codnoun [ C or U ]
uk/kɒd/us/kɑːd/plural codB1 a large sea fish that can be eaten:
Cod and chips, please.
More examples
- A whole fleet of fishing vessels trawl these waters for cod.
- We asked for two portions of cod and chips.
- For this recipe you need a kilo of white fish, such as cod or plaice.
- Cod is delicious, full of protein and low in fat, so it's an excellent food.
- My son went out in the boat and caught a five-pound cod.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Sea fish
- anchovy
- barracuda
- bream
- coley
- conger eel
- groper
- haddock
- hake
- halibut
- herring
- ray
- remora
- salmon
- salmon trout
- sardine
- swordfish
- trout
- tuna
- turbot
- white pointer
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