单词 | Level-1 |
释义 | Level-1 (2000 words) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWY~ A America American April As At a a bit a few a little a lot able about above absent absolute accept accident accompany accomplish accord according account accuse acquaint acquire across act action active actual actually add addition address administer administration admire admit adopt advance advantage adventure advise affair affairs affect afford afraid after after all afternoon afterwards again age agent ago agree agreed ahead aid aim air alarm all all right allow ally almost alone along already also altogether always amount amuse ancient and how and so and then anger angry animal announce announced another answer anxious any apparent apparently appeal appear appearance apply appoint approach approve are area argue argument arise arm arms army around arrange arrest arrive art article artist as as well aside ask assist associate assume assure astonish at at all at home at last at least at length at once at the same time attack attempt attend attention attract aunt author authority avail average avoid awake aware away Be Britain British b baby back bad band bank bare base battle bay be be born be given be on be well bear beat beautiful beauty become bed before beg begin beginning behind behold being belief believe belong belong to below beneath benefit besides best better between beyond bid big bill billion bird birth bishop bit bitter black bless blind block blood blow blue board boat body bold book bore born both bottom bound bow box boy brain branch brave bread breast breath brief bright bring broad broke broken brother build building built burn burst bury business busy but buy by Canada Charles Christ Christian c call calm camp campaign can capable capital captain capture car care career careful carefully carry case cast castle catch cause caution cease cent center central century certain certainly chair chance change changed chapter character charge charm check cheek cheer chief child choice choose church circle circumstance circumstances citizen city civil claim class clean clear clearly climb close closed clothe clothes cloud club coach coast coat cold collect college colonel color colour combine come come back come in come out come to come up comfort comfortable coming command commend comment commission commit committee common communal communicate community companion company compare compete complete compose concept concern conclude condition conditions conduct confer confess confidence confident confuse connect conscious consequence consequent consider considerable considered consist constant constitute construct consume contain content continue continued contract contribute control convene convention conversation converse convince cool copy corner correct correspond cost council count country county couple courage course court cousin cover covered create creature credit crime critic critical cross crowd cry cup curious current custom cut DE David Dr. daily dance danger dangerous dare dark darkness date daughter day days dead deal dear death debt decide decided decision declare declared deep deeply defend degree delicate delight deliver demand deny depart department depend dependent descend describe described desert design desire destroy detail determine determined develop development devote dick die differ difference different difficult difficulty dine dinner direct direction directly director disappear disappoint discover discovered discuss disease dispose distance distant distinct distinguish distribute district disturb divide divine division do do it doctor dog dollar done door double doubt down dozen drama draw drawn dread dream dress drink drive drop dry due duke duty dwell EST Egypt England English Europe European e each eager ear earlier early earn earnest earth easily east easy eat economic economy edge edit editor educate effect effort eight either elect election element em emote emotion emperor employ employed empty encourage end enemy energy engage engaged engine enjoy enough enter entertain entire entirely equal err escape especial especially essence establish established estate estimate etc. even evening event ever every evidence evident evidently evil exact exactly examine example exceed excel excellent except exchange excite exclaim execute executive exercise exhibit exist existence existent expect expected experience experient explain express expression extend extreme eye eyes France French face fact fail faint fair faith faithful fall fallen false fame familiar family famous fancy far farm fashion fast fate father fault favor favour fear feature feed feel feeling feelings fell fellow felt female few field fifty fight fighting figure fill filled film final finally finance financial find finding fine finger finish finished fire firm first fish fit five fix fixed flame flash flight floor flow flower fly folk follow following food fool foot footnote force forced foreign forest forget forgive forgotten form formed former fort forth fortunate fortune forward found four fourth free freedom frequent frequently fresh friend front fruit full fully fun fund further future George German Germany God Greek gain game garden gate gather gaze general generally generate gentle gentleman get get to getting gift girl give given giving glad glance glass glory go go back go into go on go out go to going gold golden gone good govern government governor grace grade gradual grand grant grave great greater greatest greatly green ground group grow growing grown growth guard guess guide guilt gun He Henry Here habit hair half hand hands handsome hang happen happiness happy hard hardly harry haste hat hate have he head health hear heard hearing heart hearts heat heaven heavy height held help here hero hesitate hide high higher hill history hit hold holding hole holy home honest honor honour hope horse hospital hot hotel hour hours house however huge human hundred hunt hurry hurt husband I IN In India Indian Italian Italy i idea ignorant ill illustrate image imagine immediate immediately importance important impossible impress impression improve in in all in fact in front in order in that in this inch incline include increase increased indeed independent indicate individual industry influence inform information inhabit injure innocent inquire inside insist inspire instance instant instead institute instruct intellect intelligent intend intended intention interest interested interesting interrupt introduce invest investigate invite involve iron island issue James January Jesus Jew John July June job join joined journey joy judge judgment jump just just as King keep keeping kept kill kind kind of king kingdom kiss knee knight know knowing knowledge known Lady London Lord Louis la labor lack lad lady laid