单词 | Level-10 |
释义 | Level-10 (3000 words) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~ AL ANS Adriatic Ag Ajax Albanian Algerian Alonso Alzheimer's American Indian Andes Annapolis Antigua Apache Appleton Arafat Archer Athos Aurelius Aurora Azerbaijan Aztec ab abase abdominal abet abjure ablaze ably aboriginal abortive above-mentioned abridged absolution abusive acacia acceleration accessibility accommodating accredited acquirement acuteness adamant add up addiction additionally adjoining room adjunct administrative division admiringly admissible adobe adoring adulterate adverb advisor affidavit affiliated affirmation affluence affordable aggressor aggrieve agitator aglow agonized agonizing ague aide-de-camp aimlessly aired airing airman ajar al-Qaeda alcove alder algebra alienated alkali all in all all told all-powerful all-time allegorical allotment almanac alpha alterable altercate altercation alto alumnus amalgamate ambiguity ameliorate amenity amiably amount of money amour anathema anatomical anchorage android angelica antagonistic antenna antithesis antitrust antler anvil apace apologetically apoplexy apple tree apportion approvingly aptly aquatic aqueduct ar archaeology archangel arctic aria army corps army officer aromatic arras arrears arsenic artfully ascendancy ascendency ascendent ask for it askance asparagus aspen assay assiduously assorted assuage asteroid asthma astir astral astride astrologer at bottom at fault at leisure at the least athwart atoll attacker auctioneer audibly auditorium augur aunty aura authenticate authorised autumnal avatar avenger avowal awry axle Babylonia Bach Bagdad Bahamas Bangalore Bangkok Barbados Base Basque Beaver Bedouin Belarus Belgrade Belmont Beowulf Berkshire Bernstein Billings Bk Black Sea Blackburn Blessed Virgin Boche Bolingbroke Bolivia Boy Scout Bragg Brahma Brandt British Columbia Buenos Aires Burgoyne Burlington Burnett Burr Burt baba back down backup backyard baffling ballast balsam balustrade bandaged banging barbarity barbed bareheaded barque barrage baseness basilica baste bear down bear out bear up beat down beat up beautify bedstead bedtime befitting beguiled behest beholder beleaguer bellowing benchmark beneficiary bennet bequest bereaved besieger bespoke best man best-known bestseller betimes betrothal bewitching beyond measure bicker bier bigotry bilateral billboard billing billionaire bin Laden biodiversity biologist bipartisan birthright bitch blanched blandly blankly blare blaspheme blasting bleat blessedness blighted blindfold bloat blogger blood pressure bloodless bloodthirsty blossoming blotted out blubber blue-eyed bluish board of directors boastful bodyguard bogey bookcase booked boor booze boredom botanical botanist bottom line bouncing bourne box office boy scout bra braces bran branched branching branding brant brat bravado brawny break loose break open breast cancer breathe in breeder brevity brewery bridge over brimming bring to bear broach broadband broiled broken heart brokerage bronco bronzed brooch bruin brushwood buckskin buffoon bulging bullion bullying bum bungle bunting burglary burgomaster burn up burner burnished burst upon buster buy at buy up buyout CID CT Cabot Calvinist Cameroon Cancer Cannes Cape Town Cape of Good Hope Cardiff Cartier Cassandra Castilian Caucasus Cavalier Central Park Chapman Chattanooga Chavez Chen Cheyenne Chilean Christian Science Christian name Cinderella City of London Colbert Cold War Colombian Colt Columbia University Compton Congregational Constable Constitution of the United States Corsica Costa Rica Crane Crete Czechoslovakia cabal cabman cache cackle cajole calcium campaigner cancelled candidacy candidly canine canna cannonade canton capacious capitulation captivated carbine carbon dioxide carbonic carcase cardboard caribou carouse carp carpeted carry through cartel cartilage cash in cast away cast on catalog caterpillar causal causeway cavalcade cave in celibate cellphone centurion cerebral cession chafed chamber of commerce chandelier chaperon characteristically charmingly chattel check in check out checker cheerless chili chime in china choral chore chronological churl chute circle round circumcise circumscribe cistern city council civil law civilly clairvoyant clamorous clandestine clashing claver clearance cleric clew climber clinched clipping clique clod close down closure clot clout clustering coated cob cockpit cocoanut coconut coercion cognizance coinage cold war cold-blooded collate collegiate colonnade color in colorful colorless colour in colourless combed come to life come to light comforter comma commendable commercially commiserate commodious commons communicative