

单词 opinion
(once / 36 pages)

Who wouldn't want the job of opinion writer for the Times. You get paid to sit around and tell people how you feel about things. And you know that I've got no shortage of opinions.
An opinion is a belief or attitude about something that isn't necessarily based on facts. You may have an opinion about Gwyneth Paltrow that I don't share. There's no way to prove who's right and who's wrong. Those are our thoughts about her, and that's the way it is. Ironically, when a judge decides a case, his or her ruling is referred to as an opinion. Even though what the judge says will become a matter of law, it's still just their opinion, based on what was presented by the two sides in a trial.
opinion: opinionative, opinions
And how close should his ties remain to business executives operating in areas with far different opinions about human rights and justice?
Seattle Times(Jan 02, 2017)
If Mr. Robinson is to render an opinion, it should be informed by history.
Washington Post(Jan 02, 2017)
Opinion: If there’s no two-state solution, what will Israel become?
Washington Post(Jan 02, 2017)
1n a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty
my opinion differs from yours
persuasion, reckoning, sentiment, thought, view
a personal view
judgement, judgment, mind
an opinion formed by judging something
opinion or judgment
parti pris, preconceived idea, preconceived notion, preconceived opinion, preconception, prepossession
an opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence
one of two divergent or mutually exclusive opinions
political sympathies, politics
the opinion you hold with respect to political questions
conclusion, decision, determination
a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration
any cognitive content held as true
2n a belief or sentiment shared by most people; the voice of the people
he asked for a poll of public opinion
popular opinion, public opinion, vox populi
any cognitive content held as true
3n a vague idea in which some confidence is placed
belief, feeling, impression, notion
the impression that something is present
an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived)
first blush
at the first glimpse or impression
hunch, intuition, suspicion
an impression that something might be the case
sound effect
an effect that imitates a sound called for in the script of a play
special effect
an effect used to produce scenes that cannot be achieved by normal techniques (especially on film)
bosom, heart
the locus of feelings and intuitions
idea, thought
the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about
4n a message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof
his opinions appeared frequently on the editorial page
adverse opinion
an opinion concerning financial statements (usually based on an audit by a CPA) that the statements as a whole do not present results fairly or are not in conformity with the generally accepted accounting practices of the United States
conjecture, guess, hypothesis, speculation, supposition, surmisal, surmise
a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
position, side
an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute
successful conjecture by unusual insight or good luck
content, message, subject matter, substance
what a communication that is about something is about
5n the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision
opinions are usually written by a single judge
judgement, judgment, legal opinion
concurring opinion
an opinion that agrees with the court's disposition of the case but is written to express a particular judge's reasoning
dissenting opinion
an opinion that disagrees with the court's disposition of the case
majority opinion
the opinion joined by a majority of the court (generally known simply as `the opinion')
(Islam) a legal opinion or ruling issued by an Islamic scholar
dictum, obiter dictum
an opinion voiced by a judge on a point of law not directly bearing on the case in question and therefore not binding
instrument, legal document, legal instrument, official document
(law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some right
6n the reason for a court's judgment (as opposed to the decision itself)
Bakke decision
a ruling by the Supreme Court on affirmative action; the Court ruled in 1978 that medical schools are entitled to consider race as a factor in their admission policy
a ruling on a point of Islamic law that is given by a recognized authority
judgement, judgment, judicial decision
(law) the determination by a court of competent jurisdiction on matters submitted to it




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