exclamation, noun /həˈləʊ/
(also hallo (both especially British English), hello British and North American English)
(plural hullos, hallos, hellos)
- used as a greeting when you meet somebody, in an email, when you answer the phone or when you want to attract somebody’s attention
- Hullo John, how are you?
- Hullo, is there anybody there?
- Say hullo to Liz for me.
- They exchanged hullos (= said hullo to each other) and forced smiles.
- (British English) used to show that you are surprised by something
- Hullo, hullo, what's going on here?
- (informal) used to show that you think somebody has said something stupid or is not paying attention
- Hullo? You didn't really mean that, did you?
- I'm like, ‘Hullo! Did you even listen?’