comp comparable to compatriot compensated competence compilation complaisant compression compunction computation computing comradeship concave conciliation conclusively condescending conditioned conducive confidentially confirming confiscation conformable congestion conjugal connive conquerable conscription consenting consequential contaminated contestant contraband contrition conveniences conversant conversational convertible convex copse coquet coquetry cornfield coronet corruptible corsair cos cosmetic cosmos cote country people course of action court-martial courthouse crabs crackdown crackers crate cravat creamy creativity credence creep in creeps critique critter crony croon cropped crude oil crypt crystalline cudgel culinary cull culpable cultivator cummings curing curl up custard cut back cutlass cutler cylindrical DO Darling Dawes Dayton Dec Defense Secretary Defoe Delphi Demetrius Demosthenes Diaz Dickinson Disraeli Dominic Dorian Douglass Druid Duke of Wellington Dulles Dumas dab dabble daintily damask damnable dark blue darned dastard database date back daub daughter-in-law dauntless deaden dearie dearth debar debauchery decant declivity decomposition decoy decreasing deep down deface defection deferential deflate defray delete delible demagogue demise demonstrative demonstrator demurely denizen densely dental deplete deployment depraved deprecating depreciation depredation deprivation derisive derivation dervish desecrate desertification despondent destructible deterioration determinate dethrone detonate detour devising devotional diadem dialectic dictation dictum die down diffidence diffusion digestive digger digression dike diluted diner dinner party dioxide dip into diploma diplomatist directness disarmament disbelief discerning discernment disconcerting disconnected discontinued discredited discrepancy discriminating disembark disheartened dishevelled dishonesty disincline dismantled disorganize disown disparity dispassionate dispirit displacement dispossess disproportionate disprove disregarding disreputable disrespect disrespectful dissenting dissertate dissertation dissident dissimilar dissimulate dissolute dissolving distend distortion distributor ditty divination dodging doge domesticated domicile dominance dorsal dote dower downy drag on drag out draining dram dramatize draw away draw off dredge dreg dregs dressmaker drily drinker drive home drizzle drop by drudgery drumming dry land ducal dude duet duff dugout dully dumping dung duo duplicity dynamo East Indies El Salvador Ellison Emile English-speaking Enid Ephesus Episcopal Church Erin Ernst Esau Estonia Ethiopian Etruscan Euripides Europa European country Ezekiel each week earthy easel easterly easy chair eat at eater ecology economic aid economic policy edging edifying eerie effeminate efficacious efficiently egoism ejaculation elaborated elasticity elation elective electorate electron electronically elemental elementary school elicited ellipse elongated eloquently emaciated emancipated embalm embolden emboldened embryonic emir emirate emotionally emphasise empowered emptying emulation enamour encircling encore encyclopedia endlessly endue energetically enfeeble enfranchise enlivened ennui enormity enshrine entanglement entertainer enthrone entrap entrenched enumeration enunciate environs ephemera epicure epilepsy equanimity equanimous equestrian erecting ermine eros erosion erotic erudition escalate espionage estranged estuary etching ethnic group ethnology etymology evaporated evaporation evening dress every bit every quarter evict evolutionary exaction exactness exasperating exasperation excellency excellently excitable excommunication exhilarating exorbitant exorcism expertise exploited exporter extermination externally extirpate extraction extradite exuberance exuberate eyeball eyelash eyesight FAO FCC FL FM Farrell Fe Ferrara Fielding Fields Finnish Fischer Fleet Street Frankfurt Fremont Freud Frost Fuller facetious facial facsimile fad fag fairyland fall behind fall for fall short of fall through fallow falsify famished famously fang fantastical fascist fast-growing fastness fatherly fathomable fatigues fatty fauna feathery feed upon feminist fen fermentation ferret fertility rate festoon fete fetish feverishly fiat field goal fiendish fierceness fife fifty-five filament file in filibuster fillet filmed filmmaker finality firewood first lady first principle fitted out fix up flaring fleck fleshy flight of steps flippant flirt with flogging floral florid floss flout flowered fluctuation fly on fodder foggy foiled follow suit foment fondle foodstuff fooling football team footfall foothill for all the world foray