

单词 hold


uk/həʊld/us/hoʊld/held, held

hold verb (SUPPORT)

A2 [ T ] to take and keep something in your hand or arms:

Can you hold the bag while I open the door?
He was holding a gun.
The little girl held her mother's hand.
He held her in his arms.
[ + obj + adj ] Could you hold the door open, please?
Rosie held out an apple for the horse.
All those who agree, please hold up your hand (= raise your arm).

[ T ] to support something:

Will the rope be strong enough to hold my weight?
Each wheel is held on with four bolts.
The parts are held together with glue.
hold your nose

to press your nose tightly between thumb and finger in order to close it:

I have to hold my nose when I jump into water.
hold hands

A2 When two people hold hands, one person holds the other person's hand, especially to show that they love each other:

They walked along holding hands.
See also

More examples

  • You have to hold my hand when we cross the road.
  • Polly and Susie were having a squabble about who was going to hold the dog's lead.
  • Suddenly he drew a knife and held it to my throat.
  • Would you mind holding the door open for me, please?
  • The screws that hold the bed together had loosened.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Having in your hands

  • ahold
  • arm
  • clasp
  • clench
  • cling
  • cradle
  • cup
  • dandle
  • enfold
  • grasp
  • hand
  • hand in hand idiom
  • handle
  • hang
  • hang on
  • hang/hold on like grim death idiom
  • hold on
  • onto
  • pinion
  • seize

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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

Showing affection

hold verb (CONTAIN)

B1 [ T not continuous ] to contain or be able to contain something:

This jug holds exactly one pint.
One bag won't hold all of the shopping - we'd better take two.
Computers can hold huge amounts of information.

[ T not continuous ] If you say that the future holds something, you mean that that thing will happen:

Who can tell what the future holds?

[ T not continuous ] to have a particular quality:

She's very religious, so death holds no fear for her.

More examples

  • It used to hold paper bags, but gradually came to be used for magazines.
  • That vase isn't big enough to hold all these flowers.
  • Will the room hold a hundred people?
  • The container held a gallon of soup.
  • We knew the chest held a lot of gold jewellery.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Including and containing

  • (right) down to idiom
  • assimilate
  • build sth in/into sth
  • built-in
  • carry
  • cast
  • cast your net wide idiom
  • catholic
  • extend
  • factor
  • factor sth in
  • figure
  • forget
  • inbuilt
  • incl
  • package
  • plug (sth/sb) into sth
  • rich
  • subsume
  • throw sth in

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hold verb (CONTROL)

C1 [ T ] to have something, especially a position or money, or to control something:

He currently holds the position of technical manager.
The bank holds large reserves of gold.
Despite incurring heavy losses, the rebels now hold the town and the surrounding hills.

More examples

  • He holds a 40 percent stake in the company.
  • As chairman of the association, he held office for over 20 years.
  • She's held the post for 13 years.
  • He holds several company directorships.
  • Who holds the copyright on this article?

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Having and owning - general words

  • -owned
  • attach to sb/sth
  • be endowed with sth idiom
  • bear
  • bearer
  • belong
  • belong to sb
  • call
  • carry
  • claim
  • endow
  • interest
  • mistress
  • not/never want for anything idiom
  • owner
  • ownership
  • proprietress
  • revert to sb
  • stake somewhere/sth out
  • want

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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

Controlling and being in charge

hold verb (IN A COMPETITION)

B2 [ T ] to have a particular position in a competition:

She holds the world record.
They held the lead until the 89th minute.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Winning, losing & scoring in sport

  • against the run of play idiom
  • close-run
  • convincing
  • do the double over sb idiom
  • drubbing
  • game changer
  • game-changing
  • lead 1
  • pip
  • pummel
  • retire
  • run away with sth
  • square
  • strike gold idiom
  • varsity
  • walk it idiom
  • walkaway
  • walkover
  • win
  • won

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hold verb (KEEP)

C1 [ T ] to keep something, especially when it might have been lost:

I asked the shop to hold the dress for me until this afternoon.
You have to be a fairly good speaker to hold an audience's attention/interest.

B2 [ T ] to keep someone in a place so that they cannot leave:

The police are holding several people in custody (= at the police station) for questioning.
[ + obj + noun ] The terrorists held him hostage for 18 months.
I was held prisoner in a tiny attic room.

