

单词 boulevard


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  1. a wide city street, often with trees on either side
    • It is a city of broad boulevards and spacious parks.
    • A police car sped down the crowded boulevard.
    • a boulevard lined with cafes
    Extra Examples
    • They sauntered along the tree-lined boulevard.
    • A number of little cafes lined the sunny boulevard.
    Topics Transport by car or lorryc1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • broad
    • wide
    • tree-lined
    boulevard + verb
    • be lined with something
    • along, down, up, etc. a/​the boulevard
    See full entry
  2. (abbreviation Blvd.)
    (North American English) a wide main road (often used in the name of streets)
    • Sunset Boulevard
    • We visited the world-famous Hollywood Boulevard.
    Culture street namesstreet namesIn Britain, main roads outside towns and cities are known by numbers rather than names, although some roads that follow the line of former Roman roads have names, for example, the Fosse Way, which goes from Exeter in the southwest of England to Lincoln in the East Midlands. If a main road passes through a town, that part of it usually has a name, often that of the place which the road goes to, for example, London Road.The main shopping street in a town is often called High Street, or sometimes Market Street. Many streets take their name from a local feature or building. The most common include Bridge Street, Castle Street, Church Street, Mill Street and Station Road. Some names indicate the trade that was carried on in that area in the past. Examples are Candlemaker's Row, Cornmarket, Petticoat Lane and Sheep Street. Many streets laid out in the 19th century were named after famous people or events. These include Albert Street, Cromwell Road, Shakespeare Street, Wellington Street, Trafalgar Road and Waterloo Street. When housing estates are built, the names of the new roads in them are usually all on the same theme. Names of birds or animals are popular. Others are based on the old names for the fields that the houses were built on, for example Tenacres Road, The Slade and Meadow Walk. The name of a road is written on signs at each end of it.Some streets have become so closely identified with people of a particular profession that the street name itself is immediately associated with them. In London, Harley Street has been associated with private doctors and Fleet Street with newspapers.In the US main roads such as interstates and highways are known by numbers. Most towns and cities are laid out on a grid pattern and have long streets with avenues crossing them. Each has a number, for example, 7th Avenue, 42nd Street. The roads are often straight and have square blocks of buildings between them. This makes it easier to find an address and also helps people to judge distance. In Manhattan, for example, Tiffany's is described as being at East 57th Street and Fifth Avenue, which means it is on the corner of those two streets. The distance between West 90th Street and West 60th Street is 30 blocks.As well as having numbers, many streets are named after people, places, local features, history and nature. In Manhattan there is Washington Street, Lexington Avenue, Liberty Street, Church Street and Cedar Street. Some streets are named after the town to which they lead. Streets called Post Road are named because the mail used be delivered along that route. The most important street is often called Main Street. A suburb or subdivision (= group of houses built together in a section of a city) of a city may have streets with similar names. In a subdivision of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, all the names end in ‚wood‘, for example Balsawood Drive, Limewood Drive and Aspenwood Drive.Some roads are called boulevards, with Hollywood's Sunset Boulevard and Miami's Biscayne Boulevard among the best known. Avenues usually cross streets, as in New York, but often the word is chosen as part of a name for no particular reason. Avenue and boulevard once indicated roads with trees along each side, but few have trees today. A road in the US is usually found outside cities, though Chicago uses the name for some central streets.Some street names have particular associations: Grant Avenue in San Francisco is associated with Chinatown, Beale Street in Memphis with the blues, and Bourbon Street in New Orleans with jazz. In New York Wall Street is associated with the financial world, Madison Avenue with advertising and Broadway with theatres.
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • broad
    • wide
    • tree-lined
    boulevard + verb
    • be lined with something
    • along, down, up, etc. a/​the boulevard
    See full entry
  3. Word Originmid 18th cent.: French, ‘a rampart’ (later ‘a promenade on the site of one’), from German Bollwerk from Middle Low German and Middle Dutch bolwerk; related to bole and work.




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