forearm foreign exchange forerunner foreshadow forging forked formalities forty-two fragmentary frailty frame in free agent free kick free throw freehold freeing frieze frill frivolity from the heart front line frustrating frying fulfillment full-grown fumbling functioning fundamental principle fungus furlong furrowed furthest fused fuzz Galileo Gallic Galloway Gandhi Ganges Garfield Garrison Genesis Genoese George III Gettysburg Golden Age Great Lakes Greeley Green Bay Grenada Gresham Guernsey Guiana Gypsy gable gadget gainsay gala galleon galling galvanic garrulous gelatine generalization gens geometrical geranium germinate get about get even get started get the best get worse ghetto gibbet gilding gingerly giraffe girth give thanks glamor glass in gleefully glib gloat glued glum glut gnarl gobble godlike goggle golden age good example good humor good looks good manners good nature good part good word good-humoured good-naturedly goody gorilla gossiping gourd governance gram gran granary grand slam grandee grandly grandparent granger graphics graven grazed greedily greenwood grid grieving gripe grizzled grog groin groundless grovel gruesome gruffly guardianship guiltless gulch gunwale gushing guts guttural gymnastic Hades Hadrian Hall of Fame Handel Hanoi Harry Truman Harte Haydn Hazlitt Hellenic Hereford Hermes Herrick Herschel Himalaya Hobart Hogarth Hollander Holy Land Holy Scripture Homeric Honolulu Hooker Horne Humboldt Hutton habitable had best hale half mile half-breed halftime halloo hame hamstring hand to hand handicapped handiwork handmaid hang around hangman hansom haphazard hard times harlot harnessed harpoon harrowing hash haw head up header headway health insurance healthier heartfelt help out hem in hemlock henceforward heralded herbage herdsman hereabouts hereupon heroin hesitant heterogeneous hi hiding place hie hieroglyphic high sea high time high-minded high-speed higher education highness highwayman hijack hilltop hold down hold forth hold off holy man holy place homeowner hometown homewards homo homogeneous honeysuckle hoops hopelessness hops horizontally horned horseshoe householder hubbub huff hugely hugging humanism humorist humous hundredth hurling hurtle husbandman husbandry huskily hyacinth hypothetical IAEA IBRD ICAO ICC IFC ILO IMO IX Iago Ibsen Indra Interpol Islamism Islamist idealist idyll ill at ease ill-fated illegally illustrative imitator immaterial immature immeasurably immensity immobile immutable impartiality imperceptibly imperialist imperil imperishable impersonate impetuosity impetuously implanted implicated importunate importunity imposture impotence imprecate imprecation impromptu improperly impropriety imprudence impurity in a flash in any event in brief in concert in due course in evidence in flight in good time in hiding in name in point of fact in principle in style in that respect in unison in vogue inaction inactivity inadvertently inaudible incantation incendiary inception incipient inclosure inclusive inconsiderate inconstant incredulously incubate incursion indecision indefinable indelible indemnify indigestion indigo indiscreet indiscriminately indisposition indoor indorse inducing industriously inexpensive inexperience inexperient infant mortality rate infatuated infatuation infiltrate inflammatory informer infrequently infringement ingeniously ingratiate inhospitable inimitable inlaid innermost inoculate inoffensive inquirer inroad insensibility insertion insignia insignificance insincere insinuating insipid insoluble inst instability installment instalment instigation instill institutional insufferable insupportable insurgency intangible integrated intelligently intemperance intensive interaction interactive interception interdict interject interlude intermingle intermission international law international organization interpolate interposition interpreting interred intersection interwoven intimidated into the bargain intolerance intonation intricacy inundation invocation irregularly irreparable Jacksonville Jacobite James I Jimmy Carter John Adams Jude July 1 Justinian jab jaded jaguar janitor jarring jasmine javelin jealously jerking jersey jester jewelled jeweller jig jocular joint venture journalistic journeyman judicial branch judiciously juicy junta jurisprudence justice of the peace Kashmir Kazakhstan Kellogg Kendall Kidd King John Kyrgyzstan kaffir keenness keep an eye on keep down keep going kerchief ketch khaki kick off kidnapping kilometer kindliness kine knead knighthood knightly knock off knowingly knuckles kraal kraft Labrador Latin American Latvia League of Nations Left Bank Lenin Lennon Levite Liberal Party Libyan Lin Little Dog