More examples

  • The hostages are being held as a bargaining chip by terrorist organizations.
  • The three men were held hostage for two days by masked gunmen.
  • His verbal pyrotechnics could hold an audience spellbound.
  • The terrorists were holding several British diplomats captive.
  • The police are holding several people in custody for questioning.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Keeping and storing things

  • appropriate
  • aside
  • bank
  • capture
  • cling
  • cling (on) to sth
  • dump
  • earmark
  • lay
  • lay sth in
  • maintain
  • pack sth away
  • put sth away
  • repository
  • reserve
  • stockpile
  • storage
  • store
  • store sth up
  • stow

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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

Putting people in prison
Arresting & charging

hold verb (MAKE HAPPEN)

B1 [ T ] to have something such as a meeting or an election:

Could we hold a meeting to discuss this tomorrow afternoon?
The election will be held on 8 August.
I find it's almost impossible to hold a sensible conversation with her.

More examples

  • They frequently hold conferences at that hotel.
  • Dr Clark holds a clinic on Tuesday mornings.
  • They held a dinner to celebrate his retirement.
  • The president held an emergency meeting to discuss military strategy with his defence commanders yesterday.
  • The director is holding auditions next week for the major parts.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Causing things to happen

  • -ization
  • -ize
  • actuation
  • agent
  • awaken (sth) in sb
  • be associated with sth
  • beget
  • draw
  • equal
  • fuel
  • instigate
  • instigator
  • introduce
  • lie
  • plant
  • rise
  • usher
  • usher sth in
  • wreak
  • wrought

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hold verb (CONTINUE)

[ I or T ] to cause to stay or continue in the same way as before:

Let's hope our good luck holds.
I hope the repair holds until we get the car to a garage.
The old adage that money talks still holds true (= is still true).
The government is committed to holding exports at their present level.
The ship/aircraft held its course.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Continue & last

  • (it's) business as usual idiom
  • bash on
  • carry (sth) on
  • cease
  • cont
  • contd
  • drag
  • keep at sth
  • keep on doing sth
  • keep on trucking idiom
  • keep sb at it idiom
  • leg
  • nine
  • push
  • run on
  • run over (sth)
  • see sth out
  • segue
  • soldier on
  • string

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hold verb (BELIEVE)

[ T not continuous ] to believe an idea or opinion:

You sold it to me, so if it breaks I'll hold you responsible (= consider you to blame).
[ + to infinitive ] formal a legal decision that we hold to be unconstitutional

More examples

  • He held me personally responsible whenever anything went wrong in the project.
  • She was held responsible for the accident.
  • If he so much as harms a hair on her head I won't be held responsible for my actions.
  • The leaves of the plant are held to have health benefits when eaten.
  • Her early work is generally held to be her best.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words


  • article of faith
  • ascribe sth to sb
  • belief
  • believe
  • believe in sth
  • credit
  • evidently
  • feel
  • feel it in your bones idiom
  • give sb the benefit of the doubt idiom
  • gospel
  • incline to/towards sth
  • see sth in sb/sth
  • seeing is believing idiom
  • self-delusion
  • stock
  • swear by sth
  • take sb's word for it idiom
  • under
  • word

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hold verb (DELAY)

[ I or T ] to wait, or to stop something temporarily:

They've decided to hold all future deliveries until the invoice has been paid.
How long can you hold your breath (= stop breathing)?
Will you hold my calls for the next half hour please?
She's on the phone at the moment - will you hold (the line) (= wait on the phone until she can speak to you)?

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Delaying and wasting time

  • ado
  • be on ice idiom
  • bugger
  • bugger about
  • bugger sb about
  • carry
  • hold sb over
  • hold sb/sth back
  • hold sb/sth up
  • hold up
  • ice
  • kick
  • push
  • retard
  • retardation
  • set sth/sb back
  • shelve
  • sit
  • sit on sth
  • spin

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hold verb (NOT INCLUDE)

[ T ] US If you ask someone to hold something, you do not want them to include it:

I'd like a ham sandwich on rye, hold the lettuce.

