

单词 in
释义 in

in /ɪn/

adjective INFORMAL
F0 fashionable or popular: » High heels are in this season.» The new jazz club seems to be the in place to go at the moment.Thesaurus+: ↑Modern and fashionable , ↑Fashion , ↑Modern and fashionable
adverb (AT PLACE)
B1 at home or at work: » When did you get home? I never heard you come in.» Mr Ellis isn't in this week.Thesaurus+: ↑Places and locations , ↑Unpleasant places
adverb (COAST)
F0 towards the coast, beach, or harbour: » The tide comes in very quickly here and you can soon find yourself stranded.» We stood watching the ship come in.Thesaurus+: ↑Describing movement towards
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Extra Examples:» We'll have to wait until the tide comes in.» Be careful not to get trapped when the tide come in.» Is the tide coming in or going out?» If the tide comes in, we'll be stranded on these rocks.» The tug towed the damaged ship back in.
F0 used to refer to an activity that makes something complete: » Just pencil in the answer unless you're sure it's correct.» The text is finished, but the pictures will have to be pasted in later.» UK Would you mind filling in a questionnaire about what you watch on television?Thesaurus+: ↑Complete and whole , ↑Very and extreme
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Extra Examples:» You can claim back the overpaid tax by filling in this form.» I got on with the business of filling in the form.» The children had to colour in the pictures.» Fill in the gaps with the correct answer.» Have you filled in the application form for your passport yet?
A2 from outside, or towards the centre:
» Could you bring the clothes in for me?» The roof of their house caved in during a hurricane.» Cut the pastry into a square and turn in the corners.Thesaurus+: ↑In and at
be in and out of somewhere INFORMAL
F0 to often be staying in and receiving treatment in a particular place:
» She's been in and out of hospitals ever since the accident.Thesaurus+: ↑In and at
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Extra Examples:» Push the clutch in, put the car into gear, rev the engine and then gently let the clutch out.» The goalkeeper was caught napping and the ball went straight in.» We went in by the front door.» Suddenly the door burst open and police officers carrying guns rushed in.» You have to take the needle and push it right in.
adverb (GIVEN)
B2 given or sent to someone official in order to be read: » When does your essay have to be in?» Remember to get your application in by the end of the week.
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Extra Examples:» The report has to be in by the end of the week.» It's important that you get your application in on time.» You should get your insurance claim in as soon as possible.» All essays must be in by Friday 14 March.» When does your tax return have to be in?
adverb (INSIDE)
F0 within an object, area, or substance: » We've been shut in all day.» Has the soup got any salt in?
adverb (SPORT)
F0 If the ball is in during a game of tennis or a similar sport, it has not gone outside the edges of the area on which the game is played:
» I won that point, I'm telling you! The ball was definitely in!Thesaurus+: ↑In and atThesaurus+: ↑General terms used in ball sports
F0 taking your turn to play, especially taking your turn to hit the ball:
» Who's in next for our team?» It started to rain just as our team was going in to bat.Thesaurus+: ↑Scoring, winning and losing in sport , ↑Winning and defeating , ↑Losing and being defeated
adverb (TRANSPORT)
B2 having arrived at the place where people can get on or off: » What time is Roz's flight due in?Thesaurus+: ↑Arriving, entering and invadingThesaurus+: ↑Boarding and alighting from modes of transport
preposition (AGE/TEMPERATURE)
F0 used when referring approximately to someone's age or the weather temperature: » Nowadays many women are in their late thirties when they have their first child.» Temperatures will be in the mid-twenties (= about 25 degrees).Thesaurus+: ↑Approximate
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Extra Examples:» He's probably in his late twenties.» The temperature is expected to be in the twenties tomorrow.» Her career only began to pick up when she was in her forties.» My dad's in his fifties.» She was well into her 90s when she died.
preposition (ARRANGEMENT)
B1 used to show how things or people are arranged or divided: » We all sat down in a circle.» The desks were arranged in rows of ten.» Discounts are available to people travelling in large groups.» Sometimes customers buy books in twos and threes, but rarely in larger quantities than that.» Cut the potatoes in two.» People are dying in their thousands from cold and starvation.Thesaurus+: ↑In and at
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Extra Examples:» Kim's birthday cake was in the shape of a train.» Luckily, help arrived in the shape of a police officer.» The events came in quick succession.» Most of Manhattan is laid out in a grid pattern with avenues going north-south and streets east-west.» The replies came back in ones and twos.
