释义 |
- acid rainnoun
c1 - act of Godidiom
c2 - aerosolnoun
c2 - aftershocknoun
c2 - aidnoun
b2 - airnoun
a1 - airliftnoun
c2 - airliftverb
c2 - air qualitynoun
a2 - alternative fuelnoun
b2 - asbestosnoun
c2 - atomic energynoun
c1 - avalanchenoun
b2 - biodegradableadjective
c1 - biodiversitynoun
c1 - biofuelnoun
b2 - biogasnoun
c2 - biohazardnoun
c2 - biological diversitynoun
c1 - blackoutnoun
c2 - blizzardnoun
b2 - bottle banknoun
b2 - cablenoun
b2 - carbonnoun
b2 - carbon creditnoun
c2 - carbon debtnoun
c2 - carbon dioxidenoun
b2 - carbon monoxidenoun
c1 - carbon-neutraladjective
c1 - carbon offsetnoun
c2 - carbon tradingnoun
c1 - cataclysmnoun
c2 - catalytic converternoun
c2 - CFCnoun
c2 - cleanadjective
a1 - clean-upnoun
b2 - climatenoun
a2 - climate changenoun
a2 - climate crisisnoun
b2 - climate emergencynoun
b1 - climate strikenoun
b2 - coalnoun
b1 - compostverb
c2 - conservancynoun
c2 - conservationnoun
b2 - conservation areanoun
b2 - conservationistnoun
c1 - conserveverb
c1 - consumeverb
b1 - consumptionnoun
b2 - contaminateverb
c1 - contaminationnoun
c1 - cooling towernoun
c2 - crudenoun
c2 - cyclonenoun
c1 - damnoun
c1 - death tollnoun
c2 - deforestationnoun
b2 - derricknoun
c2 - disaster areanoun
b1 - disposalnoun
c1 - diversitynoun
b2 - drillverb
c1 - dumpverb
b2 - dumpernoun
c1 - dumpingnoun
c1 - dust stormnoun
b2 - earthquakenoun
b1 - eco-friendlyadjective
b2 - ecologicaladjective
c1 - ecologistnoun
c1 - ecologynoun
b2 - ecosystemnoun
b2 - ecoterrorismnoun
c2 - ecotourismnoun
c2 - effluentnoun
c2 - electrical stormnoun
c1 - electricitynoun
a2 - emergency servicesnoun
b2 - emissions tradingnoun
c2 - energynoun
a2 - environmentnoun
a2 - environmentaladjective
b1 - environmentalismnoun
c1 - environmentalistnoun
b2 - environmentally friendlyadjective
b2 - epicentrenoun
c2 - eruptverb
b2 - eruptionnoun
b2 - eruptiveadjective
c2 - exhaustnoun
c1 - eyenoun
c2 - falloutnoun
c2 - fast breedernoun
c2 - fellverb
c2 - first respondernoun
c2 - flash floodnoun
c2 - floodwaternoun
b2 - focusnoun
c2 - food milenoun
c1 - fossil fuelnoun
b2 - frackingnoun
c2 - fuel cellnoun
c2 - fuel rodnoun
c2 - fumesnoun
c1 - Gaianoun
c2 - game reservenoun
c2 - garbagenoun
a2 - gasnoun
a2 - generateverb
b2 - generationnoun
b2 - geothermaladjective
c2 - global heatingnoun
b1 - global warmingnoun
b1 - greenadjective
b1 - greenverb
c2 - green auditnoun
c2 - green beltnoun
b2 - greenhouse gasnoun
b2 - green manurenoun
c2 - greenwashnoun
c2 - habitatnoun
b2 - hazmat suitnoun
c2 - hurricanenoun
b1 - hydroelectricadjective
b2 - hydroelectricitynoun
c1 - landfillnoun
b2 - landslidenoun
b2 - lavanoun
b2 - leachverb
c2 - leadedadjective
c2 - logverb
c2 - loggingnoun
c1 - low-impactadjective
c1 - magnitudenoun
c2 - managedadjective
c1 - naturaladjective
a1 - natural disasternoun
a2 - naturenoun
a2 - nature reservenoun
c1 - nitrogen cyclenoun
c2 - non-biodegradableadjective
c2 - nuclearadjective
b1 - nuclear energynoun
b1 - nuclear powernoun
b1 - nuclear reactornoun
c1 - oilnoun
a2 - oil rignoun
b2 - oil slicknoun
c2 - oil wellnoun
c1 - ozone-friendlyadjective
c2 - ozone holenoun
c2 - ozone layernoun
c1 - particulateadjective
c2 - particulatenoun
c2 - PETnoun
c2 - petrolnoun
a2 - plasticnoun
a2 - plumenoun
c2 - poisonousadjective
b1 - polluteverb
b1 - polluternoun
b2 - pollutionnoun
a2 - powernoun
a2 - power stationnoun
b1 - protectverb
a2 - protectionnoun
b2 - pylonnoun
c1 - radioactiveadjective
c1 - reactornoun
c1 - recycleverb
a2 - recyclingnoun
a2 - refineverb
c1 - refinerynoun
c2 - reintroduceverb
c1 - reliefnoun
b2 - renewableadjective
b1 - reservenoun
b2 - reservistnoun
c2 - resourcenoun
b1 - reuseverb
c1 - reusenoun
c1 - rignoun
b2 - rubbishnoun
a2 - salvagenoun
c2 - sanctuarynoun
c1 - sandstormnoun
b1 - seaquakenoun
c2 - shocknoun
b2 - shock wavenoun
c1 - slicknoun
c2 - smognoun
c1 - smokenoun
a2 - snowslidenoun
c1 - solaradjective
b2 - solar cellnoun
c1 - solar panelnoun
b1 - sootnoun
c2 - the greenhouse effectnoun
c1 - stormnoun
a2 - substationnoun
c2 - sustainableadjective
b2 - tanknoun
b2 - tankernoun
c1 - temblornoun
c2 - thunderstormnoun
b2 - tidal wavenoun
c1 - tollnoun
c1 - tornadonoun
b1 - toxicadjective
c1 - toxicitynoun
c2 - trashnoun
a2 - tremornoun
c2 - tsunaminoun
b2 - turbinenoun
b1 - twisternoun
c2 - typhoonnoun
b2 - unleadednoun
c2 - unleadedadjective
c2 - volcanicadjective
b2 - volcanonoun
b1 - wastenoun
b1 - waterspoutnoun
c2 - wind farmnoun
b2 - windstormnoun
b1 - wind turbinenoun
b1 - zero-carbonadjective