uk/ˈbjuː.ti.əs/us/ˈbjuː.t̬i.əs/literaryvery attractive to look at
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
- a sight for sore eyes idiom
- adorable
- aesthetic
- alluring
- angelic
- distinguished
- dreamy
- easy
- elegant
- enchanting
- not be just a pretty face idiom
- ornamental
- photogenic
- photograph
- picture
- sylphlike
- well built
- winning
- winsome
- zaftig
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Examples from literature
- At length I gave up all hope, except in that God whose almighty hand was so manifest in the beauteous works around me.
- I knew, now, that this beauteous image had not been an hallucination, and by what miracle it had all happened I cared not.
- She beats her beauteous breast, and rends her golden hair.
- Then to the beauteous eyes mine eyes return'd.