fluxnoun [ U ]
uk/flʌks/us/flʌks/flux noun [ U ] (CHANGE)
continuous change:
Our plans are in a state of flux at the moment.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Change and changes
- a change is as good as a rest idiom
- adjustment
- alteration
- blip
- changeover
- drift
- ebb
- fluctuate
- gradation
- metamorphosis
- modulate
- paradigm shift
- perversion
- punctuated equilibrium
- sea change
- shake-up
- speciation
- step change
- tide
- vicissitudes
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flux noun [ U ] (SUBSTANCE)
specialized engineering a substance added to a metal to make it easier to solder (= join by melting) to another metal
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Chemistry: types of chemical
- acid salt
- alkali
- alkali metal
- alkyl
- alkyne
- anhydrous
- dioxide
- hydrate
- hydro-
- insoluble
- oxide
- petrochemical
- polymer
- stain
- stearic acid
- strong acid
- strong base
- universal indicator
- weak acid
- weak base
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