Origin: 1200-1300 Old French, past participle of covrir; ➔ COVER1
THESAURUSknown about by only a few people and kept hidden from others►secret
known about by only a few people and kept hidden from others: The report contained secret information. The government held secret meetings with the rebels.
secret and not intended to be shown or told to other people. Used especially in business, legal, or other official language: These files are confidential and cannot leave the office.
kept secret by the government: The soldier was accused of posting classified information on the Internet.
secret and likely to cause problems if people know: The report contained sensitive information on the situation in Iraq.
done secretly, especially by a government organization: The CIA carried out covert operations in the country.
done secretly by the police in order to catch criminals or find out information: The police mounted an undercover operation to break the drug-smuggling ring.
organized and carried out in secret: The two crime bosses held a clandestine meeting in an old warehouse.
about your personal life and kept secret from other people: My family problems are private, and I do not wish to discuss them.
secret or hiddenOPP overt: covert operations against the government► see thesaurus at secret1—covertly adverb