

单词 job


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    paid work

    work for which you receive regular payment
    • I don't have a job at present.
    • He's trying to get a job.
    • I'm thinking of applying for a new job.
    • to look for/find a job
    • Did they offer you the job?
    • job as something She took a job as a waitress.
    • job with somebody/something She's just started a job with a travel company.
    • His brother's just lost his job.
    • to leave/quit your job
    • Don't be late again if you want to keep your job.
    • a temporary/permanent job
    • a summer/Saturday/holiday/vacation job
    • Both my parents have full-time jobs.
    • Many women are in part-time jobs.
    • She's never had a steady job (= a job that is not going to end suddenly).
    • It's one of the top jobs in management.
    • job of something one of the people under consideration for the job of managing director
    • in a job an increase in the number of people in jobs (= having jobs)
    • out of a job He's been out of a job (= unemployed) for six months now.
    • The takeover of the company is bound to mean more job losses.
    • There is so much competition in the job market currently.
    • He certainly knows his job (= is very good at his job).
    • I'm only doing my job (= I'm doing what I am paid to do).
    • These projects will help create jobs in rural areas.
    • The alternative would have been to cut jobs to contain costs.
    • The closure of the factory will mean the loss of over 800 jobs.
    see also day job, desk job
    Synonyms jobjob
    • position
    • post
    • vacancy
    • appointment
    These are all words for a position doing work for which you receive regular payment.
    • job work for which you receive regular payment:
      • He’s trying to get a job in a bank.
    • position (rather formal) a job:
      • a senior position in a large corporation
    job or position?Position usually refers to a particular job within an organization, especially at a high level, and is not usually used about jobs generally. It is also often used in job applications, descriptions and advertisements.
    • post a job, especially an important one in a large organization:
      • a key post in the new government
    • vacancy a job that is available for somebody to do:
      • We have several vacancies for casual workers.
    • appointment (rather formal, especially British English) a job or position of responsibility:
      • This is a permanent appointment, requiring commitment and hard work.
    • a permanent/​temporary job/​position/​post/​vacancy/​appointment
    • a full-time/​part-time job/​position/​post/​vacancy/​appointment
    • to have/​have got a(n) job/​position/​post/​vacancy/​appointment
    • to apply for/​fill a job/​position/​post/​vacancy
    • to resign from/​leave/​quit a job/​position/​post
    Collocations JobsJobsGetting a job
    • look for work
    • look for/​apply for/​go for a job
    • get/​pick up/​complete/​fill out/ (British English) fill in an application (form)
    • send/​email your (British English) CV/(North American English) résumé/application/​application form/​covering letter
    • be called for/​have/​attend an interview
    • offer somebody a job/​work/​employment/​promotion
    • find/​get/​land a job
    • employ/ (especially North American English) hire/​recruit/ (especially British English) take on staff/​workers/​trainees
    • recruit/​appoint a manager
    Doing a job
    • arrive at/​get to/​leave work/​the office/​the factory
    • start/​finish work/​your shift
    • do/​put in/​work overtime
    • have/​gain/​get/​lack/​need experience/​qualifications
    • do/​get/​have/​receive training
    • learn/​pick up/​improve/​develop (your) skills
    • cope with/​manage/​share/​spread the workload
    • improve your/​achieve a better work-life balance
    • have (no) job satisfaction/​job security
    Building a career
    • have a job/​work/​a career/​a vocation
