childnoun [ C ]
uk/tʃaɪld/us/tʃaɪld/plural childrenA1 a boy or girl from the time of birth until he or she is an adult, or a son or daughter of any age:
an eight-year-old child
As a child I didn't eat vegetables.
A small group of children waited outside the door.
Both her children are now married with children of their own.
Jan is married with three young children.
See also
disapproving an adult who behaves badly, like a badly behaved child:
He's such a child if he doesn't get his own way.
a child of sth
someone who has been very influenced by a particular period or situation:
Me, I'm a child of the 60s.
More examples
- She had to drag her child away from the toy shop.
- Her eldest child is nearly 14.
- She's got four children, all under the age of five.
- The children are always hungry when they get home from school.
- Don't be so silly - you're acting like a child!
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Family: relations in general
- aunt
- auntie
- baby daddy
- be sb's own flesh and blood idiom
- birth mother
- filial
- first cousin
- fraternal
- fraternal twin
- grandchild
- loved one
- maiden aunt
- maternal
- matriarch
- mom-and-pop
- son
- uncle
- working mother/father/parent
- your nearest and dearest idiom
- your own flesh and blood idiom
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Children & babies
Stupid and silly people
Outcomes and consequences
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children should be seen and not heard
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