Doris Lessing
/ˌdɒrɪs ˈlesɪŋ/
/ˌdɔːrɪs ˈlesɪŋ/
- (1919-2013) a British writer, born in Iran. Her early novels, such as The Grass is Singing (1950), used the background of southern Africa, where she lived as a child. Many of her novels, including The Golden Notebook (1962), are concerned with social and political issues, especially relating to women. She also wrote science fiction novels. Her later novels include The Fifth Child (1988), Love, Again (1996) and Ben, in the World (2000). She wrote two books about her life, Under My Skin (1994) and Walking in the Shade (1997), and a collection of 'views and reviews', Time Bites (2004).