

单词 be


ukstrong /biː/weak /bi/weak //usstrong /biː/weak /bi/weak //being, was, were, been


A1 [ L ] used to say something about a person, thing, or state, to show a permanent or temporary quality, state, job, etc.:

He is rich.
It's cold today.
I'm Andy.
That's all for now.
What do you want to be (= what job do you want to do) when you grow up?
These books are (= cost) $3 each.
Being afraid of the dark, she always slept with the light on.
Never having been ill himself, he wasn't a sympathetic listener.
Be quiet!
[ + -ing verb ] The problem is deciding what to do.
[ + to infinitive ] The hardest part will be to find a replacement.
[ + that ] The general feeling is that she should be asked to leave.
It's not that I don't like her - it's just that we rarely agree on anything!

A1 [ I usually + adv/prep ] used to show the position of a person or thing in space or time:

The food was already on the table.
Is anyone there?
The meeting is now (= will happen) next Tuesday.
There's a hair in my soup.

[ L ] used to show what something is made of:

Is this plate pure gold?

More examples

  • Don't be so cheeky!
  • Our solicitors have advised that the costs could be enormous.
  • You have to go to college for a lot of years if you want to be a doctor.
  • Come along - we don't want to be late!
  • Oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit are types of citrus fruit.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Existing and being

  • account for sth
  • alive
  • am
  • are
  • being
  • come
  • extant
  • go
  • go back
  • have legs idiom
  • hood
  • languish
  • leg
  • lie
  • lie in sth
  • live
  • lurk
  • obtain
  • run
  • stalk

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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

Comprising and consisting of

be verb (ALLOW)

[ + to infinitive ] formal used to say that someone should or must do something:

You're to sit in the corner and keep quiet.
Their mother said they were not to (= not allowed to) play near the river.
There's no money left - what are we to do?

More examples

  • You are not to come downstairs until you have tidied up your room.
  • Tell her she is not to open the door to any strangers.
  • You are never to use rude language like that in my house, do you understand?
  • I've made it clear to the visitors that they are not to touch any of the machinery.
  • The school rules state that no child is to leave the school premises during the day, unless accompanied by an adult.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Duty, obligation and responsibility

  • accountable
  • answer for sb/sth
  • answer for sth
  • answer to sb
  • answerable
  • brother
  • commitment
  • fail
  • I am not my brother's keeper idiom
  • in the hot seat idiom
  • incharge
  • it's your own lookout idiom
  • job
  • portfolio
  • responsible
  • risk
  • saddle sb with sth
  • social contract
  • stick
  • stick sb with sth

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be verb (FUTURE)

[ + to infinitive ] formal used to show that something will happen in the future:

We are to (= we are going to) visit Australia in the spring.
She was never to see (= she never saw) her brother again.

[ + to infinitive ] used in conditional sentences to say what might happen:

If I were to refuse they'd be very annoyed.
formal Were I to refuse they'd be very annoyed.

More examples

  • The four soldiers are to receive citations from the president for their brave actions.
  • The three largest banks are to raise their interest rates.
  • The government is to spend millions of dollars on combating drug abuse.
  • If the company were to offer him more money, he might not leave.
  • After they've finishing painting the hall, they are to start on the living room.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Describing when something happened or will happen

  • at
  • coincident
  • for
  • hundred
  • immediately
  • in
  • line
  • movable feast
  • on
  • one
  • somewhere along the line idiom
  • space
  • up
  • within

You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

In the future & soon

be verb (CAN)

[ + to infinitive ] used to say what can happen:

The exhibition of modern prints is currently to be seen at the City Gallery.

be verb (EXIST)

[ I ] to exist or live:

formal Such terrible suffering should never be.
old use or literary By the time the letter reached them their sister had ceased to be (= had died).