Livingston Livy Lombardy Londoner Lord Chancellor Louis XV Louis XVI Lovelace Lovell Lowlands Lyndon Johnson labor party lac lacerate lackey laconic lacy lancet landlocked landslide languidly lapsed last minute last name last resort latterly lattice laureate lave law enforcement law firm lawfully laziness lea lead off leap out leased leave out lecturing left wing left-hand legal right legalize legislative branch lemonade lens leprous lessening lethal lewd liabilities liaison liberalism lichen lie in wait lifeboat ligament limitless limousine limpid limping linguistic liquidate listlessly live out liza loam lobe local authority locket logically loll long-range longitudinal loon lope lorry loyally luckless lukewarm lumbering lunge lupin luscious lush lustily lustrous lye MLS MPS Macleod Maintenon Maker Mali Manchuria Mao Maori Marie Antoinette Marlowe Marsh Marshals Martin Luther Marxism Mauritius Maya Mayer McCormick McKinley Meade Mellon Mexico City Michelangelo Mick Midwest Monaco Monk Montagu Montaigne Montenegro Montfort Mormons Moro Morocco Mozambique Ms Muir Mumbai Muse machinate machination mackintosh maestro magistracy magpie mailed maimed majority leader make a point make merry makeshift makeup maliciously malignity mallet malt managing director mandatory manger manliness manna manufactory marauder march out marchioness marina marital marker market value marksman maroon married man marshy marvellously mason masonry massage materialize matted mavis mayhap meager meander medical center medical school medicinal mediocrity meditatively medley meekness mem memento menagerie mendicant menial mentality merchant marine merchantman mercifully meridian meritorious metrical mettle mew microphone microscopic military operation milo mina minimize ministration miraculously mirage misconceive misconception miscreant misdeed misdemeanor misguided misinterpret mismanage misplace misplaced misrepresentation missis missive missy mitten mix in mo mobile phone mobility mod modulate molecular monish monologue monopolize mons monsoon moonlit moonshine mooring morass moratorium mortality rate mosaic mother country motherhood motivated motivation mottle moulder mountain range move back move through mover ms mucus muff mulberry multiplication multitudinous munch munificent mural mush musical instrument musingly musk musketeer mustang musty mutate mutineer mystified NASDAQ NEC NY Naomi Nasser Nazareth Neapolitan Nepal Nestor New Delhi New York Stock Exchange Newgate Norse North Korean North Pole Northampton Northern Ireland Northerner Numbers Nuremberg nabob nakedness namesake nance nanny narrow escape narrowing national holiday nationalize nationally natural law natural science naturalize naval officer nearness neb necktie nectar negation neigh nestling nether neurosis neutralize new line nicety nightclub nil noisily noonday norm north wind northeastern norther northerly not bad nothingness nourishing noxious nullify numeral O'Hara OV Odysseus Ogden Olympia Olympian Oman Orpheus Orthodox Otis Ottoman oaken oatmeal obdurate obediently obesity obituary obliquely obsequious observable obsessed obtainable obtuse obviate octave oddity of all time officious ogre okay old country old school oligarchy ominously omnipotence on average on occasion on that point on the job on trial one-sided onlooker onstage opal openness operate on operatic operational optical opus organist oriental oriole ornate out loud out of reach outdoors outfield outgo outgoing outlandish outpouring outstrip outwit ovary ovation overcast overcrowd override overspread overwhelmingly own right ozone PSA Pacific Coast Padua Pallas Parthia Passover Pastor Peel Perseus Persian Gulf Petrarch Pharisee Philistine Phoebe Phoenician Picasso Pluto Polk Pretoria Priam Prometheus Provence Pulitzer Pullman Putin Pyrenees padded paddock paganism paling pallet palliate palsy pamper panegyric pansy pantheon parachute paradoxical paraphrase parenthesis parked parochial participle pass off passe pater pathetically patriarchal peaceably peaked peanuts pearly pecan peddler peek peeled peerless pendant pennant pensioner percentage point perceptibly percuss perdition peregrine peremptorily perforated perfunctory periodically periphery perjury perk permanence permissible personification pert pertinacity perturbation perversion petite petitioner phalanx philanthropic philharmonic phraseology physic physiognomy physique pickup piece of work pine tree pineapple pip pipe in piquant pitch in pitifully placidly planner plastered playfully pleasantry plenipotentiary plentifully plodding plotted ploughing plowed plucky plummet plundering plush poacher pocketbook podium pointedly poking