preposition (BEFORE THE END)
A2 before or at the end of a particular period: » Dinner will be ready in ten minutes.» We'll all be dead in a hundred years so there's no point worrying about it.» I'm just setting off, so I should be with you in half an hour.Thesaurus+: ↑In the future and soon
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Extra Examples:» We've got two clear weeks to finish the decorating.» Jim's car has clocked (up) 40 000 miles in less than two years.» Anyone who's late for work three times in one week gets a written warning from the boss.» He managed to pay off his debts in two years.» I'll be seeing Pat in a few days/in a few days' time.
preposition (CAUSE)
F0 [+ -ing verb] used to show when doing one thing is the cause of another thing happening:
» In refusing (= because she refused) to work abroad, she missed an excellent job opportunity.» The government banned tobacco advertising and, in doing so (= because of this), contributed greatly to the nation's health.Thesaurus+: ↑Causing things to happen
in that FORMAL
F0 because:
» This research is important in that it confirms the link between aggression and alcohol.Thesaurus+: ↑Connecting words which introduce a cause or reason
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Extra Examples:» In helping others, I'm indirectly helping myself.» Man introduced the grey squirrel to these parts and in doing so effectively wiped out the red squirrel.» In stepping up your exercise, you are also stepping up your calorie requirement.» In a sense you are helping her but in doing so, you are also preventing her from helping herself.» In attracting insects to your garden, you are also attracting birds.
preposition (CHARACTERISTIC)
F0 used to show which characteristic or part of a person or thing is being described: » The new version is worse in every respect - I much preferred the original.» Are the two bags equal in weight?» She's deaf in her left ear.
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Extra Examples:» In some ways, I preferred the old version.» In terms of value for money, it's a good deal.» The two teams are evenly matched in ability.» The bag was green in colour.» What's the difference in cost between the two cars?
F0 used to compare one part of an amount of something with the total amount of it: » Apparently one in ten people/one person in ten has problems with reading.» UK The basic rate of income tax is 25 pence in (US on) the pound.Thesaurus+: ↑Fractions
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Extra Examples:» One in five products was found to be defective.» The gradient of the hill increases to one in ten.» Only one in every 50 shoppers questioned had heard of the new proposals.» The project only has a one in 20 chance of success.» The chances of that happening must be one in a million!
preposition (DURING)
A1 during part or all of a period of time:
» We're going to Italy in April.» Some trees lose their leaves in (the) autumn.» I started working here in 2009.» Life in the 19th century was very different from what it is now.» Bye, see you in the morning (= tomorrow morning).» She was a brilliant gymnast in her youth (= when she was young).» How many civilians died in the Vietnam War?» This is the first cigarette I've had in three years.» I haven't had a decent night's sleep in years/ages (= for a long time).Thesaurus+: ↑Describing when something happened or will happenThesaurus+: ↑In and at
in between
F0 between the two times mentioned:
» I have breakfast at 7.30, lunch at 1.00, and sometimes a snack in between.Thesaurus+: ↑Between
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Extra Examples:» The bathroom gets chilly in the winter.» I was told off for talking in class.» I don't think we should expand our business in the current economic climate.» Our costs have climbed rapidly in the last few years.» Spain was admitted to the European Community in 1986.
preposition (EXPERIENCING)
B1 experiencing a situation or condition, or feeling an emotion: » We watched in horror as they pulled the bodies from the wreckage.» He's living in luxury in the south of France.» She left in a bit of a hurry.» You're in great danger.» Could I have a word with you in private?» Have you ever been in love?» Your car's in very good condition, considering how old it is.Thesaurus+: ↑Experiencing and suffering
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Extra Examples:» They were desperately in love to begin with, but I think it's starting to cool off now.» He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger.» Although I support the project in public, my private opinion is that it will fail.» They clung together in terror as the screams grew louder.» She watched in amazement as the fireworks exploded.
