calling card
noun /ˈkɔːlɪŋ kɑːd/
/ˈkɔːlɪŋ kɑːrd/
- (North American English) (British English visiting card)(also card British English, North American English)(especially in the past) a small card with your name on it that you leave with somebody after, or instead of, a formal visit
- (figurative) a sign, such as an action or a piece of work, that identifies somebody or shows what they can do
- Bright, bold colours and shapes are his calling card.
- The floods were the calling card of climate change.
- The pair created the film as a calling card for a bigger project that they have planned.
- (North American English) (also phonecard British and North American English)a plastic card that you can use in some public phones instead of money
- (also phonecard)(both North American English) a card with a number on it that you use in order to pay to make a call from any phone. The cost of the call is charged to your account and you pay it later.