dustmannoun [ C ]
uk/ˈdʌst.mən/us/ˈdʌst.mən/plural -men uk/-mən/usUK US garbageman, UK formal refuse collectora person whose job is to empty people's dustbins and take the rubbish away
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Social services & sanitation
- aftercare
- aid worker
- assisted living
- binman
- care
- children's home
- day care
- garbage collector
- garbage man
- health service
- meals on wheels
- outreach
- public service
- refuse collector
- sanitary
- sanitation
- sanitation worker 1
- sanitation worker
- social service
- social worker
Examples from literature
- And now we may turn to the wages of dustmen, who are, it must be admitted, a most estimable class of men and most useful.
- But, to make up to them for having to do such nasty work, they were not left black and dirty, as poor chimney-sweeps and dustmen are.
- Dustmen scavenged through the rubbish on the streets.
- In these days of keen competition every one lies—every editor, publisher, undertaker, piano-tuner, dustman—they couldn't live if they didn't.
- It is not good to know that a dustman makes more money than hundreds of hard-worked and well-educated men, for this is a grotesque state of things brought about by imbecile Government officials.