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  • acid-free
  • alienate
  • apart
  • bar
  • barring
  • count
  • cut
  • discount
  • exclude
  • excluding
  • exclusion
  • exclusive
  • exclusively
  • freeze sb out
  • otherwise
  • out of it idiom
  • outside
  • present
  • present company excepted idiom
  • send

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can't hold a candle to
can't hold your drink
don't hold your breath
hold all the cards
hold court
hold down a job
hold everything!
hold your head (up) high
hold your horses
hold it!
hold on/tight
hold your own
hold still
hold sway
hold that thought
hold the floor
hold (down) the fort
hold the key
hold the reins
hold the road
hold your tongue
hold true
hold water
there is no holding sb (back)

Phrasal verb(s)

hold it/that against sb
hold back
hold sb/sth back
hold sth back
hold sb/sth down
hold sth down
hold forth
hold off
hold sb off
hold on
hold onto sb/sth
hold onto/on to sth
hold out
hold sth out
hold out for sth
hold out on sb
hold sth over
hold sb over
hold sb to sth
hold up
hold sb/sth up
hold sth up
hold sth up as sth
not hold with sth



hold noun (SUPPORT)

B2 [ S or U ] the act of holding something or someone, or the way you do this:

Keep a tight hold on your tickets.
Don't worry if you lose hold of the reins - the horse won't wander off.
See also
catch/get/grab/take hold of sth/sb

B2 to start holding something or someone:

He took hold of one end of the carpet and tugged.
I just managed to grab hold of Lucy before she fell in the pool.

[ C ] in fighting sports, a position in which one person holds another person so that they cannot move

[ C ] a place to put the hands and feet, especially when climbing

More examples

  • Without saying a word, she took hold of my arm and marched me off to the headmaster's office.
  • She relinquished her hold on the steering wheel.
  • He got hold of the money legally, without resort to violence.
  • He caught hold of my arm.
  • He took hold of the plant's root and pulled.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Having in your hands

  • ahold
  • arm
  • clasp
  • clench
  • cling
  • cradle
  • cup
  • dandle
  • enfold
  • grasp
  • hand
  • hand in hand idiom
  • handle
  • hang
  • hang on
  • hang/hold on like grim death idiom
  • hold on
  • onto
  • pinion
  • seize

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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

Fighting sports
Mountaineering & rock climbing

hold noun (CONTROL)

C2 [ S ] power or control over something or someone:

Their company has a strong hold on/over the computer market.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Limiting and restricting

  • box sb in
  • chain
  • circumscribe
  • clamp down on sth
  • clampdown
  • cramp
  • curb
  • curtail
  • damage limitation
  • debilitate
  • delimit
  • hamstring
  • infringe
  • localize
  • muzzle
  • non-proliferation
  • qualification
  • ration
  • rationing
  • stabilizer

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hold noun (DELAY)

on hold

C1 If you are on hold when using the phone, you are waiting to speak to someone:

Mr Briggs is on hold.
He's on the phone at the moment- can I put you on hold?

C1 If an activity is on hold, it has been intentionally delayed:

Everything's on hold again because of the bad weather.
The movie has been put on hold until the financial situation improves.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Communications - by telephone

  • aeroplane mode
  • airplane mode
  • alarm call
  • bell
  • break
  • break up
  • call sb up
  • cold-calling
  • conference call
  • connection
  • cut
  • give sb a buzz idiom
  • hash
  • put sb through
  • put sth down 1
  • ring
  • telecommuting
  • tinkle
  • top-up card
  • transfer

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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

Delaying and wasting time

hold noun (SPACE)

[ C ] the space in a ship or aircraft in which goods are carried

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Parts of ships & boats

  • abaft
  • boathook
  • boiler room
  • capstan
  • echo sounder
  • engine room
  • gangplank
  • gunnel
  • helm
  • jib
  • lanyard
  • lifebelt
  • mast
  • oar
  • paddle
  • porthole
  • rib
  • rudder
  • sail
  • tiller

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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

Air travel: parts of aeroplanes


get hold of
no holds barred
take hold


us/hoʊld/past tense and past participle held /held/

hold verb (TAKE FIRMLY)

[ I/T ] to take and keep something in your hand or arms:

[ T ] The nurse held the child in her arms.
[ I ] Hold tight (= firmly) to the railing.