    • find/​follow/​pursue/ (especially North American English) live (out) your vocation
    • enter/​go into/​join a profession
    • choose/​embark on/​start/​begin/​pursue a career
    • change jobs/​profession/​career
    • be/ (both especially British English) work/​go freelance
    • do/​take on temp work/​freelance work
    • do/​be engaged in/​be involved in voluntary work
    Leaving your job
    • leave/ (especially North American English) quit/​resign from your job
    • give up work/​your job/​your career
    • hand in your notice/​resignation
    • plan to/​be due to retire in June/​next year, etc.
    • take early retirement
    • apply
    • appoint
    • contract
    • dismiss
    • employ
    • job
    • pay
    • retire
    • work
    • workforce
    Collocations UnemploymentUnemploymentLosing your job
    • lose your job
    • (British English) become/​be made redundant
    • be offered/​take voluntary redundancy/​early retirement
    • face/​be threatened with dismissal/(British English) the sack/(British English) compulsory redundancy
    • dismiss/​fire/ (especially British English) sack an employee/​a worker/​a manager
    • lay off staff/​workers/​employees
    • (Australian English, New Zealand English, South African English) retrench workers
    • cut/​reduce/​downsize/​slash the workforce
    • (British English) make staff/​workers/​employees redundant
    Being unemployed
    • be unemployed/​out of work/​out of a job
    • seek/​look for work/​employment
    • be on/​collect/​draw/​get/​receive (both British English) unemployment benefit/​jobseeker’s allowance
    • be/​go/​live/​sign (British English, informal) on the dole
    • claim/​draw/​get (British English, informal) the dole
    • be on/​qualify for (North American English) unemployment (compensation)
    • be/​go/​live/​depend (North American English) on welfare
    • collect/​receive (North American English) welfare
    • combat/​tackle/​cut/​reduce unemployment
    Extra Examples
    • He gave up his job as a bank manager last year.
    • She's hoping for a teaching job at the university.
    • Check our website for the latest job listings.
    • Despite the small number of applicants, they managed to find the right person for the job.
    • He moved to a better-paid job with another employer.
    • He was forced to take a series of menial jobs.
    • He was tempted to give up freelancing and get a regular job.
    • He'd done lots of part-time work, but this was his first proper job.
    • He's always had difficulty holding down a job.
    • He's just landed himself a highly paid job in banking.
    • His father found him a cushy job in the office, with almost nothing to do and a big salary.
    • His job title is Chief Hygiene Operative.
    • It is hoped that the development will create new jobs in the region.
    • It's important to devise a job search strategy when looking for work.
    • Management are hoping to shed 200 jobs.
    • She was dismissed from her job after only six months.
    • She's starting a new job on Monday.
    • The company is hoping to shed 200 jobs.
    • The deal between the union and management should safeguard 6 000 jobs.
    • The introduction of job sharing could prevent the need for job losses.
    • The job doesn't pay very well.
    • The plum jobs all went to friends of the prime minister.
    • There is an enormous job market for teachers at the moment.
    • What would be your dream job?
    • Within weeks of graduation she had several job offers.
    • Workers questioned rated job security as being more important than high salary.
    • a desk job in the housing department
    Topics Working lifea1, Jobsa1, Social issuesa1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • decent
    • good
    • great
    verb + job
    • have
    • carry out
    • do
    job + verb
    • pay
    • disappear
    • go
    job + noun
    • search
    • ad
    • advertisement
    • in a/​the job
    • on the job
    • out of a job
    • change jobs
    • move jobs
    • a loss of jobs
    See full entry
  2. task

