单词 |
@topic_cooking-and-eating |
释义 |
- abstainverb
c2 - abstemiousadjective
c2 - abstinencenoun
c2 - afternoon teanoun
b2 - al denteadverb
c2 - anorexianoun
c2 - anorexicnoun
c2 - anorexicadjective
c2 - antioxidantnoun
c2 - antipastonoun
c2 - appetitenoun
c1 - appetizernoun
c1 - appetizingadjective
c1 - bakeverb
b1 - baking powdernoun
c2 - baking sheetnoun
c2 - balancedadjective
b2 - balloon whisknoun
c2 - banquetnoun
c1 - barbecuenoun
b1 - barbecueverb
b1 - barbienoun
c2 - basteverb
c2 - batternoun
c1 - beatverb
b2 - be starving (for something)idiom
c2 - billnoun
a1 - bill of farenoun
c2 - bingenoun
c2 - bingeverb
c2 - bistronoun
c1 - bitteradjective
b2 - blandadjective
c1 - blendverb
c1 - blendernoun
c1 - blowoutnoun
c2 - boilverb
a2 - bookverb
a2 - boothnoun
c2 - bottlenoun
a1 - bowlnoun
a2 - braiseverb
c2 - brasserienoun
c2 - breakfastnoun
a1 - broilverb
c2 - broilernoun
c2 - brunchnoun
c1 - buffetnoun
c1 - bulimianoun
c2 - burnernoun
c2 - busboynoun
c2 - butter knifenoun
b1 - cafenoun
a1 - cafeterianoun
b1 - calorienoun
b1 - calorificadjective
c2 - carbnoun
b2 - carbohydratenoun
b2 - carry-outnoun
b2 - carveverb
c1 - carverynoun
c2 - carving knifenoun
c1 - chargrillverb
c2 - checknoun
a2 - cheesyadjective
b2 - chefnoun
a2 - chewyadjective
c1 - cholesterolnoun
c1 - chopverb
b2 - chopping boardnoun
c1 - chopsticknoun
b2 - Christmasnoun
a1 - chunkyadjective
c1 - cling filmnoun
c2 - cocktail sticknoun
c2 - colandernoun
c2 - commisnoun
c2 - convenience foodnoun
c1 - cookverb
a1 - cooknoun
a2 - cookbooknoun
b1 - cookernoun
a2 - cookerynoun
b1 - cookery booknoun
b1 - cookingnoun
a1 - cookwarenoun
c2 - corkagenoun
c2 - corkscrewnoun
c1 - counternoun
b2 - countertopnoun
b2 - coursenoun
b1 - cream teanoun
c2 - creamyadjective
c1 - crispadjective
c1 - crispyadjective
c1 - crockerynoun
c2 - crunchyadjective
c1 - crustyadjective
c2 - cuisinenoun
b2 - culinaryadjective
c2 - cutlerynoun
c1 - deep-fryverb
c1 - defrostverb
c1 - deliciousadjective
a1 - dessertverb
a2 - dessertspoonnoun
c2 - diceverb
c2 - dietnoun
a1 - dietverb
b1 - dieticiannoun
c2 - digestverb
c1 - digestionnoun
c1 - dineverb
c2 - dinernoun
c1 - dining tablenoun
c1 - dinnernoun
a1 - dinner theaternoun
c2 - dishnoun
a1 - dishwashernoun
a2 - doggy bagnoun
c2 - doilynoun
c2 - drive-throughnoun
c1 - dryadjective
a2 - eatverb
a1 - eaterynoun
c2 - eatingnoun
a1 - eating disordernoun
b2 - elevensesnoun
c2 - entréenoun
c2 - fastnoun
c2 - fast foodnoun
a2 - fatnoun
a2 - fatteningadjective
c1 - fatty acidnoun
c2 - feastnoun
c1 - fibrenoun
c1 - fillingadjective
c1 - finger bowlnoun
b2 - fish knifenoun
b2 - flavourverb
b2 - foodnoun
a1 - food courtnoun
c2 - foodienoun
c2 - food processornoun
c1 - foodynoun
c2 - forknoun
a2 - freshadjective
a2 - fryverb
b1 - frying pannoun
b2 - fry-upnoun
c2 - full-bodiedadjective
c2 - garbage disposalnoun
c1 - garlic pressnoun
c2 - garnishverb
c2 - gas ringnoun
