uk/ˈreɪ.di.eɪt/us/ˈreɪ.di.eɪt/radiate verb (PRODUCE HEAT/LIGHT)
[ I or T ] to produce heat and/or light, or (of heat or light) to be produced:
The planet Jupiter radiates twice as much heat from inside as it receives from the Sun.
A single beam of light radiated from the lighthouse.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Emitting and ejecting
- carbon emissions
- discharge
- disgorge
- displace
- ejaculate
- ejaculation
- eject
- ejection
- emanate
- emanate from/through sth/sb
- emission
- expulsion
- exude
- give
- give sth off
- projectile
- radiant
- release
- shed
- spew
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radiate verb (EXPRESS)
[ I or T ] to show an emotion or quality, or (of an emotion or quality) to be shown or felt:
He was radiating joy and happiness.
Enthusiasm was radiating from her.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Showing and demonstrating
- act
- act sth out
- attest
- barometer
- bespeak
- bring
- bring sth forward
- disclose
- flicker
- manifestation
- produce
- prove
- put up sth
- revealing
- says something about sb/sth idiom
- shew
- strike
- suggest
- token
- wear
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radiate verb (SPREAD)
[ I + adv/prep ] to spread out in all directions from a central point:
Flows of lava radiated out from the volcano's crater.
Just before the breeding season, these birds radiate outwards to warmer climates.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Spreading and scattering
- all over the place idiom
- bedaub
- bestrew
- billow
- circulate
- fan out
- go round (somewhere)
- go/do the rounds idiom
- percolate
- radial
- scatter
- slap
- spread
- spread out
- sprinkling
- straggle
- stretch
- strew
- suffuse
- sweep
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