noun /næp/
- [countable] a short sleep, especially during the day synonym snooze
- to take/have a nap
- I had a short nap after lunch.
Synonyms sleepsleepcompare siesta see also catnap, power nap- doze
- nap
- snooze
- sleep to rest with your eyes shut and your mind and body not active:
- Did you sleep well?
- I couldn’t sleep last night.
- doze to sleep lightly, waking up easily, often when you are not in bed:
- He was dozing in front of the TV.
- nap to sleep for a short time, especially during the day.
- snooze (informal) to sleep lightly for a short time, especially during the day and usually not in bed:
- My brother was snoozing on the sofa.
- to sleep/doze lightly/fitfully
- to doze/snooze gently
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- brief
- little
- quick
- …
- have
- take
- [singular] the short fine threads on the surface of some types of cloth, usually lying in the same direction
- [countable] (British English) advice given by an expert on which horse is most likely to win a race
Word Originnoun sense 1 Old English hnappian, probably of Germanic origin. noun sense 2 late Middle English noppe, from Middle Dutch, Middle Low German noppe ‘nap’, noppen ‘trim the nap from’. noun sense 3 early 19th cent.: abbreviation of napoleon, the original name of the card game.