lake land language large larger last late later latter laugh law lawyer lay lead leader leading leaf league lean learn learned least leave leaving left leg legal legislate length less let letter letters level liberty lie life lift light like likely limit line lip list listen literary little live live in living local lock long longer look look at looking loose lose loss lost lot loud love loved lovely lover low lower luck lying Mary May Miss Mr Mr. Mrs Mrs. m machine mad madame made main maintain majesty major make make it make up making man manage manner many march mark market marriage married marry mass master match material matter may mean meaning means measure meet meeting member memory men men's mention mercy mere merely message method middle might mighty mile military million mind mine minister minute minutes misery miss mission mistake mix modern moment money month moral more more than morning mortal most mother motion mount mountain mouth move moved movement moving much much as murder music must mystery New New York No North n name names narrow nation national native natural nature near nearly necessary necessity neck need needed needs neighbor neighbour neither nerve never new news newspaper next night nine no no doubt no longer no more no. noble nobody noise none north not note nothing notice novel now number nurse O OH Old o o'clock object oblige obliged observe observed obtain occasion occasional occupied occupy occur of course off offer office officer official often oil old old man on on that once once more one only open opened opening operate operation opinion opportune opportunity oppose opposite order ordered ordinary organize original other otherwise out out in out of out to outside over owe own owner Paris Paul President p pack paid pain paint pair palace pale paper papers parent parliament part particular particularly parts party pass passage passing past path patient pause pay peace peculiar people perceive percent perfect perfectly perform perhaps period permit person personal philosophy physical physics pick picture piece pity place placed plain plan plant play played player playing pleasant please pleased pleasure plenty poet poetic point pointed police policy political politics poor popular populate population port portion position possess possession possible post pour power powerful practical practice praise pray prayer prefer prepare prepared presence present presently preserve president press pretty prevent previous price pride priest prince principal principle prison prisoner private probable probably problem proceed process produce product production profess profession professor profit program progress project promise proper property propose protect protest proud prove proved provide province public publish published pull punish purchase pure purpose pursue push put putt quality quarter queen question quick quickly quiet quietly quite Robert Roman Rome Russia Russian race rain raise raised range rank rapid rare rate rather reach read reader reading ready real realize really reason recall receive received recent recognize record recover red reduce refer reflect reform refuse regard region regular relate relation release relieve religion religious remain remains remark remarkable remember remove render repeat repeated reply report reported represent request require required research reserve reside resist resolve respect responsible rest restore result retire return reveal revolt revolution rich ride right ring rise rising risk river road rob rock roll room rose rough round row royal ruin rule run running rush S Sir South Spain State Sunday s sacrifice sad safe said sail saint sake sale same satisfy save saw say saying scarce scarcely scene school science score sea search season seat second secret secretary secure security see seeing seek seem seize select self sell send sense sent sentence sentiment separate series serious servant serve service services set settle settled seven several severe sex shade shadow shake shape share sharp shine ship shook shoot shop shore short shot shoulder shout show shut sick side sigh sight sign significant signify silence silent silver similar simple simply sin sing single sink sister sit sit down site sitting situate situation six size skill skin sky slave sleep slight slip slow slowly small smile smoke so so far so long social society soft soil sold soldier some sometimes somewhat son soon sorrow sorry sort sort of sought soul sound source south southern space speak speaking special species speech speed spend spent spirit spite spoke spoken sport spot spread spring square stage stand standard standing star stare start state statement station stay steady step steps stick still stir stock stone stop stopped store storm story straight strain strange stranger stream street strength stretch strike strong struck struggle student study style subject substance succeed success successful such sudden suddenly suffer suffering suffice sufficient suggest suit sum summer sun supply support suppose supposed sure surely surface surprise surprised surround suspect suspicion sweet sword sympathy system Thomas Tom t table take take place take up taken taking tale talk talking tall task taste tax teach teacher team tear tears tell telling temple ten tend tender term terms terrible terror test thank the City the Hill then theory there therefore thick thin thing things think think of thinking third thorough thou though thought thousand threat threaten three through throughout throw thrown thus tie till time times tire tired title to it to that today together tone tongue too too much top total touch touched tow tower town trace track trade tradition train travel treat treated tree tremble trial tried triumph troop troops trouble true trust truth try trying turn turn to turned turning twelve twenty twice two type U.S. United States uncle under understand understood unite united universe university up up to upper urge use used used to usual usually utter vain valley value various vary vast very very much vessel victory view village violent virtue visible vision visit voice volume vote Washington West White wait waiting walk wall wander want wanted war ward warm warn wash waste watch watching water wave way ways weak wealth wear weary weather week weight welcome well west whatever while whisper white whole why wide wife wild will willing win wind window wine wing winter wise wish within witness woman won wonder wonderful wood woods word words work working works world worse worship worth worthy wound wounded write writer writing written wrong York yard year years yellow yes yet yield young young man youth 1 10 100 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 20 21 22 24 25 3 30 4 5 50 6 7 8 9 |
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