单词 |
@topic_life-stages?level=c2 |
释义 |
- abortverb
c2 - adultingnoun
c2 - afterbirthnoun
c2 - agelessadjective
c2 - Alzheimer’snoun
c2 - antenataladjective
c2 - arthritisnoun
c2 - ashnoun
c2 - a/somebody’s second childhoodidiom
c2 - at restidiom
c2 - autopsynoun
c2 - baby bluesnoun
c2 - baby buggynoun
c2 - bachelornoun
c2 - bachelorettenoun
c2 - bachelorhoodnoun
c2 - be with childidiom
c2 - biernoun
c2 - bigamousadjective
c2 - bigamynoun
c2 - birthingnoun
c2 - birthweightnoun
c2 - breakverb
c2 - breech birthnoun
c2 - bridaladjective
c2 - buggynoun
c2 - burial groundnoun
c2 - cadavernoun
c2 - carryverb
c2 - carrycotnoun
c2 - casketnoun
c2 - catacombsnoun
c2 - catafalquenoun
c2 - centenariannoun
c2 - cesareannoun
c2 - cesariannoun
c2 - chapel of restnoun
c2 - childbearingnoun
c2 - childproofadjective
c2 - coddleverb
c2 - confettinoun
c2 - confinementnoun
c2 - conjugaladjective
c2 - connubialadjective
c2 - consummateverb
c2 - consummationnoun
c2 - contractionnoun
c2 - corpsenoun
c2 - cremainsnoun
c2 - cremateverb
c2 - cremationnoun
c2 - crematoriumnoun
c2 - crèchenoun
c2 - deceasedadjective
c2 - deliververb
c2 - deliverynoun
c2 - dementianoun
c2 - departedadjective
c2 - depart this lifeidiom
c2 - dependantnoun
c2 - diamond weddingnoun
c2 - disciplineverb
c2 - dodderingadjective
c2 - dotagenoun
c2 - doulanoun
c2 - dowrynoun
c2 - dummynoun
c2 - epitaphnoun
c2 - forcepsnoun
c2 - fresh-facedadjective
c2 - full-termadjective
c2 - funeral directornoun
c2 - gawkyadjective
c2 - geriatricnoun
c2 - geriatricadjective
c2 - gerontologynoun
c2 - get hitchedidiom
c2 - godparentnoun
c2 - golden weddingnoun
c2 - go/walk down the aisleidiom
c2 - gravestonenoun
c2 - groomsmannoun
c2 - groundverb
c2 - growing painsnoun
c2 - guardiannoun
c2 - hearsenoun
c2 - hen partynoun
c2 - incubatornoun
c2 - induceverb
c2 - inductionnoun
c2 - infirmadjective
c2 - ingénuenoun
c2 - interverb
c2 - intermentnoun
c2 - labornoun
c2 - labournoun
c2 - lassnoun
c2 - lone parentnoun
c2 - lone-parent familynoun
c2 - love matchnoun
c2 - lullabynoun
c2 - lying-innoun
c2 - maid of honournoun
c2 - manhoodnoun
c2 - marriageableadjective
c2 - marriage counsellingnoun
c2 - marriage guidancenoun
c2 - marriage linesnoun
c2 - marriage of conveniencenoun
c2 - matchnoun
c2 - matrimonialadjective
c2 - matrimonynoun
c2 - matronlyadjective
c2 - maturationnoun
c2 - mausoleumnoun
c2 - menopausaladjective
c2 - menopausenoun
c2 - middle-age spreadnoun
c2 - midlifenoun
c2 - midlife crisisnoun
c2 - midwifenoun
c2 - minornoun
c2 - miscarriagenoun
c2 - miscarryverb
c2 - mollycoddleverb
c2 - morguenoun
c2 - morning sicknessnoun
c2 - mortaladjective
c2 - morticiannoun
c2 - mortuarynoun
c2 - motheringnoun
c2 - mother-to-benoun
c2 - mournernoun
c2 - mummifyverb
c2 - nataladjective
c2 - neonatenoun
c2 - newly-wednoun
c2 - newly-wedadjective
c2 - nuptialadjective
c2 - nuptialsnoun
c2 - OAPnoun
c2 - obstetricadjective
c2 - obstetricsnoun
c2 - old-age pensionernoun
c2 - pageboynoun
c2 - perinataladjective
c2 - placentanoun
c2 - playpennoun
c2 - playschemenoun
c2 - post-mortemnoun
c2 - postnataladjective
c2 - postnatal depressionnoun
c2 - post-partumadjective
c2 - potty-trainverb
c2 - potty-trainingnoun
c2 - pramnoun
c2 - prenataladjective
c2 - prenuptial agreementnoun
c2 - pre-teenadjective
c2 - pre-teennoun
c2 - pubertynoun
c2 - pubescentadjective
c2 - pushchairnoun
c2 - pyrenoun
c2 - rearverb
c2 - remembrancenoun
c2 - reminiscencenoun
c2 - ring bearernoun
c2 - rompersnoun
c2 - ruby weddingnoun
c2 - sarcophagusnoun
c2 - senileadjective
c2 - senile dementianoun
c2 - senilitynoun
c2 - seniornoun
c2 - senior momentnoun
c2 - sepulchrenoun
c2 - shotgun weddingnoun
c2 - showernoun
c2 - shroudnoun
c2 - SIDSnoun
c2 - silver weddingnoun
c2 - sleepsuitnoun
c2 - smackverb
c2 - smackingnoun
c2 - somebody’s waters breakidiom
c2 - soothernoun
c2 - spankverb
c2 - spankingnoun
c2 - sperm banknoun
c2 - spoon-feedverb
c2 - sprightlinessnoun
c2 - sprightlyadjective
c2 - spryadjective
c2 - stag nightnoun
c2 - stillbirthnoun
c2 - stretch marksnoun
c2 - strollernoun
c2 - suckleverb
c2 - sucklingnoun
c2 - surrogacynoun
c2 - surrogateadjective
c2 - tantrumnoun
c2 - tearawaynoun
c2 - teetheverb
c2 - telling-offnoun
c2 - terminationnoun
c2 - test-tube babynoun
c2 - toastverb
c2 - toddleverb
c2 - toilet-trainverb
c2 - toilet-trainingnoun
c2 - totnoun
c2 - trimesternoun
c2 - tweennoun
c2 - umbilical cordnoun
c2 - undertakernoun
c2 - unionnoun
c2 - urnnoun
c2 - venerableadjective
c2 - wakenoun
c2 - walkernoun
c2 - wardnoun
c2 - wardshipnoun
c2 - wedding bandnoun
c2 - wedlocknoun
c2 - white weddingnoun
c2 - widowhoodnoun
c2 - winding sheetnoun
c2 - wizenedadjective
c2 - womanhoodnoun
c2 - wunderkindnoun
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