

单词 ↑Mixing and mixtures
释义 ↑Mixing and mixtures
Mixing and mixtures
Thesaurus+: LEVEL 3 SL ↑♯ Mixing and mixtures (194) in total
    1. abut verb [T never passive, I + prep] FORMAL ↑abut
    2. adjoin verb [I or T] FORMAL ↑adjoin
    3. affix verb [T] FORMAL ↑affix
    4. aggregate verb [T] ↑aggregate
    5. all manner of sth ↑all manner of sth
    6. allied adjective ↑allied
    7. amalgam noun [S] (OF PARTS) ↑amalgam
    8. amalgamate verb [I or T] ↑amalgamate
    9. articulation noun [U] (JOINING) ↑articulation
    10. assemblage noun ↑assemblage :: 2 × Variety and mixtures
    11. assemble verb [T] (JOIN) ↑assemble
    12. assembly noun (JOINING) ↑assembly
    13. assorted adjective ↑assorted
    14. assortment noun [C usually singular] ↑assortment
    15. attach verb [T] (CONNECT) ↑attach
    16. be neither one thing nor the other ↑be neither one thing nor the other
    17. beat verb (MIX) ↑beat
    18. bind verb ↑bind
    19. blend in/blend into sthphrasal verb with blend verb [I or T] ↑blend in/blend into sth
    20. blend noun [C] ↑blend
    21. blend verb [I or T] ↑blend
    22. brew noun [C] (MIX) ↑brew
    23. bridge verb [T] (BRING TOGETHER) ↑bridge
    24. chequered adjective UK (US checkered) (GOOD AND BAD) ↑chequered
    25. choice noun [S or U] (VARIETY) ↑choice
    26. churn verb (MOVE/MIX) ↑churn
    27. coalesce verb [I] FORMAL ↑coalesce
    28. cocktail noun [C usually singular] (MIXTURE) ↑cocktail
    29. cohere verb [I] FORMAL ↑cohere
    30. cohesion noun [U] (ALSO cohesiveness) formal ↑cohesion
    31. cohesive adjective FORMAL ↑cohesive
    32. col- prefix ↑col-
    33. com- prefix ↑com-
    34. combination noun ↑combination :: 2 × Variety and mixtures :: 2 × Groups and collections of things
    35. combine verb ↑combine :: 2 × Variety and mixtures :: 2 × Mixing and mixtures :: 2 × Connecting and combining
    36. communicate verb [I] FORMAL (ROOMS) ↑communicate
    37. composite noun [C] ↑composite
    38. compound verb [T] (COMBINE) ↑compound
    39. con- prefix ↑con-
    40. concatenation noun [C] FORMAL ↑concatenation
    41. concoct verb [T] ↑concoct
    42. concoction noun [C or U] ↑concoction
    43. conduit noun [C] ↑conduit
    44. conflate verb [T] ↑conflate
    45. conjoined adjective FORMAL ↑conjoined
    46. conjunction noun (COMBINATION) ↑conjunction
    47. connect verb [I or T] (JOIN) ↑connect
    48. connect verb [I] (TRANSPORT) ↑connect
    49. connected adjective (JOINED) ↑connected
    50. connected adjective (RELATED) ↑connected
    51. connecting adjective ↑connecting
    52. connection noun (JOIN) ↑connection
    53. converge verb [I] ↑converge :: 2 × Variety and mixtures :: 2 × Mixing and mixtures :: 2 × Connecting and combining
    54. cor- prefix ↑cor-
    55. correspondence noun [C usually singular, U] (MATCH) ↑correspondence
    56. couple verb [T usually passive, usually + adv/prep] (JOIN) ↑couple
    57. cross noun [C] (MIXTURE) ↑cross
    58. crucible noun [C] FORMAL (MIX) ↑crucible
    59. desegregate verb [T] ↑desegregate
    60. diversity noun [S or U] ↑diversity
    61. dovetail verb [I or T] ↑dovetail
    62. eclectic adjective FORMAL ↑eclectic
    63. emulsion noun [C or U] ↑emulsion
    64. farrago noun [C] US FORMAL DISAPPROVING ↑farrago
    65. fuse verb [I or T] (JOIN) ↑fuse
    66. fuse verb [I or T] (MELT) ↑fuse
    67. fusion noun [U] ↑fusion
    68. hitch sth up (CONNECT)phrasal verb with hitch verb ↑hitch sth up
