

单词 top
noun | adjective | verb
toptop1 /tɑp/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable] Etymology Collocations 1THE HIGHEST PART the highest part or surface of something OPP bottom:  The elevator will take you all the way to the top.the top of something The tops of the mountains were covered with snow.on (the) top (of something) I like my hair a little longer on top. Sprinkle cheese on top of the casserole. You shouldn’t have put the egg cartons on top of each other.at the top (of something) Write the date at the top. Denise stood at the top of the stairs. They had put his shoes at the very top (=the highest part) of the flag pole.a tree/roof/mountain/hill top etc. The moon rose up above the tree tops. My name was at the very top of the list.2FURNITURE SURFACE the flat upper surface of a piece of furniture: a table/dresser/desk/counter top stainless steel counter tops3BEST POSITION the top the best, most successful, or most important position in an organization, company, group, etc. OPP bottom: top of His hard work helped him reach the top of his profession. It can be lonely at the top.(at) the top of the class/division etc. Martin graduated at the top of his class. He is proud of the fact that he worked his way to the top. She was determined to make it to the top. see also top-of-the-line4COVER something that you put on a pen, bottle, etc. to close it, especially something that you push or turn:  Put the top back on the bottle when you’re finished. a bottle of wine with a screw top5TOY a child’s toy that spins around on its point when the child twists it6CLOTHES a piece of clothing that you wear on the upper part of your body:  The skirt comes with a matching top. a bikini top see also halter top at halter (1), tank top7PLANT the part of a fruit or vegetable where it was attached to the plant, or the leaves of a plant whose root you can eat:  Cut the pineapples lengthwise, without removing the tops.8on top of something a)if something bad happens to you on top of something else, it happens when you have other problems:  On top of losing my job, my car broke down. b)in complete control of a job, situation, etc.:  Local police have failed to get on top of the gang situation. Nathan always stays on top of things.9on top of somebody someone or something dangerous or threatening that is on top of you is very near to you or almost touching you:  FBI agents were on top of them before they could react.10on top in a situation where you are the best or are winning in a game or competition:  Usually the team with the most talent comes out on top (=wins after a difficult struggle or argument).11be (at the) top of the list/agenda something that is at the top of the list will be dealt with or discussed first:  Improving education is at the top of the mayor’s agenda.12on top of each other informal if people live, work, etc. on top of each other, they are very close to each other in a space that is too small13on top of the world informal extremely happy14(from) top to bottom if something is done from top to bottom, it is done very thoroughly:  They’ve changed the whole system from top to bottom. Police searched his apartment top to bottom.15off the top of your head informal if you answer a question or provide information off the top of your head, you do it immediately without checking the facts:  “Do you remember her name?” “Not off the top of my head.”16sing/shout/yell etc. at the top of your voice (also sing/shout/yell etc. at the top of your lungs) to sing, shout, etc. as loudly as you possibly can17from the top spoken an expression meaning “from the beginning,” used especially when practicing a play, acting a movie, etc.:  Let’s try it again from the top.18tops spoken used after a number to say that it is the highest possible amount of money you will get or pay:  It’ll cost $15 tops.19be (the) top old-fashioned informal to be the best[Origin: (1-14, 16-19) Old English topp] see also tops
noun | adjective | verb
toptop2 ●●● S2 W3 adjective [only before noun] Collocations Thesaurus 1HIGHEST in the highest place or position OPP bottom:  My keys are in the top drawer. We have an apartment on the top floor. the top left-hand corner of the page2MOST SUCCESSFUL the most important, best quality, or most successful OPP bottom:  top quality beef women in top jobs Sue is in the top 10% of her class. Carlson is our top salesman.a top hotel/restaurant/company etc. a top New York restaurant. see thesaurus at best13AMOUNT [only before noun] the greatest or highest that is possible or that happens:  The car has a top speed of 140 mph.4the top brass informal people in positions of high rank, especially in the army, navy, etc.5top dog informal the person in the highest or most important position, especially after a struggle or effort
noun | adjective | verb
toptop3 ●●○ verb (topped, topping) [transitive] Verb Table Collocations 1BE HIGHER to be higher than a particular amount, especially an unusually large amount:  Their profits have topped $200 million this year. Temperatures regularly topped 120 degrees.2BE ON TOP OF something [usually passive] if something tops another thing, it is on top of that thing:  A golden cross tops the cathedral.be topped by/with something The fence is topped with razor wire. see also topping3BE/DO BETTER a)to be better or greater than something else:  The sale price topped the record set last year. b)if you top a good achievement, especially in sports, you do something that is even better or more impressive than that achievement:  They topped their two previous wins with a 31–0 defeat of American Samoa.4top the list/charts/agenda etc. to be first in a list or series of things, based on how successful or important they are:  Libraries topped the list of good public services. see also chart-topping5top an offer/bid etc. to offer more money than someone else:  Dutton topped their bid and bought the firm for $2.7 billion.6to top it all (off) spoken in addition to other bad things that have happened to you:  And to top it all off, I wrecked my car.7top that spoken used to tell someone to do something better, say something funnier, etc. than you have:  Dan got a perfect score – top that!8REACH THE TOP literary if you top a slope, hill, or mountain, you reach the top of ittop something ↔ off phrasal verb1to complete something successfully by doing a last action or adding a last detail:  The team’s win topped off a great season.2to fill a partly empty container with liquid:  Let me top off your drink.top out phrasal verb if something such as a price that is increasing tops out, it reaches its highest point and stops rising:  Real estate prices seem to have topped out.top something with something phrasal verb if you top food with something else, you put a layer of it over the food:  The pie was topped with whipped cream. see also topping




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