Origin: 1200-1300 Anglo-French buket, from Old English buc container for pouring liquid, belly
COLLOCATIONS►by the bucket
He drinks beer by the bucket.
►Rain ... in buckets
Rain was coming down in buckets.
1 an open container with a handle, used for carrying and holding things, especially liquidsSYN pail2 (also bucketful) the quantity of liquid that a bucket can hold: bucket of four buckets of water3informal an occasion when the ball goes through the basket in basketball4a part of a machine shaped like a large bucket and used for moving earth, water, etc.5sweat/cry buckets informal to sweat or cry a lot6informal a large amount of something: He drinks beer by the bucket.bucket of They made buckets of cash on the deal.7in buckets informal in large amounts: Rain was coming down in buckets. [Origin: 1200–1300 Anglo-French buket, from Old English buc container for pouring liquid, belly] → see also somebody can’t carry a tune in a bucketat carry1 (31), a drop in the bucket/oceanat drop2 (6), kick the bucketat kick1 (10)