    69. hodgepodge noun [C] ↑hodgepodge
    70. hook (sb/sth) up to sthphrasal verb with hook verb ↑hook (sb/sth) up to sth
    71. hook verb [T] (DEVICE) ↑hook
    72. hotchpotch noun [C] (US USUALLY hodgepodge) ↑hotchpotch
    73. impure adjective (MIXED) ↑impure
    74. integrate verb ↑integrate
    75. interconnect verb [I or T] ↑interconnect
    76. interface noun [C] ↑interface :: 2 × Variety and mixtures :: 2 × Mixing and mixtures :: 2 × Connecting and combining
    77. interface verb ↑interface
    78. interlace verb [T] ↑interlace
    79. interlink verb [I or T] ↑interlink
    80. interlock verb [I or T] ↑interlock
    81. interlocking adjective ↑interlocking
    82. intermingle verb [I] ↑intermingle
    83. intersection noun [C or U] (LINES) ↑intersection
    84. intersperse verb [T] ↑intersperse
    85. intertwine verb [I or T] ↑intertwine
    86. interweave verb [T] ↑interweave
    87. it takes all sorts (to make a world) SAYING ↑it takes all sorts (to make a world)
    88. join noun [C] ↑join
    89. join verb (CONNECT) ↑join :: 2 × Variety and mixtures :: 2 × Mixing and mixtures :: 2 × Connecting and combining
    90. joint noun [C] (CONNECTION) ↑joint
    91. jointed adjective (CONNECTION) ↑jointed
    92. jumble noun [S] (MIXTURE) ↑jumble
    93. jumble verb [T] ↑jumble
    94. junction noun [C] (US USUALLY intersection) ↑junction
    95. knit verb (JOIN) ↑knit
    96. latch onto sth (BECOME CONNECTED)phrasal verb with latch verb [I or T] ↑latch onto sth
    97. link (sth) upphrasal verb with link verb [T] ↑link (sth) up
    98. link noun [C] (CONNECTION) ↑link
    99. linkage noun [C or U] ↑linkage
    100. lump sb/sth togetherphrasal verb with lump verb INFORMAL ↑lump sb/sth together
    101. marriage noun [C] (COMBINATION) ↑marriage
    102. marry verb (COMBINE) ↑marry
    103. medium noun [C] (SUBSTANCE) ↑medium
    104. medley noun [C] (MIXTURE) ↑medley
    105. meet up (ROADS)phrasal verb with meet verb ↑meet up
    106. meet verb [I or T] (TOUCH) ↑meet
    107. merge verb ↑merge
    108. mesh verb [I] SPECIALIZED (JOIN) ↑mesh
    109. mingle verb [I or T] (MIX) ↑mingle
    110. miscellaneous adjective ↑miscellaneous
    111. miscellany noun [S] (MIXTURE) ↑miscellany
    112. mishmash noun [S] INFORMAL ↑mishmash
    113. mix noun (COMBINE) ↑mix
    114. mix verb (COMBINE) ↑mix :: 2 × Variety and mixtures :: 2 × Mixing and mixtures :: 2 × Groups and collections of things :: 2 × Connecting and combining
    115. mixed adjective ↑mixed
    116. mixture noun ↑mixture :: 3 × Variety and mixtures :: 3 × Mixing and mixtures :: 3 × Groups and collections of things :: 2 × Connecting and combining
    117. mongrel adjective DISAPPROVING ↑mongrel
    118. multiplicity noun [U] FORMAL ↑multiplicity
    119. mélange noun [C usually singular] FORMAL ↑mélange :: 2 × Variety and mixtures :: 2 × Groups and collections of things
    120. of every stripe/of all stripes ↑of every stripe/of all stripes
    121. panoply noun [S] FORMAL ↑panoply :: 2 × Variety and mixtures :: 2 × Groups and collections of things
    122. patchwork noun ↑patchwork
    123. plurality noun (DIFFERENT) ↑plurality
    124. potpourri noun ↑potpourri :: 2 × Variety and mixtures :: 2 × Groups and collections of things
    125. preparation noun [C] (MIXTURE) ↑preparation
    126. put sth togetherphrasal verb with put verb ↑put sth together
    127. ragbag noun [C usually singular] ↑ragbag
    128. reassemble verb ↑reassemble
