

单词 ↑Mortgages and real estate
释义 ↑Mortgages and real estate
Mortgages and real estate
Thesaurus+: LEVEL 4 SL ↑♯ Mortgages and real estate (112) in total
    1. HP noun [U] UK ↑HP
    2. account noun (BUSINESS) ↑account
    3. bricks and mortar ↑bricks and mortar
    4. chain noun UK (HOUSE SALE) ↑chain
    5. charter noun [U] (RENT) ↑charter
    6. charter verb [T] (RENT) ↑charter
    7. chartered adjective [before noun] (RENTED) ↑chartered
    8. comˌpulsory ˈpurchase ˌorder noun [C] ↑compulsory purchase order
    9. concession noun (RIGHT) ↑concession
    10. conveyancing noun [U] LEGAL ↑conveyancing
    11. deposit noun (MONEY) ↑deposit :: 2 × Investing money
    12. enˌdowment ˈmortgage noun [C] ↑endowment mortgage
    13. enˌdowment ˈpolicy noun [C] ↑endowment policy
    14. equity noun (VALUE) ↑equity
    15. esˈtate ˌagency noun [C] UK (US ˈreal esˌtate ˌoffice, realty office) ↑estate agency
    16. freehold noun [C] ↑freehold
    17. freeholder noun [C] ↑freeholder
    18. gazump verb [T often passive] UK INFORMAL ↑gazump
    19. gazunder verb [T often passive] UK INFORMAL ↑gazunder
    20. hire sth/sb outphrasal verb with hire verb [T] ↑hire sth/sb out
    21. hire noun [U] UK ↑hire
    22. hire verb [T] ↑hire
    23. holding noun [C] ↑holding
    24. homeowner noun [C] ↑homeowner
    25. housebuyer noun [C usually plural] ↑housebuyer
    26. householder noun [C] ↑householder
    27. inˈstallment ˌplan noun [C] ↑installment plan
    28. landholding noun [C] ↑landholding
    29. landlady noun [C] (OWNER) ↑landlady :: 2 × Renting, hiring and hire purchase in general :: 2 × Renting property :: 2 × Mortgages and real estate
    30. landlord noun [C] (OWNER) ↑landlord
    31. landowner noun [C] ↑landowner
    32. layaway noun [U] US ↑layaway
    33. lease noun [C] ↑lease
    34. lease verb [T] ↑lease :: 2 × Renting, hiring and hire purchase in general :: 2 × Renting property :: 2 × Mortgages and real estate
    35. leaseback noun [U] SPECIALIZED ↑leaseback
    36. leasehold noun [C or U] ↑leasehold :: 2 × Renting, hiring and hire purchase in general :: 2 × Renting property :: 2 × Mortgages and real estate
    37. leaseholder noun [C] ↑leaseholder :: 2 × Renting, hiring and hire purchase in general :: 2 × Renting property :: 2 × Mortgages and real estate
    38. let noun [C] UK (RENT) ↑let :: 2 × Renting, hiring and hire purchase in general :: 2 × Renting property :: 2 × Mortgages and real estate
    39. let verb [T] MAINLY UK (MAINLY US rent) (RENT) ↑let :: 2 × Renting, hiring and hire purchase in general :: 2 × Renting property :: 2 × Mortgages and real estate
    40. letting noun [C] UK ↑letting :: 2 × Renting, hiring and hire purchase in general :: 2 × Renting property :: 2 × Mortgages and real estate
    41. lodge verb [I usually + adv/prep] FORMAL (STAY) ↑lodge
    42. lodger noun [C] (US ALSO roomer) ↑lodger
    43. mortgage noun [C] ↑mortgage
    44. mortgage verb [T] ↑mortgage
    45. mortgagee noun [C] SPECIALIZED ↑mortgagee
    46. property noun (THINGS OWNED) ↑property
    47. rateable value noun [C] ↑rateable value
    48. realtor noun [C] ↑realtor
    49. realty noun [U] ↑realty
    50. remortgage verb [I or T] ↑remortgage
    51. rent noun (PAYMENT) ↑rent :: 2 × Renting, hiring and hire purchase in general :: 2 × Renting property :: 2 × Mortgages and real estate
    52. rent verb [T] (PAY TO USE) ↑rent :: 2 × Renting, hiring and hire purchase in general :: 2 × Renting property :: 2 × Mortgages and real estate
