

单词 organized religion
organized religion
(once / 45459 pages)

organized religion: organized religions
There's a difference between organized religion and spirituality.
Los Angeles Times(Dec 07, 2016)
She worries the split will exacerbate disillusionment with organized religion, at a time when mainstream churches are already experiencing declines.
Wall Street Journal(Dec 04, 2016)
He leans more scientific in his views, and so he is skeptical of organized religion.
Washington Times(Nov 05, 2016)
n an institution to express belief in a divine power
faith, religion
Christian church, church
one of the groups of Christians who have their own beliefs and forms of worship
Hebraism, Jewish religion, Judaism
Jews collectively who practice a religion based on the Torah and the Talmud
Hindooism, Hinduism
the religion of most people in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal
religion adhering to the teaching of Lao-tzu
a religion represented by the many groups (especially in Asia) that profess various forms of the Buddhist doctrine and that venerate Buddha
the group of initiated Sikhs to which devout orthodox Sikhs are ritually admitted at puberty; founded by the tenth and last Guru in 1699
Church of Scientology, Scientology
a new religion founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1955 and characterized by a belief in the power of a person's spirit to clear itself of past painful experiences through self-knowledge and spiritual fulfillment
the native religion and former ethnic cult of Japan
established church
the church that is recognized as the official church of a nation
religious order, religious sect, sect
a subdivision of a larger religious group
followers of an unorthodox, extremist, or false religion or sect who often live outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader
followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices
a religious society of women who live together as sisters (especially an order of nuns)
Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church, Armenian Church
an independent Christian church established in Armenia since 300; was influenced by both Roman and Byzantine traditions
Catholic Church
any of several churches claiming to have maintained historical continuity with the original Christian Church
Albigenses, Cathari, Cathars
a Christian religious sect in southern France in the 12th and 13th centuries; believers in Albigensianism
Nestorian Church
a Christian Church in the Middle East that followed Nestorianism; there is still a small Nestorian Church in Iraq
Coptic Church
the ancient Christian church of Egypt
Protestant, Protestant Church
the Protestant churches and denominations collectively
High Anglican Church, High Church
a group in the Anglican Church that emphasizes the Catholic tradition (especially in sacraments and rituals and obedience to church authority)
Unification Church
a Christian church (with some Buddhist elements) founded in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon and known for staging mass weddings and other communal activities
a 16th century sect of Anabaptists centered in Germany who had an absolute disdain for human knowledge
Amish sect
an orthodox Anabaptist sect separated from the Mennonites in late 17th century; settled chiefly in southeastern Pennsylvania
a Jewish sect that recognizes only the Hebrew Scriptures as the source of divinely inspired legislation and denies the authority of the postbiblical tradition of the Talmud; the sect arose in Iraq in the eighth century
Jewish Orthodoxy, Orthodox Judaism
Jews who strictly observe the Mosaic law as interpreted in the Talmud
Conservative Judaism
Jews who keep some of the requirements of the Mosaic law but allow for adaptation of other requirements (as some of the dietary laws) to fit modern circumstances
Reform Judaism
the most liberal Jews; Jews who do not follow the Talmud strictly but try to adapt all of the historical forms of Judaism to the modern world
Shia, Shiah, Shiah Islam
one of the two main branches of orthodox Islam; mainly in Iran
Sunni, Sunni Islam
one of the two main branches of orthodox Islam
Brahmanism, Brahminism
the religious and social system of orthodox Hinduism
Shivaism, Sivaism
a Hindu sect worshiping Shiva
Saktism, Shaktism
a Hindu sect worshiping Shakti
Vaishnavism, Vaisnavism
Hindu sect worshiping of Vishnu
any of several sects of Orthodox Judaism that reject modern secular culture and many of whom do not recognize the spiritual authority of the modern state of Israel
Hare Krishna, ISKCON, International Society for Krishna Consciousness
a religious sect founded in the United States in 1966; based on Vedic scriptures; groups engage in joyful chanting of `Hare Krishna' and other mantras based on the name of the Hindu god Krishna; devotees usually wear saffron robes and practice vegetarianism and celibacy
sect founded in the 6th century BC as a revolt against Hinduism
a Chinese sect claiming to follow the teaching of Lao-tzu but incorporating pantheism and sorcery in addition to Taoism
Zen, Zen Buddhism
school of Mahayana Buddhism asserting that enlightenment can come through meditation and intuition rather than faith; China and Japan
a major school of Buddhism teaching social concern and universal salvation; China; Japan; Tibet; Nepal; Korea; Mongolia
a major school of Buddhism teaching personal salvation through one's own efforts
movement within Buddhism combining elements of Hinduism and paganism
Kokka, Kokka Shinto
the branch of Shinto recognized as the official state religion of Japan
Shua, Shuha Shinto
any branch of Shinto other than Kokka
(plural) the lay members of a male religious order
monastic order, order
a group of person living under a religious rule
Quakers, Religious Society of Friends, Society of Friends
a Christian sect founded by George Fox about 1660; commonly called Quakers
Shakers, United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing
a celibate and communistic Christian sect in the United States
Vaudois, Waldenses
a Christian sect of dissenters that originated in southern France in the late 12th century adopted Calvinist doctrines in the 16th century
a Zoroastrian sect that claims Zurvan was the ultimate source of the universe
cargo cult
(Melanesia) the followers of one of several millenarian cults that believe salvation will come in the form of wealth (`cargo') brought by westerners; some ascribe divine attributes to westerners on first contact (especially to missionaries)
(Brazil) followers of a religious cult of African origin
obeah, obi
(West Indies) followers of a religious system involving witchcraft and sorcery
(Ethiopia) adherents of an African religion that regards Ras Tafari as divine
(Haiti) followers of a religion that involves witchcraft and animistic deities
Rastafari, Rastas
(Jamaica) a Black youth subculture and religious movement that arose in the ghettos of Kingston, Jamaica, in the 1950s; males grow hair in long dreadlocks and wear woolen caps; use marijuana and listen to reggae music
a community of followers of the Wicca religion
establishment, institution
an organization founded and united for a specific purpose




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