c1 - gastropubnoun
c2 - gelatinnoun
c2 - gingeryadjective
c2 - glassnoun
a1 - glasswarenoun
c2 - gramnoun
b2 - grammenoun
b2 - grateverb
c1 - graternoun
c2 - gratuitynoun
c2 - greaseproof papernoun
c2 - greasyadjective
c1 - greasy spoonnoun
c2 - greeternoun
c2 - griddlenoun
c2 - grillnoun
c1 - grillverb
b2 - grindverb
c1 - halaladjective
c2 - health foodnoun
b2 - healthfuladjective
c2 - healthyadjective
a1 - heatverb
a2 - helpingnoun
c2 - high teanoun
c2 - hobnoun
c2 - hors d’oeuvrenoun
c2 - hostnoun
b1 - hostessnoun
c2 - hotadjective
b1 - hotplatenoun
c2 - iceverb
c1 - ingredientnoun
b1 - insipidadjective
c2 - jarnoun
b2 - juicernoun
c2 - juicyadjective
b2 - julienneadjective
c2 - junk foodnoun
a2 - kettlenoun
b1 - kilonoun
a2 - kilogramnoun
a2 - kitchennoun
a1 - kitchen porternoun
c2 - kneadverb
c2 - knifenoun
a2 - kosheradjective
c2 - lacto-ovo-vegetariannoun
c2 - lacto-vegetariannoun
c2 - ladlenoun
c2 - leanadjective
b2 - lemon-squeezernoun
c1 - lightadjective
b1 - liquidnoun
b1 - liquidizeverb
c2 - liquidizernoun
c2 - liteadjective
c2 - liter
b1 - litrenoun
b2 - lo-caladjective
c2 - low-caladjective
c2 - low-fatadjective
b2 - lunchnoun
a1 - lunchverb
a1 - luncheonettenoun
c2 - lunchtimenoun
a2 - mainadjective
a1 - main coursenoun
b1 - marinadenoun
c2 - marinadeverb
c2 - marinateverb
c2 - mashverb
c1 - matureadjective
c2 - maître d’noun
c2 - mealnoun
a1 - measureverb
b1 - measuring cupnoun
c2 - measuring jugnoun
c1 - meat grindernoun
c2 - meatyadjective
c1 - menunoun
a1 - microwavenoun
b1 - microwaveverb
b1 - mildadjective
b1 - minceverb
c2 - mincernoun
c2 - mineralnoun
b2 - mixverb
b1 - mixernoun
b2 - mixing bowlnoun
b2 - moreishadjective
c2 - mugnoun
b2 - mushyadjective
c2 - napkinnoun
c1 - nibblenoun
c2 - nosh-upnoun
c2 - nourishverb
c2 - nourishmentnoun
c2 - nutritionnoun
b2 - nutritionaladjective
c1 - nutritionallyadverb
c1 - nutritiousadjective
b2 - oilyadjective
c1 - Omega-3noun
c2 - openernoun
c1 - ordernoun
a2 - orderverb
a1 - organicadjective
b2 - ouncenoun
c1 - ovennoun
a2 - ovenwarenoun
c2 - overfedadjective
c2 - overfeedverb
c2 - packed lunchnoun
b1 - pannoun
b1 - paper towelnoun
b1 - parboilverb
c2 - patronagenoun
c2 - patronizeverb
c2 - peelverb
b2 - peelernoun
c2 - pestlenoun
c2 - picanteadjective
c2 - picnicnoun
b1 - pitchernoun
c1 - pizzerianoun
b2 - place matnoun
c2 - platenoun
a2 - pluckverb
c2 - poachverb
c2 - portionnoun
b2 - potnoun
b1 - poundnoun
b1 - preheatverb
c2 - prepareverb
a1 - pressverb
c1 - pressure cookernoun
c2 - proteinnoun
b2 - pudnoun
c2 - puddingnoun
b2 - pungentadjective
c2 - rangenoun
c2 - rareadjective
c2 - ready mealnoun
c1 - recipenoun
a2 - regimenoun
c1 - regimennoun
c2 - regularnoun
c1 - reheatverb
c1 - reservationnoun
b1 - reserveverb
b2 - restaurantnoun
a1 - richadjective
b2 - ripeadjective
c1 - roadhousenoun
c2 - roastverb
b1 - roastnoun
b2 - rolling pinnoun
c2 - rotisserienoun
c2 - rubberyadjective
