crestnoun [ C ]
uk/krest/us/krest/crest noun [ C ] (TOP)
the top or highest part of something such as a wave or a hill:
the crest of a hill/wave
a growth of feathers, fur, or skin along the top of the heads of some animals
a decoration, usually made of feathers or animal hair, on the top of a soldier's hat, especially in the past
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Edges & extremities of objects
- apex
- apices
- bevel
- border
- bottom
- brim
- brow
- edge
- framed
- fringe
- front
- head
- palm-fringed
- peripheral
- periphery
- rim
- skirt
- surmount
- tip
- vertex
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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The head & neck of non-human animals
Hats & scarves
Ceremonial clothes & objects
crest noun [ C ] (PICTURE)
a formal design that is used by a family, town, organization, etc. as the symbol that represents them:
a royal crest
crest noun [ C ] (PART OF BODY)
specialized medical a part of the body that sticks out of another body structure, especially bones:
Waist circumference was measured midway between the lower rib margin and the iliac crest.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Bone structures
- acetabular
- acetabulum
- acromial
- acromioclavicular
- acromion
- breastbone
- coccyx
- endoskeleton
- iliac
- ilium
- intercarpal
- intercondylar
- interosseous
- kneecap
- sacroiliac
- sacrospinous
- sacrotuberous
- sacrum
- sagittal
- trapezium
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be riding/on the crest of a wave