

aeolian aeon aerate aeration aerator
aerial aerial root aerie aero- aerobatic
aerobatics aerobic aerobic respiration aerobics aerodrome
aerodynamic aerodynamically aerodynamics aerogramme aeronautic
aeronautical aeronautics aeroplane aerosol aerospace
aesthete aesthetic aesthetically aesthetics aetiology
a fact of life afaik a fair crack of the whip a fair hearing afar
a fate worse than death AFDC a feather in your cap a feel for sth a few
a few/couple of steps a few well-chosen words affability affable affably
affair affairs of state affect affectation affected
affectedly affecting affection affectionate affectionately
affections affective affidavit affiliate affiliation
affiliation order affinity affinity card affirm affirmation
affirmative affirmative action affirmatively affix afflict
affliction affluence affluent affluenza afford
affordable afforest afforestation affray affricate
affront Afghan hound aficionado afield a fifth/third wheel
a fight to the finish a figment of sb's imagination a fine figure of a man/woman a fine line a firm hand
a fishing expedition afk aflame a flaming row a flash in the pan
afloat a flush of anger, excitement, pleasure, etc. aflutter a fond belief/hope afoot
a force to be reckoned with afore aforementioned aforesaid afoul
afraid A-frame a free ride afresh Africa
African African American African-American African violet a friend in need is a friend indeed
Afrikaans Afrikaner Afro Afro- aft
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