单词 | supply |
释义 | supply (once / 48 pages) vn To supply the definition of a word is to provide that definition. That's supply used as a verb. If you're talking about the noun, however, then the supply is the thing itself. People who think the world is coming to an end generally like to keep a supply of fresh water on hand. Though, if the world did come to an end, you wouldn't need to supply water to anyone, would you? That's a case of supplying a supply. If there is a big enough demand for ping-pong balls, a person could get rich, if they controlled the supply. Having to supply all those balls could be exhausting, though. WORD FAMILYsupply: oversupply, supplied, supplier, supplies, supplying+/oversupply: oversupplied, oversupplies, oversupplying/supplier: suppliers USAGE EXAMPLESMeanwhile, Islamic State militants launched an attack on the main road from Baghdad to Mosul, a key military supply route. Washington Post(Jan 02, 2017) Dak Prescott isn't a wheelbarrow full of rusty plumbing supplies. Wall Street Journal(Jan 02, 2017) “The demand is there, but not the supply,” he said. Wall Street Journal(Jan 02, 2017) 1v circulate or distribute or equip with supply blankets for the beds Syn|Ant|Hypo|Hyper issue recall make unavailable; bar from sale or distribution free, release, unblock, unfreeze make (assets) available reissueissue (a new version of) free, releasemake (information) available for publication declassifylift the restriction on and make available again distribute make available 2v give something useful or necessary to Syn|Hypo|Hyper furnish, provide, render hydrate supply water or liquid to in order to maintain a healthy balance chargeenergize a battery by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge dateprovide with a dateline; mark with a date feedfeed into; supply calkprovide with calks fundprovide a fund for the redemption of principal or payment of interest scant, skimp, stintsupply sparingly and with restricted quantities terrace, terrasseprovide (a house) with a terrace dadoprovide with a dado innervatesupply nerves to (some organ or body part) offermake available or accessible, provide or furnish signalise, signalizeprovide with traffic signals extend, offermake available; provide stockprovide or furnish with a stock of something buy in, stock, stock upamass so as to keep for future use or sale or for a particular occasion or use captionprovide with a caption, as of a photograph or a drawing tubeprovide with a tube or insert a tube into ticketprovide with a ticket for passage or admission stocksupply with livestock stocksupply with fish rimfurnish with a rim fretprovide (a musical instrument) with frets stepfurnish with steps railprovide with rails gratefurnish with a grate capitalise, capitalizesupply with capital, as of a business by using a combination of capital used by investors and debt capital provided by lenders alphabetizeprovide with an alphabet wharfprovide with a wharf air-condition, air-coolequip with an apparatus for controlling the humidity and temperature uniformprovide with uniforms railroadsupply with railroad lines partnerprovide with a partner bewhisker, whiskerfurnish with whiskers subtitlesupply (a movie) with subtitles headlineprovide (a newspaper page or a story) with a headline matchprovide funds complementary to hobnailsupply with hobnails wiveprovide with a wife; marry (someone) to a wife victualsupply with food cloy, surfeitsupply or feed to surfeit heatprovide with heat seatprovide with seats seatput a seat on a chair rampfurnish with a ramp armsupply with arms interleaveprovide (books) with blank leaves glass, glazefurnish with glass crenel, crenelate, crenellatesupply with battlements causewayprovide with a causeway canal, canalise, canalizeprovide (a city) with a canal bushprovide with a bushing bratticesupply with a brattice, to ventilate mines furnishprovide or equip with furniture slatequip or bar with slats berthprovide with a berth bedfurnish with a bed computerise, computerizeprovide with computers costumefurnish with costumes; as for a film or play bottomprovide with a bottom or a seat rafterprovide (a ceiling) with rafters toolfurnish with tools keyprovide with a key fuelprovide with a combustible substance that provides energy provision, purveysupply with provisions afford, give, yieldbe the cause or source of equip, fit, fit out, outfitprovide with (something) usually for a specific purpose transistorise, transistorizeequip (an electronic circuit or device) with transistors upholsterprovide furniture with padding, springs, webbing, and covers cleatprovide with cleats coalsupply with coal corbelfurnish with a corbel cornicefurnish with a cornice constitutionalizeprovide with a constitution, as of a country copper-bottomprovide with a copper bottom curtainprovide with drapery gatesupply with a gate indexprovide with an index articulate, jointprovide with a joint poursupply in large amounts or quantities pumpsupply in great quantities fire, fuelprovide with fuel flood, glut, oversupplysupply with an excess of toggleprovide with a toggle or toggles patchprovide with a patch; also used metaphorically waterprovide with water leverageprovide with leverage tapfurnish with a tap or spout, so as to be able to draw liquid from it top, top outprovide with a top or finish the top (of a structure) reflectorise, reflectorizeprovide with reflectors, such as chemicals retrofitprovide with parts, devices, or equipment not available or in use at the time of the original manufacture border, edgeprovide with a border or edge machicolatesupply with projecting galleries sanitateprovide with sanitary facilities or appliances hatfurnish with a hat themeprovide with a particular theme or motive kernfurnish with a kern headquarterprovide with headquarters shelterprovide shelter for rig, set, set upequip with sails or masts mechanise, mechanize, motorise, motorizeequip with armed and armored motor vehicles rechargecharge anew open, open upmake available date-mark, dateline, datemarkmark with a date and place date, date stampstamp with a date accost, hook, solicitapproach with an offer of sexual favors fuseequip with a fuse; provide with a fuse collarfurnish with a collar spurequip with spurs finequip (a car) with fins motorizeequip with a motor motorizeequip