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Existing and being

  • account for sth
  • alive
  • am
  • are
  • being
  • come
  • extant
  • go
  • go back
  • have legs idiom
  • hood
  • languish
  • leg
  • lie
  • lie in sth
  • live
  • lurk
  • obtain
  • run
  • stalk

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Phrasal verb(s)

be in for sth

beauxiliary verb

ukstrong /biː//bi///us/biː//bi///being, was, were, been

be auxiliary verb (CONTINUE)

A2 [ + -ing verb ] used with the present participle of other verbs to describe actions that are or were still continuing:

I'm still eating.
She's studying to be a lawyer.
The audience clearly wasn't enjoying the show.
You're always complaining.
I'll be coming back (= I plan to come back) on Tuesday.

More examples

  • Long hair on men seems to be coming back into fashion.
  • I am embroidering this picture for my mother.
  • The police are carrying out spot checks on drivers over the Christmas period to test for alcohol levels.
  • Police are still looking for clues in their search for the missing girl.
  • The two athletes are competing for the gold medal.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Continuous & permanent

  • abiding
  • ad infinitum
  • around-the-clock
  • bounce
  • ceaseless
  • chronic
  • continuous
  • fluidity
  • immanent
  • imperishable
  • incessant
  • indelible
  • indissoluble
  • nagging
  • persistence
  • persistent
  • round-the-clock
  • seamless
  • smoothly
  • trot

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be auxiliary verb (PASSIVE)

A2 [ + past participle ] used with the past participle of other verbs to form the passive:

I'd like to go but I haven't been asked.
Troublemakers are encouraged to leave.
A body has been discovered by the police.

More examples

  • Hospitals need to be kept spotlessly clean.
  • After my aunt died, we arranged for her house to be cleared .
  • They're advising that children be kept out of the sun altogether.
  • Your shoes will be repaired and ready for you to collect on Thursday.
  • The first election results are expected around 1 a.m.


us/bi/present tense am /æm/are /ɑr/is /ɪz/, present participle being /ˈbi·ɪŋ/, past tense was /wʌz/were /wɜr/, past participle been /bɪn/


used to connect two things or a thing with something that it has as a quality or condition:

[ L ] It is cold today.
[ L ] My name is Andy.
[ L ] She is a doctor.
[ L ] How old are you?
[ L ] These books are (= cost) $12.99 each.
[ L ] Please be patient.

Be is also used to show the position of a person or thing in space or time:

[ I always + adv/prep ] The food was on the table.
[ I always + adv/prep ] Tony is in trouble again.

be verb (EXIST)

[ L ] to exist:

She apologized for the way things are around here.
There was no sound.

beauxiliary verb


be auxiliary verb (CONTINUE)

present tense am /æm/are /ɑr/is /ɪz/, present participle being /ˈbi·ɪŋ/, past tense was /wʌz/were /wɜr/, past participle been /bɪn/used with the present participle of other verbs to describe actions that are or were continuing:

You are being very selfish.
She was studying to be a lawyer.
It is raining.
I’ll be coming back (= I plan to come back).

be auxiliary verb (PASSIVE)

present tense am /æm/are /ɑr/is /ɪz/, present participle being /ˈbi·ɪŋ/, past tense was /wʌz/were /wɜr/, past participle been /bɪn/used with the past participle of other verbs to form the passive:

He was asked to wait.
Please be seated.
The World Trade Center was built in the early 1970s.

be auxiliary verb (POSSIBLE CONDITION)

past tense were /wər/were used to show the possibility of a condition or of something happening in the future:

If I were afraid of you, why would I be here?
If you were allowed to have one wish, what would it be?
  • In grammar, this form of be is called the subjunctive.

be auxiliary verb (FUTURE)

present tense am /æm/are /ɑr/is /ɪz/, past tense was /wʌz/were /wɜr/fml used to say what will happen:

[ + to infinitive ] The president is to decide this issue very soon.

be auxiliary verb (ALLOW)

present tense am /æm/are /ɑr/is /ɪz/, past tense was /wʌz/were /wɜr/fml used to tell people they must or should do something:

[ + to infinitive ] Their mother said they were to play nearby.




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