[ I/T ] If you hold your nose, you press your nose tightly between thumb and finger to close it.

hold hands

When two people hold hands, each one takes the other person’s hand in his or her hand, esp. to show affection.

hold verb (MOVE AWAY)

[ always + adv/prep ] to move something away from your body:

[ M ] Rosie held an apple out to the horse.
[ M ] Close your eyes and hold out your hands.
[ M ] All those who agree, please hold your hand up.

hold verb (KEEP IN PLACE)

[ always + adv/prep ] to keep something in a particular place or position:

[ M ] Could you hold the door open for me, please?
[ M ] I can’t fasten this skirt unless I hold my stomach in (= keep it tight with my muscles so that it does not stick out).
[ M ] Each wheel is held on by/with four bolts.
[ M ] Individual parts are held together with glue.
[ I ] Hold still (= Do not move)!

hold verb (CONTINUE)

[ I/T ] to continue or cause to continue in the same way as before:

[ I ] If the weather holds, we can go sailing.
[ T ] The ship held its course.
[ T ] She seemed to hold the note she was singing for more than a minute.
holds true

If something holds true, it continues to be true:

Einstein’s theories still hold true today.

hold verb (DELAY)

[ I/T ] to stop something from happening, or to delay something temporarily:

[ T ] How long can you hold your breath?

[ I/T ] Someone on the telephone who asks you to hold wants you to wait until that person or someone else can speak to you:

[ I ] Her line is busy, would you like to hold?

[ I/T ] If you hold something that is usually included in food, you do not include it:

[ T ] I’d like a salad, but hold the dressing.


[ T ] to support or contain something or be able to contain or support it:

This bottle holds exactly one pint.
Modern computers can hold (= store) huge amounts of information.
Will the rope be strong enough to hold the weight?
holds promise

If something holds promise, it is likely to be successful:

The new drug holds promise for relieving chronic pain.

hold verb (CONTROL)

[ T ] to keep control or possession of something:

His speech held the audience’s attention for over an hour.
He was held prisoner for three days.
After many days of fighting, the rebels now hold the town.
The champion held the lead until the last lap.

[ T ] If someone who committed a crime is held, that person is kept guarded in a police station.

[ T ] If you hold a job or a financial account, you have it:

He currently holds the position of managing editor.
She holds three different accounts with the same bank.

hold verb (CAUSE TO HAPPEN)

[ T ] to organize or cause a meeting, election, or social event to happen:

The election will be held on the 8th of November.
We’re holding our annual New Year’s Day party again.

hold verb (BELIEVE)

[ T ] to believe an idea or opinion to be correct, or to state that something is true:

He holds unpopular views on many subjects.
I hold him responsible for the damage to my car.
[ + that clause ] Murphy’s law holds that if anything can go wrong, it probably will.


hold it
hold your own
hold the fort
hold your tongue
hold water
not hold a candle to someone/something

Phrasal verb(s)

hold something against someone/something
hold someone to something
hold back (something)
hold down something
hold down something
hold forth
hold off (something)
hold on
hold on/tight
hold onto something
hold out
hold out something
hold out for something
hold out on someone
hold over something/someone
hold together (something)
hold up
hold up someone/something
hold up someone/something
hold up something/someone



hold noun (FIRM SUPPORT)

[ U ] the act of taking and keeping something in your hand or arms, or the way you do this:

Don’t lose hold of the dog’s leash.
If you can get/grab/take hold of that end of the box, I’ll take this end and we’ll lift it.

hold noun (DELAY)

on hold

If something is on hold, it is intentionally delayed:

The space launch is on hold until the weather clears.

If you are on hold when using the telephone, you are waiting to speak to someone:

His line is busy – can I put you on hold?

hold noun (CONTROL)

[ U ] control or power over something or someone:

The team is strengthening its hold on first place.
She has a strong hold on her daughters.

hold noun (SPACE)

[ C ] the space in a ship or aircraft where goods are carried


[ C ] (in some sports) a position in which one person prevents another from moving:

In karate, beginners learn several simple holds.


uk/həʊld/usheld, held

[ T ] to have something, especially a position or money, or to control something:

hold power/control The CEO holds power only as long as the directors approve of his methods.
hold a stake/an interest/shares The bank holds an interest in the real estate company.
hold a position/job/post Before taking his present post, he held the position of chief financial regulator.
hold a mortgage/loan She holds the mortgage, so she has the right to foreclose on the property.
hold the rights to sth Who holds the rights to screen these games?
hold a patent The world's largest biotech firm holds patents on the DNA sequences of thousands of varieties of grain.

[ T ] to keep something, especially when it might be needed in the future:

Accountants recommend holding records for more than seven years.
Ten seats are being held for the chief executives.
hold stocks/supplies We hold large stocks of all these items, and are generally able to guarantee next-day delivery.

