Amnesty International |
amniocentesis |
amnion |
amniotic |
amniotic fluid |
amoeba |
amoebic |
amoebic dysentery |
amok |
among |
amongst |
a month's, a year's, etc. worth of sth |
amontillado |
amoral |
amorality |
amorous |
amorphous |
amortizable |
amortization |
amortize |
amount |
a mountain of sth |
amount to sth |
amour propre |
a mouth to feed |
amp |
amperage |
ampersand |
amphetamine |
amphibian |
amphibious |
amphitheatre |
amphora |
ample |
amplification |
amplifier |
amplify |
amplitude |
amply |
ampoule |
amputate |
amputation |
amputee |
amuck |
a mug's game |
amulet |
a multitude of |
amuse |
amused |
amusement |
amusement arcade |
amusement park |
amusing |
amusingly |
a must-do, must-have, must-see, etc. |
amylase |
amyl nitrate |
amyl nitrite |
-an |
an |
anabolic steroid |
an accident waiting to happen |
an ace up your sleeve |
anachronism |
anachronistic |
anachronistically |
anaconda |
an acquired taste |
anaemia |
anaemic |
anaerobic |
anaerobic respiration |
anaesthesia |
anaesthetic |
anaesthetist |
anaesthetize |
an age |
anagram |
anal |
analgesic |
anally |
anally retentive |
analogous |
analogue |
analogue clock/watch |
analogy |
anal-retentive |
analyse |
analysis |
analyst |
analytical |
analytically |
an apple a day keeps the doctor away |
anarchic |
anarchism |
anarchist |
anarchistic |
anarchy |
an arm and a leg |
a narrow escape |
a narrow squeak |
an artist, poet, writer, etc. manqué |
an aspiring actor, politician, writer, etc. |
a nasty piece of work |
anathema |
anatomical |
anatomically |
anatomically correct |
anatomy |
an attempt on sb's life |
-ance |
ancestor |
ancestral |
ancestry |
anchor |
anchorage |
anchorite |
anchorman |
anchorwoman |
anchovy |
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