with a motor vehicle plantplace into a river restockstock again overstockstock excessively understockstock with less than the usual or desirable number or quantity stockequip with a stock steam-heatheat by means of steam reseatprovide with new seats reseatprovide with a new seat munitionsupply with weapons rearmarm again double-glazeprovide with two sheets of glass refurnishfurnish with new or different furniture bunkprovide with a bunk gas upfill with gasoline refuelprovide with additional fuel, as of aircraft, ships, and cars bunkerfill (a ship's bunker) with coal or oil horseshoeequip (a horse) with a horseshoe or horseshoes turn outoutfit or equip, as with accessories instrumentequip with instruments for measuring, recording, or controlling muzzlefit with a muzzle kit, kit out, kit upsupply with a set of articles or tools appointfurnish re-equip, rejigre-equip a factory or plant refitfit out again armor, armourequip with armor accouter, accoutreprovide with military equipment wireprovide with electrical circuits shaftequip with a shaft sparfurnish with spars stavefurnish with staves adorn, clothe, investfurnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors domiciliate, house, put upprovide housing for kennelput up in a kennel stableshelter in a stable stallput into, or keep in, a stall commissionput into commission; equip for service; of ships harbor, harboursecretly shelter (as of fugitives or criminals) allow, allow for, leave, providemake a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain give transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody 3v give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance Syn|Hypo|Hyper cater, ply, provide staff provide with staff drenchforce to drink regale, treatprovide with choice or abundant food or drink boardprovide food and lodging (for) feed, givegive food to feedserve as food for; be the food for dish, dish out, dish up, serve, serve upprovide (usually but not necessarily food) catersupply food ready to eat; for parties and banquets help, servehelp to some food; help with food or drink powersupply the force or power for the functioning of feedprovide as food gratify, indulge, panderyield (to); give satisfaction to underlayprovide with a base, support, lining, or backing fill, fulfil, fulfill, meet, satisfyfill or meet a want or need horseprovide with a horse or horses showerprovide abundantly with accommodateprovide with something desired or needed nourish, nurture, sustainprovide with nourishment fix upfind (something or someone) for gutterprovide with gutters humor, humourput into a good mood manprovide with workers dinegive dinner to; host for dinner winetreat to wine alcoholizesubject to the influence of alcohol live in, sleep inlive in the house where one works scavengefeed on carrion or refuse foddergive fodder (to domesticated animals) slop, swillfeed pigs regurgitatefeed through the beak by regurgitating previously swallowed food cornfeed (cattle) with corn malnourish, undernourishprovide with insufficient quality or quantity of nourishment overfeedfeed excessively spoonfeedfeed with a spoon force-feedfeed someone who will not or cannot eat plankcook and serve on a plank drivecause to function by supplying the force or power for or by controlling feast, feedgratify spreeengage without restraint in an activity and indulge, as when shopping answerbe satisfactory for; meet the requirements of or serve the purpose of remountprovide with fresh horses lunchprovide a midday meal for breakfastprovide breakfast for breastfeed, give suck, lactate, nurse, suck, suckle, wet-nursegive suck to bottlefeedfeed (infants) with a bottle sow one's oats, sow one's wild oatslive promiscuously and self-indulgently appease, quell, stayovercome or allay injectfeed intravenously carrybe able to feed feed on, feed uponbe sustained by allay, assuage, quench, slakesatisfy (thirst) aliment, nourish, nutrifygive nourishment to rangelet eat crop, graze, pasturelet feed in a field or pasture or meadow give transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody 4v state or say further `It doesn't matter,' he supplied Syn|Hypo|Hyper add, append insert, slip in, sneak in, stick in insert casually toss inadd casually to a conversation spatchcockinterpolate or insert (words) into a sentence or story say, state, tell express in words 5n the activity of supplying or providing something Syn|Hypo|Hyper provision, supplying irrigation supplying dry land with water by means of ditches etc alimentation, feedingthe act of supplying food and nourishment fueling, refuelingthe activity of supplying or taking on fuel care delivery, health care delivery, healthcare deliverythe provision of health care issuance, issue, issuingthe act of providing an item for general use or for official purposes (usually in quantity) logisticshandling an operation that involves providing labor and materials be supplied as needed purveyancethe act of supplying something stockingthe activity of supplying a stock of something subventionthe act or process of providing aid or help of any sort lactation, sucklingfeeding an infant by giving suck at the breast infant feedingfeeding an infant forced feeding, gavagefeeding that consists of the delivery of a nutrient solution (as through a nasal tube) to someone who cannot or will not eat IV, intravenous feedingadministration of nutrients through a vein overfeedingexcessive feeding spoonfeedingfeeding someone (as a baby) from a spoon TPN, hyperalimentation, total parenteral nutritionadministration of a nutritionally adequate solution through a catheter into the vena cava; used in cases of long-term coma or severe burns or severe gastrointestinal syndromes stock issue(corporation law) the authorization and delivery of shares of stock for sale to the public or the shares thus offered at a particular time activity any specific behavior 6n an amount of something available for use Hypo|Hyper reservoir a large or extra supply of something indefinite quantity an estimated quantity 7n offering goods and services for sale Ant|Hyper demand the ability and desire to purchase goods and services economic process any process affecting the production and development and management of material wealth |
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