    129. reunification noun [U] ↑reunification
    130. reunify verb [T] ↑reunify
    131. reunite verb [T] ↑reunite
    132. rolled into one ↑rolled into one
    133. scramble verb [T] (MIX) ↑scramble
    134. selection noun ↑selection :: 2 × Variety and mixtures :: 2 × Taking and choosing :: 2 × Groups and collections of things
    135. solution noun [C or U] SPECIALIZED (LIQUID) ↑solution
    136. splice noun [C] ↑splice
    137. splice verb [T] ↑splice
    138. straddle verb [T] ↑straddle
    139. substance noun (MATERIAL) ↑substance
    140. sundries noun [plural] ↑sundries
    141. sundry adjective [before noun] FORMAL ↑sundry
    142. synthesis noun [C] FORMAL (MIX) ↑synthesis
    143. this and that (ALSO this, that, and the other) informal ↑this and that
    144. tie (sth) in with sthphrasal verb with tie verb ↑tie (sth) in with sth
    145. together adverb (COMBINED) ↑together
    146. touch verb [I or T] (BE CLOSE TOGETHER) ↑touch
    147. unify verb [T] ↑unify
    148. union noun [S or U] (JOINING) ↑union
    149. variety is the spice of life SAYING ↑variety is the spice of life
    150. variety noun (TYPE) ↑variety
    151. variously adverb ↑variously
    152. weave verb (MAKE) ↑weave
    153. yoke verb [T often passive] FORMAL (CONNECT) ↑yoke
    154. ˈmelting ˌpot noun [C usually singular] ↑melting pot
    155. ˌbound ˈup adjective [after verb] ↑bound up
    156. ˌcross-ˈChannel adjective [before noun] ↑cross-Channel
    157. ˌcross-ˌfertiliˈzation (UK USUALLY ˌcross-fˌertiliˈsation) noun [U] ↑cross-fertilization
    158. ˌmixed ˈbag noun [S] ↑mixed bag
    159. ˌodds and ˈends noun [plural] (UK INFORMAL ˌodds and ˈsods) informal ↑odds and ends :: 2 × Variety and mixtures :: 2 × Groups and collections of things
    160. ˌsaturated soˈlution noun [C] SPECIALIZED ↑saturated solution
    161. all shapes and sizes ↑all shapes and sizes
    162. all shapes and sizes ↑shape
    163. closely/tightly knit (ALSO ˌclose/ˌtight-ˈknit) ↑closely/tightly knit
    164. closely/tightly knit (ALSO ˌclose/ˌtight-ˈknit) ↑knit
    165. in any shape or form ↑in any shape or form
    166. in any shape or form ↑shape
    167. interspersed with sth ↑interspersed with sth
    168. interspersed with sth ↑interspersed
    169. knock into each other/knock through ↑knock into each other/knock through
    170. knock into each other/knock through ↑knock
    171. aggregation noun [U] ↑aggregate
    172. aggregation noun [U] ↑aggregation
    173. conflation noun [C or U] ↑conflate
    174. conflation noun [C or U] ↑conflation
    175. desegregation noun [U] ↑desegregate
    176. desegregation noun [U] ↑desegregation
    177. entwined adjective ↑entwine
    178. entwined adjective ↑entwined
    179. heterogeneity noun [U] ↑heterogeneity
    180. heterogeneity noun [U] ↑heterogeneous
    181. integrated adjective ↑integrate
    182. integrated adjective ↑integrated
    183. integration noun [U] ↑integrate
    184. integration noun [U] ↑integration
    185. interconnection noun [C or U] ↑interconnect
    186. interconnection noun [C or U] ↑interconnection
    187. interlinked adjective ↑interlink
    188. interlinked adjective ↑interlinked
    189. interlinking adjective ↑interlink
    190. interlinking adjective ↑interlinking
    191. unification noun [U] ↑unification
    192. unification noun [U] ↑unify
    193. unified adjective ↑unified
    194. unified adjective ↑unify




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