usuk/əˈmjuː.zɪŋ/B1 entertaining:
an amusing story/person/situation
More examples
- It's a very amusing play with an uproarious final act.
- He told one or two amusing anecdotes about his years as a policeman.
- I was listening to an amusing programme on the radio, which made me laugh out loud.
- Some people seem to find it amusing that I've broken my toe.
- I only said I want to be a pop star. What is so amusing about that?
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Humour & humorous
- a bundle of laughs idiom
- blackly
- bring
- bundle
- crack
- don't make me laugh! idiom
- funny ha-ha or funny peculiar? idiom
- gallows humour
- hysterical
- jocular
- josh
- killing
- lambent
- laugh
- sarcasm
- satirize
- tickle
- witty
- wordplay
- you've got to laugh idiom
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adverb usuk/-li/
On the subject of childbirth she is amusingly frank.