[ T ] FINANCE to keep money or an investment, and not sell it:

We'll hold the bonds until the resale market improves.
For these stocks, the recommendation is: Hold!
See also

[ T ] to contain or be able to contain a number of people or things:

Each container can hold 500 pounds of cargo.
The auditorium is designed to hold 1,000 people.

[ T ] MEETINGS to make an event, especially a meeting, happen:

hold a meeting/conference/conference call
The software development conference is scheduled to be held in San Francisco in April.

[ I or T ] FINANCE to stay, or make something stay, at the same level as before:

hold a rate/price/tax The Federal Reserve held interest rates at 3%.
The Chancellor is expected to hold capital gains tax at its present rate.
The markets held steady, despite the report of higher inflation.

[ T ] LAW to make a judgment in a court of law:

A superior court judge held that the plaintiff had no legal claim to royalties.

[ I or T ] COMMUNICATIONS to wait when you are phoning until you can talk to the person that you want to speak to:

He'll answering another call right now. Can you hold?
Please hold the line. I'll try to connect you.
hold all the cards

to be in a strong position when you are competing with someone else, because you have all the advantages:

Management holds all the cards when it comes to the negotiations over job cuts.
hold the floor

MEETINGS to speak in a formal situation, such as at a conference or meeting:

Martin held the floor for almost an hour.
hold down the fort UK hold the fort

WORKPLACE to deal with a situation, or do someone's job, while they are away:

She went off on vacation, leaving me to hold down the fort.
Will you hold the fort while I go for lunch?
hold your ground

to keep or defend an opinion or an idea, even when other people do not agree with you:

We'll hold our ground until they accept our changes to the contract.
hold sb's hand

to help someone to do something, especially when it is a new or difficult task:

A call center technician held my hand as he talked me through installing the hardware.
You shouldn't really need your boss to hold your hand any longer.
hold office

GOVERNMENT, POLITICS to have a position of authority, especially in government:

A president can only hold office for two terms of four years each.
Things were not very different when the previous government held office.
hold your own

to continue to be in a strong or fairly strong position, even when there are difficulties:

hold your own against sb/sth They held their own against heavily marketed overseas brands.
hold the purse strings

to control when and how money is spent:

Head office holds the purse strings, and we'll need approval to buy any new equipment.
hold the reins

to be in control of something:

He currently holds the reins at one of the fastest growing mobile communications businesses in the country.
hold sth in reserve

to keep something until a time when it is needed for a particular purpose:

Four million additional tons of grain are held in reserve each month.
hold sway

formal to have control or influence over someone or something:

Party leaders held sway over the hearings.
hold title

PROPERTY to have or control the rights to land, buildings, or other property:

hold title to sth She held title to the property and all mineral rights.
hold (its) value

to not fall in price:

The older models haven't held value as much as collectors anticipated.

Phrasal verb(s)

hold back
hold sb/sth back
hold back on sth
hold sth down
hold off
hold on
hold on to/onto sth/sb
hold out for sth
hold sth over
hold up
hold sth up
hold sb/sth up



[ S ] power or control over someone or something:

a hold over sb/sth With the new law, Congress strengthened its hold over mortgage rates.
a hold on sth They're keeping their strong hold on the smartphone market.
a strong/tight hold
keep/tighten/lose your hold

[ C or U ] STOCK MARKET a suggestion that someone should not sell the shares that they own in a company, but that they should not buy any new shares:

Analysts changed "buys" to "holds" after the annual report appeared.
We have recently downgraded our recommendation for the Forest Group to "Hold".
See also
hold rating

[ C ] BANKING a delay by a bank to prevent money from being taken from an account:

It took three days for the hold on the payment to be cleared.

[ C ] TRANSPORT the place on a ship or aircraft where goods are carried:

Inspectors examined the hold to look for stowaways.
on hold

not being done now, but perhaps being done later:

Any new building has been put on hold until the economy improves.

not changing or moving:

The dollar is on hold at the same level it was at a year ago.

COMMUNICATIONS waiting for someone to return to or to begin a phone conversation:

Technical support had me on hold for 20 minutes while they researched my question.
I'll just put you on hold while I ask my manager about this.
take hold

to start to have an effect:

New stimulus funds took hold in time to keep unemployment low.




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