uk/pəʊz/us/poʊz/pose verb (CAUSE)
C1 [ T ] to cause something, especially a problem or difficulty:
More examples
- Drunken drivers pose a serious threat to other road users.
- The students were deported because they posed a threat to national security.
- The very high rate of inflation poses a serious problem for the government.
- The result of the vote poses a serious challenge to the government's credibility.
- Officials claim that the chemical leakage poses no real danger for surrounding residents.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Causing difficulties for oneself or others
- be a tall order idiom
- be asking for trouble idiom
- be your own worst enemy idiom
- bugger
- bugger sb about
- dig
- lay
- lay yourself open to attack, criticism, ridicule, etc. idiom
- like pulling teeth idiom
- make a rod for your own back idiom
- make heavy weather of sth idiom
- overburden
- shoot
- spell trouble idiom
- store
- store sth up
- store up trouble/problems idiom
- subject sb/sth to sth
- suicide
- wrong-foot
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pose verb (ASK)
C2 [ T ] to ask a question, especially in a formal situation such as a meeting:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Questioning people & asking questions in general
- beat
- bombard
- canvass
- cross-question
- debrief
- desk research
- enquiry
- feel sb/sth out
- grilling
- interrogate
- interview
- interviewee
- opinion poll
- pin
- Q, q
- questioner
- questioning
- third
- what do you have to say for yourself? idiom
- worm
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pose verb (POSITION)
C1 [ I ] to move into and stay in a particular position, in order to be photographed, painted, etc.:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Sitting and standing
- akimbo
- astride
- attention
- bestride
- cross-legged
- crouch
- four
- pew
- plump (sb/sth) down
- rampant
- seated
- seating
- sit sth out
- stand
- stand aside
- stand round
- strike
- take a pew! idiom
- take the weight off your feet/legs idiom
- weight
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pose verb (PRETEND)
[ I ] to pretend to be something that you are not or to have qualities that you do not have, in order to be admired or attract interest:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Faking & pretending
- a wolf in sheep's clothing idiom
- affect
- assume
- believe
- changeling
- charlatan
- falsify
- feign
- fraud
- go through the motions idiom
- guise
- phoney
- play at sth
- play possum idiom
- play sth out
- play-acting
- professed
- purport
- put sth on
- quack
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Phrasal verb(s)
uk/pəʊz/us/poʊz/pose noun (POSITION)
[ C ] a particular position in which a person stands, sits, etc. in order to be photographed, painted, etc.:
pose noun (PRETENDING)
[ C usually singular ] an occasion when someone pretends to have qualities that they do not have:
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Faking & pretending
- a wolf in sheep's clothing idiom
- affect
- assume
- believe
- changeling
- charlatan
- falsify
- feign
- fraud
- go through the motions idiom
- guise
- phoney
- play at sth
- play possum idiom
- play sth out
- play-acting
- professed
- purport
- put sth on
- quack
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