uk/pɪˈdʒɒr.ə.tɪv/us/pɪˈdʒɔːr.ə.t̬ɪv/formalexpressing disapproval, or suggesting that something is not good or is of no importance:
Make sure students realize that "fat" is a pejorative word.
It comes as quite a shock to still hear a judge describing a child as "illegitimate", with all the pejorative overtones of that word.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Critical & uncomplimentary
- a cheap shot idiom
- acidulous
- aloof
- astringent
- censorious
- critical
- critically
- damning
- deprecating
- disapproving
- hard-hitting
- ill
- pointed
- pointedly
- snidely
- sniffy
- uncomplimentary
- venomous
- vitriol
- withering
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