c2 - saltyadjective
a2 - saucepannoun
b1 - saucernoun
c1 - sautéadjective
c2 - sautéverb
c2 - savoryadjective
c1 - savouryadjective
c1 - scalenoun
b2 - scoopnoun
c2 - scrambleverb
c2 - seasonverb
c2 - self-serviceadjective
b2 - self-servicenoun
b2 - serveverb
a2 - servernoun
b2 - serverynoun
c2 - servicenoun
b1 - service chargenoun
c1 - serviettenoun
c1 - settingnoun
c2 - short-order cooknoun
c2 - shoutverb
c2 - side dishnoun
c1 - side ordernoun
c2 - side platenoun
c1 - side saladnoun
c1 - sievenoun
c2 - silverwarenoun
c2 - simmerverb
c1 - skewernoun
c2 - skilletnoun
c2 - sliceverb
b1 - slotted spoonnoun
c2 - slow cookernoun
c2 - snacknoun
a2 - sommeliernoun
c2 - souradjective
b2 - sous-chefnoun
c2 - spatulanoun
c2 - specialnoun
c2 - specialitynoun
c1 - specialtynoun
c1 - spicyadjective
b1 - spit-roastverb
c2 - spoonnoun
a2 - spoonfulnoun
b2 - spreadverb
b2 - sprinkleverb
c2 - squeezeverb
c1 - staleadjective
c1 - staplenoun
c2 - staple dietnoun
c2 - starchyadjective
c2 - starternoun
b1 - the Atkins Diet™
c2 - steakhousenoun
c2 - steamverb
c1 - steamernoun
c2 - stewverb
c1 - stirverb
c1 - stir-fryverb
c2 - stodgyadjective
c2 - stovenoun
b2 - stovetopnoun
c2 - strainverb
c2 - strainernoun
c2 - stringyadjective
c2 - strongadjective
b1 - stuffverb
c2 - sun-driedadjective
c1 - suppernoun
b2 - sweetnoun
a2 - sweetnoun
b2 - tabnoun
c2 - tableclothnoun
c1 - table d’hôtenoun
c2 - table matnoun
c1 - table napkinnoun
c1 - tablespoonnoun
c1 - takeawaynoun
b2 - tariffnoun
c1 - tartadjective
c2 - tastenoun
a2 - tasteverb
a2 - tastelessadjective
c1 - tastyadjective
b1 - teanoun
a1 - tea roomnoun
c2 - tea shopnoun
c2 - teaspoonnoun
b2 - teatimenoun
c1 - teetotaladjective
c2 - teetotalismnoun
c2 - tenderadjective
c1 - tenderizeverb
c2 - texturenoun
c1 - thickadjective
b1 - thinadjective
b1 - tinnoun
b1 - tinnedadjective
c1 - tin openernoun
c1 - tipnoun
b1 - tipverb
b1 - toastverb
b1 - toasternoun
b2 - to goidiom
c1 - tongsnoun
c2 - toppingnoun
b2 - toughadjective
b2 - trans-fatty acidnoun
c2 - trattorianoun
c2 - traynoun
c1 - tureennoun
c2 - TV dinnernoun
c2 - umaminoun
c2 - unhealthyadjective
a2 - unpalatableadjective
c2 - unwholesomeadjective
c2 - utensilnoun
c1 - valetnoun
c2 - vegannoun
c1 - vegetariannoun
a2 - vegetarianadjective
a2 - vegetarianismnoun
c1 - veggienoun
c2 - vitaminnoun
b2 - wait at tableidiom
c2 - waiternoun
a1 - waitpersonnoun
c2 - waitressnoun
b1 - waitstaffnoun
c2 - wait tablesidiom
c2 - warmverb
b1 - washing-upnoun
b1 - waste disposal unitnoun
c1 - wateryadjective
c1 - wax papernoun
c2 - weighverb
b1 - well doneadjective
c1 - whipverb
c1 - whisknoun
c2 - wholefoodnoun
c2 - wholesomeadjective
c2 - wine barnoun
b1 - wine listnoun
b1 - wine stewardnoun
c2 - wine waiternoun
b1 - woknoun
c2 - wooden spoonnoun
b2 - worktopnoun
c2 - à la carteadjective
c2 - yeastnoun
c2 - zippyadjective
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