    53. rental noun [C or U] ↑rental :: 2 × Renting, hiring and hire purchase in general :: 2 × Renting property :: 2 × Mortgages and real estate
    54. rented adjective ↑rented
    55. renter noun [C] US ↑renter
    56. repayment noun [C or U] ↑repayment
    57. repossess verb [T] ↑repossess
    58. repossession noun [C or U] ↑repossession
    59. sell up UKphrasal verb with sell verb ↑sell up
    60. sublet verb [T] ↑sublet
    61. subtenant noun [C] ↑subtenant
    62. tenancy noun ↑tenancy :: 2 × Renting, hiring and hire purchase in general :: 2 × Renting property :: 2 × Mortgages and real estate :: 2 × Living or sleeping somewhere
    63. tenant noun [C] ↑tenant
    64. tenure noun [U] FORMAL ↑tenure
    65. timeshare noun ↑timeshare :: 2 × Tourism and holidays :: 2 × Renting, hiring and hire purchase in general :: 2 × Renting property :: 2 × Mortgages and real estate :: 2 × Hotels and hostels
    66. title noun [U] (LEGAL RIGHT) ↑title
    67. vacancy noun [C] ↑vacancy :: 2 × Making bookings and reservations
    68. ˈcharge acˌcount noun [C] ↑charge account
    69. ˈcredit acˌcount noun [C] UK (US ˈcharge acˌcount) ↑credit account
    70. ˈground ˌrent noun [C usually singular] ↑ground rent
    71. ˈhome ˌbuyer noun [C] ↑home buyer
    72. ˈhome ˌloan noun [C] ↑home loan
    73. ˈkey ˌmoney noun [U] UK ↑key money
    74. ˈland ˌtenure noun [U] SPECIALIZED ↑land tenure
    75. ˈplanning ˌblight noun [U] UK ↑planning blight
    76. ˈproperty deˌveloper noun [C] ↑property developer
    77. ˈreal estate ˌagent noun [C] ↑real estate agent
    78. ˈreal estate ˌbroker noun [C] ↑real estate broker
    79. ˈreal esˌtate noun [U] MAINLY US ↑real estate
    80. ˈrent ˌstrike noun [C] ↑rent strike
    81. ˈshow ˌhome noun [C] UK (UK ALSO ˈshow ˌhouse, US ˈmodel ˌhouse) ↑show home
    82. ˈtitle ˌdeed noun [C usually plural] ↑title deed
    83. ˌabsentee ˈlandlord noun [C] ↑absentee landlord
    84. ˌfirst-time ˈbuyer noun [C] UK ↑first-time buyer
    85. ˌhire ˈpurchase noun [U] UK (ABBREVIATION HP, US inˈstallment ˌplan) ↑hire purchase
    86. ˌmarket ˈprice noun [S] ↑market price
    87. ˌnegative ˈequity noun [U] UK ↑negative equity
    88. ˌopen ˈhouse noun [U] ↑open house
    89. ˌowner-ˈoccupied adjective UK ↑owner-occupied
    90. ˌpeppercorn ˈrent noun [C] UK ↑peppercorn rent
    91. ˌrent-ˈfree adjective, adverb ↑rent-free
    92. ˌsitting ˈtenant noun [C] ↑sitting tenant
    93. ˌvacant posˈsession noun [U] UK SPECIALIZED ↑vacant possession
    94. for rent ↑for rent
    95. for rent ↑rent
    96. make an offer C2 (ALSO put in an offer) ↑make an offer
    97. make an offer C2 (ALSO put in an offer) ↑offer
    98. on the market ↑market
    99. on the market ↑on the market
    100. on the never-never ↑on the never-never
    101. on the never-never ↑the never-never
    102. under offer UK ↑offer
    103. under offer UK ↑under offer
    104. freehold adjective ↑freehold :: 2 × Renting, hiring and hire purchase in general :: 2 × Renting property :: 2 × Mortgages and real estate
    105. gazumping noun [U] ↑gazump
    106. gazumping noun [U] ↑gazumping
    107. hired adjective UK ↑hire
    108. hired adjective UK ↑hired
    109. landowning adjective [before noun] ↑landowner
    110. landowning adjective [before noun] ↑landowning
    111. leasehold adjective ↑leasehold :: 2 × Renting, hiring and hire purchase in general :: 2 × Renting property :: 2 × Mortgages and real estate
    112. remortgage noun [C] ↑remortgage




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