► grumpyeasily annoyed and tending to complain: He’s a grumpy old man who’s never satisfied.
► cranky/crabby/grouchy informal easily annoyed and complaining a lot: I was feeling hungry and cranky.
► irritable easily annoyed or made angry: He’s been a little irritable lately.
► touchy easily offended or annoyed: She’s touchy about her weight.
► cantankerous easily annoyed and complaining a lot. Used especially in writing: At some point my father had become a cantankerous old man.
► bad-tempered (also ill-tempered formal) often or always irritable or angry: He’s so bad-tempered no one likes to be around him.
► moody feeling very different at different times, sometimes happy, sometimes irritable, etc.: Your sister has been moody lately. Do you know what’s wrong?
► sullen not saying anything and looking slightly angry: She sat there looking sullen and refused to answer my questions.
► sulky showing that you are angry or upset by being unfriendly and looking unhappy: Whenever I correct him, he gets sulky.
► petulant behaving in an angry and impatient way because you are not getting what you want: You’re acting like a petulant child.