adjective /sɪnˈθetɪk/
- artificial; made by combining chemical substances rather than being produced naturally by plants or animals synonym man-made
- synthetic drugs/fabrics
- shoes with synthetic soles
- synthetic dyes
- Even the hair is synthetic.
Synonyms artificialartificialTopics Physics and chemistryc1- synthetic
- false
- man-made
- fake
- imitation
- artificial made or produced to copy something natural; not real:
- artificial flowers
- artificial light
- synthetic made by combining chemical substances rather than being produced naturally by plants or animals:
- synthetic drugs
- shoes with synthetic soles
- false not natural:
- false teeth
- a false beard
- man-made made by people; not natural:
- man-made fibres such as nylon
- fake made to look like something else; not real:
- a fake-fur jacket
- imitation [only before noun] made to look like something else; not real:
- She would never wear imitation pearls.
- artificial/synthetic/man-made fabrics/fibres/materials/products
- artificial/synthetic/fake/imitation fur/leather
- artificial/synthetic/false/fake/imitation diamonds/pearls
- (linguistics) (of languages) using changes to the ends of words rather than separate words to show the functions of words in a sentence compare agglutinative, analytic
Word Originlate 17th cent.: from French synthétique or modern Latin syntheticus, from Greek sunthetikos, based on suntithenai ‘place together’.