hooknoun [ C ]
uk/hʊk/us/hʊk/hook noun [ C ] (DEVICE)
B2 a curved device used for catching or holding things, especially one attached to a surface for hanging things on:
a coat/picture hook
a boat hook
a fish hook
More examples
- We'll have to screw a hook into the wall.
- Could you put some hooks in the garden shed, for us to hang the tools on?
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Pins, clips, hooks & pegs
- barb
- barrette
- bodkin
- Bulldog Clip
- clasp
- clip
- clip-on
- hair slide
- hairgrip
- hairpin
- needle
- paper clip
- peg
- pinhead
- pushpin
- safety pin
- slide
- staple
- tiepin
- tuning peg
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hook noun [ C ] (HIT)
a way of hitting in boxing, cricket, or golf:
a right/left hook
a hook shot
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Fighting sports
- all-in wrestling
- arm-wrestling
- bantamweight
- black belt
- body blow
- flyweight
- foil
- gumshield
- heavyweight
- jab
- jiujitsu
- knockout
- left-hander
- pugilistic
- punch-drunk
- punching bag
- rope
- roundhouse kick
- sabre
- wrestler
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You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
hook noun [ C ] (SONG)
a repeated part of a song or piece of music that is particularly pleasing and easy to remember:
It has to be a great song, with a great hook, great lyrics, and a great melody.
by hook or by crook
fall for sth hook, line, and sinker
get your hooks into sb/sth
off the hook
uk/hʊk/us/hʊk/hook verb (FASTEN)
[ T ] to fasten something with a hook, hang something on a hook, or catch something with a hook:
He hooked the trailer (= joined it with a hook) to his car.
How many salmon did you hook (= catch) this afternoon?
She hooked the shoe (= lifted it with a hook) out of the water.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Connecting and combining
- abut
- adjoin
- aggregate
- allied
- amalgamate
- assemblage
- bind
- desegregate
- dovetail
- eclectic
- entwine
- fuse
- fusion
- hitch
- linkage
- lump sb/sth together
- marriage
- marry
- meld
- merge
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hook verb (HAVE SEX)
[ I ] US informal to have sex for money
Phrasal verb(s)
hook up
hook (sb/sth) up (to sth)