

单词 time
释义 time

time /taɪm/

B2 [C] (ALSO times) a period in history:
» "A Tale of Two Cities" is set at the time of the French Revolution.» In/During medieval times, women thought to be witches were burned at the stake.» In times gone by, all crops were harvested by hand.» Times were hard (= living conditions were not good) when I was a boy.» He is widely regarded as one of the best writers of modern/our times (= the present or very recent past).» I never thought it would happen in my time (= before I died).» We sat and talked about old times (= things that had happened to us in the past.)Thesaurus+: ↑History - general wordsat one time C2
F0 in the past:
» At one time, George Eliot lived here.Thesaurus+: ↑In the past
ahead of your time (UK ALSO before your time)
F0 having new ideas, opinions, or ways of living long before most other people do
Thesaurus+: ↑Modern and fashionable , ↑Fashion , ↑Modern and fashionable
before your time
F0 If something or someone is before your time, they happened or existed before you were born or were old enough to remember them:
» I don't remember the Beatles - they were before my time. SEE ALSO AHEAD OF YOUR TIME(Cf. ↑ahead of your time)Thesaurus+: ↑Describing people who are young
time was
F0 said to mean that there was a period in the past when something used to happen or be true:
» Time was (when) you could buy a loaf of bread for sixpence.Thesaurus+: ↑In the past
• • •
Extra Examples:» These coins were used in Roman times.» My novel is set in the time of the French Revolution.» I don't suppose we'll find life on Mars in my time.
A2 [U] the part of existence that is measured in minutes, days, years, etc., or this process considered as a whole:
» He wants to spend more time with his family.» Time passes so quickly when you're enjoying yourself.» She grew more and more fascinated by the subject as time went on/by.» The curtains have faded over/with time (= as years have gone past).» You'll forget her in time (= in the future).» Over the course of time (= as years have gone past), holes have formed in the rock.» When Paula was ill, I took her some magazines to help her pass the time.» If you'd taken more time with/over (= spent more time doing) this essay, you could have done it much better.» It takes a long time (= many hours are needed) to get from London to Sydney.» We'd save time on our journey (= it would be quicker) if we went by train.» I only worked there for a short period of time.» The kitchen clock is gaining/losing time (= is going fast/slow).» My watch has never kept very good time (= been correct).Thesaurus+: ↑Relating to time
all the time
A2 continuously:
» I wish you'd stop criticizing me all the time.Thesaurus+: ↑Always and never
in no time C1 (ALSO in next to no time)
F0 very quickly or very soon:
» The children ate their dinner in no time.» We'll be home in next to no time.Thesaurus+: ↑Hurrying and doing things quickly , ↑Busy and active
no time to lose
F0 If you say there is or that you have no time to lose, it means that you must do quickly whatever it is that you want to do:
» Come on, there's no time to lose, we must get home before John finds out.Thesaurus+: ↑Immediately
for all time LITERARY
F0 always:
» I will love you for all time.Thesaurus+: ↑Lasting for a long time
of all time
F0 that has ever lived or existed:
» She's been called the greatest singer of all time.Thesaurus+: ↑Always and neverWord Builder:Nouns: time, overtime, timer, timingAdjectives: timeless, timely, untimelyVerbs: time
• • •
Extra Examples:» I'd like some time to consider before I make a decision.» If we cut across the field, it'll save time.» She spends a good deal of her time in Glasgow.» How much time do you allow yourself to get ready in the morning?» A considerable amount of time and effort has gone into this exhibition.
A2 [C] an occasion when somnething happens, or the experience connected with it:
» The last time we went to Paris, it rained every day.» Every time/Each time I ask you to do something you say you're busy.» They go swimming three or four times a week.» There are times when I wish I didn't live where I do.» The four-times (US four-time) champion (= the champion on four occasions in the past) was defeated in the second round.» If I'd known at the time (= then) that she was his former wife, I'd never have said what I did.» Sometimes I enjoy my English lessons, but at other times I find them really boring.» For the umpteenth/hundredth/thousandth time, (= I've told you on many occasions to) stop hitting your sister.» Did you have a bad/good time (= an unpleasant/enjoyable experience) at the conference?» She had an easy/hard time of it (= a comfortable/uncomfortable experience) with the birth of her second baby.Thesaurus+: ↑Points in timeThesaurus+: ↑Experiencing and suffering
from time to time
B2 sometimes, but not often:
» From time to time I still think of her.Thesaurus+: ↑Rarely and infrequently
time after time
C2 again and again:
» Time after time she gets involved in relationships with unsuitable men.Thesaurus+: ↑Continually and repeatedly
time and (time) again
F0 very often:
» I've told you time and time again - look before you cross the road.Thesaurus+: ↑Continually and repeatedly
at all times
F0 continuously:
» When you're at the airport, you should make sure you have your luggage with you at all times.Thesaurus+: ↑Always and never
at (any) one time (ALSO at a time, ALSO at any given time)
F0 at or during any particular point or moment in the day:
» Only a certain number of people are allowed in the building at any one time.» I'm sorry, but I'm too busy to help you now - I can only do one thing at a time.Thesaurus+: ↑Points in time
at times
C1 sometimes:
» You can be really annoying at times, you know.Thesaurus+: ↑Rarely and infrequently
at any time
F0 ever:
» Parking is not allowed here at any time.Thesaurus+: ↑Always and never
the times UK
F0 on many occasions:
» The times I've told you, ask before you borrow my clothes.Thesaurus+: ↑Continually and repeatedly
• • •
Extra Examples:» The announcement came at a bad time.» Don't be daft - let me pay - you paid last time.» Every time I ring her, the phone is engaged.» I fell in love with him the first time I saw him.» I was embarrassed at the time, but I had a good laugh about it later.
