释义 |
- acenoun
c2 - achievementnoun
c2 - adventure gamenoun
b2 - arcadenoun
c1 - avatarnoun
b2 - baccaratnoun
c2 - backgammonnoun
c2 - bagatellenoun
c2 - ballnoun
a1 - ball gamenoun
a2 - balloonnoun
b2 - billiardsnoun
c2 - bingonoun
c1 - bishopnoun
c2 - blackjacknoun
c2 - blind man’s buffnoun
c2 - boardnoun
a2 - board gamenoun
a2 - boulenoun
c2 - bowlnoun
c2 - bowlingnoun
b2 - bowling greennoun
c2 - bridgenoun
c2 - building blocknoun
c1 - campverb
c2 - canastanoun
c2 - cardnoun
a2 - card gamenoun
a2 - casinonoun
c1 - castlenoun
c2 - cat’s cradlenoun
c2 - charadenoun
c2 - cheatverb
b1 - cheatnoun
b1 - checknoun
c2 - checkersnoun
c2 - chessnoun
b1 - chessmannoun
c2 - Chinese chequersnoun
c2 - Chutes and Ladders™noun
c2 - climbing framenoun
c1 - clubnoun
c2 - computer gamenoun
a1 - conkernoun
c2 - consolenoun
b2 - counternoun
c2 - cribbagenoun
c2 - croquetnoun
c2 - crosswordnoun
b1 - cutscenenoun
c2 - dartnoun
c1 - dartboardnoun
c2 - dealverb
a2 - dealernoun
c1 - diamondnoun
c2 - dicenoun
c1 - dodgeballnoun
c2 - dollnoun
b1 - doll’s housenoun
b1 - dominonoun
c2 - draughtnoun
c2 - Easter eggnoun
c2 - experience pointsnoun
c2 - first-person shooternoun
c2 - fivesnoun
c2 - follow-the-leadernoun
c2 - foosballnoun
c2 - FPSabbreviation
c2 - fragverb
c2 - Frisbee™noun
c2 - funnoun
a1 - gamenoun
a1 - game controllernoun
c1 - gamepadnoun
c2 - gameplaynoun
c1 - games consolenoun
b2 - gin rummynoun
c2 - glove puppetnoun
c2 - gonoun
b1 - gold farmingnoun
c2 - guessing gamenoun
b2 - handnoun
c2 - handballnoun
b2 - hand puppetnoun
c2 - hangmannoun
c2 - heartnoun
c2 - hide-and-seeknoun
c2 - hoopnoun
c2 - hopscotchnoun
c2 - hula hoopnoun
c2 - I-spynoun
c2 - jacknoun
c2 - jigsawnoun
c1 - jokernoun
c2 - jump ropenoun
c2 - jungle gymnoun
c2 - kingnoun
c2 - kitenoun
b2 - knightnoun
c2 - lawn bowlingnoun
c2 - leapfrognoun
c2 - Lego™noun
c1 - leisure centrenoun
b2 - levelnoun
b1 - loseverb
a1 - losernoun
b1 - lottonoun
c2 - lucky dipnoun
c2 - ludonoun
c2 - mahjongnoun
c2 - marblenoun
c2 - merry-go-roundnoun
c2 - monkey in the middlenoun
c2 - monopolynoun
c1 - movenoun
b1 - MUDnoun
c2 - musical bumpsnoun
c2 - musical chairsnoun
c2 - non-player characternoun
c2 - noughts and crossesnoun
c2 - NPCnoun
c2 - opponentnoun
b2 - outadverb
c2 - packnoun
c2 - paintballnoun
c2 - paperchasenoun
c2 - parlour gamenoun
c2 - pawnnoun
c2 - peekaboonoun
c2 - peep-bonoun
c2 - Pelmanismnoun
c2 - pelotanoun
c2 - piecenoun
b2 - piggy in the middlenoun
c2 - pinballnoun
c2 - ping-pongnoun
b2 - piñatanoun
c2 - platform gamenoun
c2 - playverb
a1 - playnoun
b1 - play chickenidiom
c2 - playernoun
a1 - playgroundnoun
b1 - playing cardnoun
b2 - playtimenoun
b2 - plush toynoun
c2 - pokernoun
c2 - poolnoun
c1 - postman’s knocknoun
c2 - puppetnoun
c1 - puzzlenoun
b2 - pétanquenoun
c2 - queennoun
c2 - quiznoun
a1 - racquetballnoun
c2 - rag dollnoun
c2 - rattlenoun
c2 - respawnverb
c2 - riddlenoun
c1 - ring-a-ring o’ rosesnoun
c2 - rocking horsenoun
c2 - role-playing gamenoun
c1 - roulettenoun
c2 - roundaboutnoun
c1 - RPGnoun
c2 - rulenoun
a1 - rummynoun
c2 - sandboxnoun
c2 - sandpitnoun
c2 - scoreverb
a2 - scorenoun
a2 - scoreboardnoun
b2 - Scrabble™noun
c2 - see-sawnoun
c2 - shoot-’em-upadjective
c2 - shufflenoun
c2 - simnoun
c2 - Simon saysnoun
c2 - skateboardnoun
b1 - skipping ropenoun
c2 - skittlenoun
c2 - slidenoun
c1 - snakes and laddersnoun
c2 - snapnoun
c2 - snookernoun
c2 - soft toynoun
c2 - solitairenoun
c2 - squareadjective
c2 - stalematenoun
c2 - stuffed animalnoun
c2 - suitnoun
c2 - swingnoun
c1 - table footballnoun
c2 - table tennisnoun
a2 - tagnoun
c2 - teamnoun
a1 - team handballnoun
c2 - teddy bearnoun
c1 - teeter-totternoun
c2 - tenpin bowlingnoun
c2 - three-card tricknoun
c2 - tic-tac-toenoun
c2 - tiddlywinksnoun
c2 - tieverb
c2 - tienoun
c2 - tignoun
c2 - toboggannoun
c2 - tombolanoun
c2 - toynoun
a2 - trampolinenoun
c2 - treasure huntnoun
c1 - trumpnoun
c2 - turnnoun
a1 - video gamenoun
a1 - war gamenoun
c1 - whistnoun
c2 - winverb
a1 - winnernoun
a2 - winningadjective
b1 - worldnoun
b2 - yo-yonoun