical this semester.