    a particular task or piece of work that you have to do
    • I've got various jobs around the house to do.
    • Sorting these papers out is going to be a long job.
    • The builder has a couple of jobs on at the moment.
    • job of doing something She's taken on the job of organizing the Christmas party.
    see also blow job, nose job, paint job
    Extra Examples
    • Cooper had the unenviable job of announcing the bad news.
    • They gave me the tough job of telling applicants that they'd been rejected.
    • I want to get on with the job of painting my room today.
    • I was very pleased with the way she handled the job.
    • Keeping the house clean can be a thankless job.
    • We finished the job in five hours.
    • We're hoping to get the job done this weekend.
    • fiddly little jobs like wiring plugs
    • Bringing up kids is a full-time job.
    • Changing the oil in your car can be a tedious and dirty job.
    • I'm not sure I'll be able to get the job done in the time.
    • My dad's always giving me loads of jobs to do.
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • adequate
    • decent
    • good
    verb + job
    • carry out
    • do
    • handle
    • job in
    • job on
    • get the job done
    • make a good, poor, etc. job of something
    • odd jobs
    See full entry
  4. duty

    [usually singular] (rather informal) a responsibility or duty
    • He said he wouldn't do it because it wasn't his job.
    • somebody's job to do something It's not my job to lock up!
    • It's the job of the press to expose wrongdoing.
  6. crime

  7. (informal) a crime, especially stealing
    • a bank job
    • He got six months for that last job he did.
    • an inside job (= done by somebody in the organization where the crime happens)
    • The gang bungled the job and got caught.
    see also hatchet job, put-up job, snow jobTopics Crime and punishmentc1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bank
    • inside
    verb + job
    • do
    • bungle
    See full entry
  8. object

  9. (informal) a particular kind of thing
    • It's real wood—not one of those plastic jobs.
  10. computing

  11. an item of work that is done by a computer as a single unit
    • The job can be processed overnight.
  12. Word Originmid 16th cent. (in sense 2 of the noun): of unknown origin.
asleep on the job | asleep at the wheel
(North American English also asleep at the switch)
  1. not paying enough attention to what you need to do
    • They were asleep on the job as the financial crisis deepened.
    • Let's hope the regulators are not asleep at the wheel.
    • Someone must have been asleep at the switch to alow this to happen.
a devil of a job/time
  1. (old-fashioned) a very difficult or unpleasant job or time
    • I've had a devil of a job finding you.
do a good, bad, etc. job (on something) | make a good, bad, etc. job of something
  1. to do something well, badly, etc.
    • They did a very professional job.
    • You've certainly made an excellent job of the kitchen (= for example, painting it).
    • We haven’t done a very good job on the publicity for the show.
    Extra Examples
    • She made a very good job of covering up the damage.
    • They've done a poor job of managing their finances.
    • You've done a good job on the car.
    • You've done a grand job with that decorating.
    • The author has done an admirable job in compiling all this material.
do the job
  1. (informal) to be effective or successful in doing what you want
    • This extra strong glue should do the job.
    • Try wedging it open—that should do the job.
    Topics Successc2
give somebody/something up as a bad job
  1. (informal) to decide to stop trying to help somebody or to do something because there is no hope of successTopics Difficulty and failurec2
good job!
  1. (especially North American English, informal) used to tell somebody that they have done well at something
a good job
  1. (informal) used to say that you are pleased about a situation or that somebody is lucky that something happened
    • It's a good job you were there to help.
have a (hard/difficult) job doing/to do something
  1. to have difficulty doing something
    • You'll have a job convincing them that you're right.
    • He had a hard job to make himself heard.
    Extra Examples
    • He'll have a tough job getting the team into shape in time.
    • It's very dark out there, you'll have a job to see anything.
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
a job of work
  1. (British English, old-fashioned or formal) work that you are paid to do or that must be done
    • There was a job of work waiting for him that he was not looking forward to.
jobs for the boys
  1. (British English, informal, disapproving) people use the expression jobs for the boys when they are criticizing the fact that somebody in power has given work to friends or relatives
just the job (British English)
(also just the ticket North American English, British English)
  1. (informal, approving) exactly what is needed in a particular situation
    • That cup of tea was just the job.
make the best of something/it | make the best of things | make the best of a bad job
  1. to accept a bad or difficult situation and do as well as you can
more than your job’s worth (to do something)
  1. (British English, informal) not worth doing because it is against the rules or because it might cause you to lose your job
    • It's more than my job's worth to let you in without a ticket.
    see also jobsworth
on the job
  1. while doing a particular job
    • No sleeping on the job!
    • on-the-job training
  2. (British English, slang) having sex
walk off the job
  1. (North American English) to stop working in order to go on strike


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the patience of Job
  1. the quality of being extremely patient and not complaining
    • You need the patience of Job to deal with some of our customers.




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