Origin: Old English cest, from Latin cista box, basket
COLLOCATIONS►chest pains
He was admitted to the hospital after complaining of chest pains.
1science, biology the front part of your body, between your neck and your stomach: When doing sit-ups, keep your hands crossed on your chest. Potter had pains in his chest. He was admitted to the hospital after complaining of chest pains. → see alsoflat-chested2a large strong box with a lid, that you use to store things in or to move your personal possessions from one place to another: a toy chest a chest for storing blankets in → see alsohope chest, ice chest, medicine chest, war chest3get something off your chest to tell someone about something that has been worrying or annoying you for a long time so that you feel better afterward: Employees are able to get things off their chest in these meetings.4chest-thumping/chest-pounding the activity of telling other people how good you are or about the things you have done and are proud of: Bryant’s speech was just political chest-thumping. [Origin: Old English cest, from Latin cista box, basket]