preposition (EXPRESSED)
B1 expressed or written in a particular way: » Cheques should be written in ink.» She usually paints in watercolour.» They spoke in Russian the whole time.» He always talks in a whisper.Thesaurus+: ↑In and at
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Extra Examples:» The document is written in plain English.» All the lectures were in French.» Please write your name in block capitals.» He made his views known in no uncertain terms.» The leaflet is available in a variety of languages.
preposition (INSIDE)
A1 inside or towards the inside of a container, place, or area, or surrounded or closed off by something: » Put the milk back in the fridge when you've finished with it.» Is Mark still in bed?» I got stuck in a traffic jam for half an hour.» They live in a charming old cottage.» How much is that coat on display in the window (= in the space behind the window of the shop)?» I've got a pain in my back.» What's that in your hand?» I've got something in (= on the surface of) my eye.» They used to live in Paris, but now they're somewhere in Austria.» He's always looking at himself in the mirror (= at the image of his face produced by the mirror).» I never know what's going on in her head (= what she's thinking about).» My daughter's in hospital (US in the hospital) having her tonsils out.» US Is Erika still in school (= does she still go to school)?Thesaurus+: ↑In and at
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Extra Examples:» I go to the cheapest hairdresser's in town.» "I can't find my keys." "Have another check in your jacket pockets."» He is one of the top chefs in Britain.» She sat in the dentist's waiting room, nervously chewing at her nails.» The chlorine in the pool makes my eyes sore.
preposition (INTO)
F0 into something: » Come on, we're late - get in the car.» Put it in the cupboard.» They threw him in the swimming pool.Thesaurus+: ↑Inserting and forcing things into other things
preposition (INVOLVED)
B1 involved or connected with a particular subject or activity: » I never knew you were in publishing.» a degree in philosophy» advances in medical scienceThesaurus+: ↑Taking part and getting involved , ↑Getting involved for one's own benefit or against others' willThesaurus+: ↑Including and containing , ↑Comprising and consisting of
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Extra Examples:» She's hoping to get a job in advertising.» The troops receive training in a number of different types of warfare.» She has a degree in French from Manchester University.» Changes in atmospheric pressure are producing these strange weather conditions.» There has been a lot of research done in that particular field.
preposition (NO MORE THAN)
A2 needing or using no more time than a particular amount of time: » Can you finish the job in two weeks?» She could get that essay done in a couple of hours if she really tried.» They completed the journey in record time (= faster than ever done before).Thesaurus+: ↑Until a particular moment
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Extra Examples:» I can run a mile in 5 minutes.» There's no way I can type up this whole report in one morning!» He explained the whole system in about 30 seconds - he doesn't waste words, does he?» I didn't think they would get all the bedrooms redecorated in just one day.» My letter arrived in two days, Mum said.
preposition (PART)
A2 forming a part of something: » He used to be the lead singer in a rock 'n' roll band.» There are too many spelling mistakes in this essay.» I've been waiting in this queue for ages.» What do you look for in a relationship?» I can see a future champion in Joely (= I think that Joely might become a champion).» Talent like hers is rare in someone so young.Thesaurus+: ↑In and at
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Extra Examples:» He sings in the church choir.» After years of chasing her dreams, she finally got a part in a film.» Centre all the headings in this document.» The camera work in some of these animal documentaries is fantastic.» There's some wonderful calligraphy in these old manuscripts.
preposition (RESULT)
B2 used when referring to something that is done as a result of something else: » I'd like to do something for you in return/exchange for everything you've done for me.» The changes are in response to demand from our customers.» He refused to say anything in reply to the journalists' questions.Thesaurus+: ↑Outcomes and consequences
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Extra Examples:» It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favours.» I'd like to do something for you in exchange for everything you've done for me.» Management have granted a 10% pay rise in response to union pressure.» The changes are in response to demand from our customers.» In reply to their questions, she just shrugged.
preposition (WEARING)
B1 wearing: » Do you recognize that man in the grey suit?» Pat can't resist men in uniform.» You look nice in green (= green clothes).Thesaurus+: ↑Wearing clothes
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Extra Examples:» You look strange in that outfit.» You'll be too hot in that jacket.» The children were dressed in identical uniforms.» You are expected to arrive in the appropriate attire.» The photograph showed local people in national costume.




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