A1 [C or S or U] a particular point in the day, as expressed in hours and minutes or shown on a clock, or a particular point in time:
» "What's the time?" "It's ten o'clock."» What time is it?» What time do you finish work?» Have you got the time? (= Do you know what time it is?)» He's teaching his daughter to tell the time (= to recognize what time it is by looking at a clock).» Did you find out the times of the trains to London?» The estimated time of arrival/departure of this flight is 11.15.» Oh dear, is that the (right) time? (= is it really so late?)» We always have dinner at the same time every day.» I was exhausted by the time (= when) I got home.» When would be a good time for me to call you?» "What would be the best time of day for us to deliver the table?" "Oh, any time will be OK."» Today's temperatures will be normal for the time of year (= will be as they are expected to be in this season).» Just think, this time (= at the same particular point during) next week we'll be in Mauritius.» We regret that at the present time (US ALSO at this time) we are unable to supply the goods you ordered.» The time is fast drawing near/approaching (= it will soon be the time) when we'll have to make a decision.Thesaurus+: ↑Points in time
at the time
A2 at the particular point when something was thought of or done:
» It seemed like a good idea at the time.Thesaurus+: ↑In the past
at the same time
B1 If two things happen at the same time, they happen together:
» We arrived at the same time.
at your time of life
F0 at a person's present age:
» At his time of life, he ought to be taking things easy.Thesaurus+: ↑Describing age and birthdays
• • •
Extra Examples:» What time would it be convenient for me to come round?» By the time the meal began, the youngest children were getting tired and crotchety.» I might go to the cinema tomorrow - it depends what time I get home from work.» The train was empty by the time it reached London.» The exact time of the accident was 2.43 pm.
noun (PERIOD)
A2 [S or U] a particular period of time for which something has been happening, or that is needed for something:
» I enjoyed my course at first, but after a time I got bored with it.» They stayed with us for a short time.» That was the best restaurant I've been to for/in a long time (= a long period has gone past since I went to such a good restaurant).» It was some time ago that I last heard from her.» We're going on holiday in two weeks' time (= after two weeks have passed).» During her time (= while she was) in office, the prime minister introduced a large number of changes.» What do you like doing in your spare/free time (= when you are not working)?Thesaurus+: ↑Relating to time
have/take time off
F0 to stop work, in order to do something else:
» I asked my boss if I could have some time off (from work) to go to the dentist.Thesaurus+: ↑Cancelling and interrupting
for a time
F0 for a short period:
» For a time, we all thought that Sheila and Frank would get married.Thesaurus+: ↑Short in time , ↑Temporary
for some time
B2 for a fairly long period of time:
» I've been doing yoga for some time.
for the time being
C1 for a limited period:
» Leave the ironing for the time being - I'll do it later.Thesaurus+: ↑NowThesaurus+: ↑Until a particular moment
• • •
Extra Examples:» I cherish the memories of the time we spent together.» Childhood is not always a happy time.» She has a difficult time ahead of her.» Being out of work for a long time is very demoralizing.» Have we got time for a quick drink?
