Flemishnoun [ U ]
uk/ˈflem.ɪʃ/us/ˈflem.ɪʃ/the main language of northern Belgium
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Language names
- Albanian
- American English
- Amharic
- Anglo-Saxon
- Angrezi
- Aramaic
- Cantonese
- Filipino
- Gaelic
- Georgian
- Germanic
- Greenlandic
- Gujarati
- Hawaiian
- Manx
- Nauruan
- Nepalese
- Persian
- polish
- Proto-Indo-European
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adjective ukus
Examples from literature
- Charles was not perfectly at ease in Flemish, but he was wise enough to use that tongue.
- The newspapers published in Flemish are small, and do not contain much beyond local news.