Benjamin Spock
/ˌbendʒəmɪn ˈspɒk/
/ˌbendʒəmɪn ˈspɑːk/
(also Dr Spock
/ˌdɒktə ˈspɒk/
/ˌdɑːktər ˈspɑːk/
)- (1903-98) a US doctor whose book The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care (1946) has sold more copies than any book by an American and has had a great influence on parents all over the world. He advised them to use less discipline on children and to understand their needs. Although many people have welcomed his ideas, some think they have led to children being more badly behaved and hard to control. Dr Spock protested against the Vietnam War and in 1972 was a candidate for US President for the People's Party.