noun (PRISON)
do time INFORMAL F0 to spend a period of time in prison: » It's not always easy to find a job after you've done time.Thesaurus+: ↑Putting people in prison
B1 [S or U] a particular point of the day, year, etc. that is suitable for a particular activity, or at which something is expected to happen:
» holiday time» party time» Put your toys away now - it's time for bed.» It's time (that) I was leaving.» [+ to infinitive] Is it time to go home yet?» This is not the time (= not a suitable moment) to be thinking about buying a house.» This is no time (= not a suitable moment) to change your mind.» I feel that the time has come (= now is a suitable moment) for me to move on.» The repairs to the road were finished two weeks ahead of time (= sooner than was expected).» Why is it that the trains never run on time (= make their journeys in the expected number of hours, etc.)?» She's grown old before her time (= sooner than she might have been expected to have done).Thesaurus+: ↑Points in time
in time
B1 early enough:
» I got home just in time - it's starting to rain.» If we don't hurry up, we won't be in time to catch the train.» We arrived in good time (= we arrived early) for the start of the match.Thesaurus+: ↑At the right time
(bang/dead/right) on time INFORMAL
F0 happening or done at the particular moment that it was expected to happen or be done:
» The bus arrived dead on time.Thesaurus+: ↑At the right time
ahead of time MAINLY US
F0 earlier than a particular moment:
» Let's meet for lunch. I'll call you ahead of time to fix up exactly when and where.Thesaurus+: ↑Before, after and already , ↑After and behindabout time
C1 (ALSO high time) informal
F0 If it is about time/high time that someone did something, it should have been done sooner or a long time ago:
» It's about time (that) the school improved its meals service.» It is high time for the critics to open their minds to a new approach.Thesaurus+: ↑Lateabout time (too) (ALSO not before time) informal
F0 said when someone does something or something happens that you think should have been done or have happened much sooner:
» "So Ben's finally found a job." "Yes, and about time too."Thesaurus+: ↑Late
• • •
Extra Examples:» It's time we dug up those potatoes.» Many politicians argued that this was no time to disarm .» The submarine dived just in time to avoid the enemy attack.» Drink up! It's time to go.» Borrowers are expected to return books on time.
noun (SYSTEM)
C1 [U] the system of recording hours used in different parts of the world: » Greenwich Mean Time» daylight saving timeThesaurus+: ↑Days and times of day
F0 an amount of time that you have available to do something:
» I don't know how you find time to do all the things you do.» I thought we'd give her a bit more time (= allow her more time) to get the job done.» I'd like to visit them all but time is short (= there is little time left).
have time
B1 If you have got time, you have enough time to do something:
» We haven't got much time before the train leaves.» Have you got time for a quick drink after work?» I'd like to learn to sail, but I haven't the time (= I am too busy).» [+ to infinitive] I haven't got time to go to the shops today.Thesaurus+: ↑Relating to time
waste time
A2 to not make good use of the hours, etc. that you have available:
» If you'd got on with your work instead of wasting time chatting, you'd be finished by now.Thesaurus+: ↑Delaying and wasting time
run out of time
B1 to not have enough hours, etc. available to finish something you are trying to do:
» She ran out of time and didn't finish the last question.Thesaurus+: ↑Spending time and time passing
be (all) out of time
F0 to not have enough minutes, etc. available:
» I'd like to continue this discussion but we're all out of time.Thesaurus+: ↑Scarce, inadequate and not enough , ↑Lacking things
time's up INFORMAL
F0 there are no more minutes, hours, etc. available:
» OK, everyone, time's up for this week.Thesaurus+: ↑Expressions telling people to stop doing something
noun [C or U] (RACE)
F0 Your time in a race is the number of minutes, hours, etc. you take to complete it: » Her time for the marathon was just under three hours.» He won the 100 metres in record time.Thesaurus+: ↑Competitions, and parts of competitions
noun [U] (DRINKING)
F0 the particular point in the day at which people who are drinking in a bar in the UK have to finish their drinks and leave: » "Time, please!" called the landlord.» Is it time already?Thesaurus+: ↑Drinking alcoholThesaurus+: ↑Days and times of day
noun [U] (MUSIC)
F0 the number of beats in a bar of music, or the speed at which a piece of music is intended to be played: » This piece is written in 4/4 time.» Small children often have difficulty singing in time with the music (= at the same speed at which the music is being played).» It seemed to me as if the violins were playing out of time (= at a different speed from the other instruments playing the same piece of music).» To beat time is to make a regular series of sounds at the same speed as a piece of music is played.» Tapping your foot will help you to keep time (= to play the music at the correct speed).Thesaurus+: ↑Beats or lengths of musical notes
verb [T] (ARRANGE) ↑Verb Endings for time
F0 to decide that something will happen at a particular time:
» [+ to infinitive] We timed our trip to coincide with my cousin's wedding.Thesaurus+: ↑Planning, expecting and arranging , ↑Plotting and trapping
F0 to arrange something so that it happens at an exactly suitable time:
» If you time your departure carefully, you should be able to miss the worst of the traffic.» She won the game with a brilliantly timed shot (= one played at exactly the right moment).Thesaurus+: ↑Planning, expecting and arranging , ↑Plotting and trappingWord Builder:Nouns: time, overtime, timer, timingAdjectives: timeless, timely, untimelyVerbs: time
• • •
Extra Examples:» They timed the book to coincide with the film release.» They timed the trip for after the end of their project.
verb [T] (MEASURE) ↑Verb Endings for time
B2 to measure how long it takes for something to happen or for someone to do something: » Will you time me to see how long it takes me to swim a length?Thesaurus+: ↑Weighing and measuring




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