adjective /ˈɒpəzɪt/
Idioms - Answers are given on the opposite page.
- We live further down on the opposite side of the road.
- It's not easy having a relationship when you live at opposite ends of the country.
- I could see smoke coming from the windows of the house directly opposite.
- He sat down in the chair opposite.
- I watched them leave and then drove off in the opposite direction.
- She tried calming him down but it seemed to be having the opposite effect.
- students at opposite ends of the ability range
- a story about a pair of young boys from opposite extremes of society
- opposite to somebody/something She took a view opposite to that of Fraser.
Word Originlate Middle English: via Old French from Latin oppositus, past participle of opponere ‘set against’.
your opposite number
- (informal) a person who does the same job as you in another organization
- The Foreign Secretary is currently having talks with his opposite number in the White House.
the opposite sex
- the other sex
- He found it difficult to talk to members of the opposite sex.
pull in different/opposite directions
- to have different aims that cannot be achieved together without causing problems
- There are different considerations, often pulling in different directions.