pol police force police station polishing polity pollard polygamy pomegranate pop up popery popish popping population growth populism porcupine pornography porridge portage portly portmanteau posing posse possum posthumous postscript potassium power plant praiseworthy prate preamble preceptor precipitation precocious precursor predatory predilection predispose predominantly preferment premeditate premeditated prep preponderant presage presbytery presuppose preventive prickly priestess prig primal principled priory prisoner of war private property privy council processor proctor proficiency profitably profusely progenitor progeny prognosis projector proliferate prominently promulgated prop up props prospector prostration protruding proxy prudential prudently prying psychical public debt public relations public works publican publishing company pucker pull at pulsate punctually puncture pundit puny purification pursuance push through push up pussy put back put under Queen Victoria Queensland q quadrangle qualm quarantine quarrelsome quarto querulous questioner queue quickening quickest quits quiz quizzical RI ROI Raffles Ram Rand Ravenna Red River Regina Reich Reno Restoration Revelation Rhodesia Ricardo Richard Nixon Right Bank Rio Grande Rockies Rodgers Rodin Rolf Roma Roman Catholic Church Romance Rossetti Roth Round Table Royal Society Rubens Rumania Rush Rwanda rabbi radio broadcast radioactive rainfall rainy season ramify rankle ransack rant rashly rashness rationalism rattlesnake ravaged ravenous ray of light rbi reactionary readjust realisation rearrange receptive recluse recommence reconcilable reconnaissance rectangular rectitude recycle red light redeeming redundant reeking reelect refinery reflectively reformation refractory refrigerator regaining regale regretfully rehabilitation reimburse rejoinder relaxing relentlessly religiously reload remission remodel remorseless remotely remuneration reorganization reparable repertory repine replete reprehend reprieve reprisal reproductive repulsion rescuer resin resistless resourceful restive resumption retake retarded retention reticence retrospective revers reversal reversion revery revolutionism revolutionist revolved revue revulsion rewarding rhinoceros rickety ridiculously rife rifleman right wing right-wing rigour rill rind ringlet rioter ripening ripping rive rocker roomy rooster rosary rotting rouble roughness round table round up roundabout routinely rower royalism royalist rubble rudiments ruff ruining rumen ruminate rummage run around ruse ruthlessly Sabine Sadat Salt Lake City Samaritan Same San Jose Sanskrit Santa Claus Santa Cruz Santos Scotland Yard Scythia Secretary of the Treasury Semitic Senegal Sep Shakspere Shi'ite Sierra Leone Sikh Sin Singer Sir Walter Scott Skinner Slav Slovakia Snake Sol Somali South Dakota South Sea Southeast Sri Lanka St. Francis St. Mark St. Patrick St. Thomas Standish Stephenson Sterne Stowe Stubbs Sunderland Superior Surrey sacrificial saffron saliva sally forth sanguinary sapling sarcastically satirist savagery savory savoury sawdust scabbard scaled scamp scary scheming scholastic scientifically sconce scorer scowling scripture scud scum scurvy scythe seaboard sealing searchlight seashore seasoning seaweed sediment segregation selective self-confidence self-consciousness self-defence self-evident self-interest self-love self-sufficient semifinal senatorial send in sense of duty sense of humor sensed sensuality sentimentality separatism sequester seraph serenade serjeant serum serve up server severally sexually sexy shale shamed shamefully shank shapely sharpness sheepish shelling shelve shielded shipmate shire shod shooter shortening shorts shouldered shout out showcase showdown showman sickle sideboard silicon simpleton simplified sine single-handed sis sit around sit back sixty-five sized skateboard skater skepticism skid skier skiing skillfully skulk skunk slater slave state slave trade slaveholder slayer sleet slimy slip of paper slip off slip on sloped sloven slowing slowness slur slyly smallpox smouldering smuggled snack snatch up snippet snoring snout snowball soaking sobriety sod sodden solidly solon sonny soon enough soothingly sorrowing sound asleep southeastern souther southerly sow in spa spangle spaniel sparingly special interest specie specification specious speckle specter spectral speed up sperm spindle spitting splinters splutter spree sprig sprite spurious spurned squandered squared squatter squatting squeezing squirm stacked stacks staff member staffer staging stalking stallion stamen stand firm stateroom statesmanship static steadied steadiness stellar stench stenographer stenography sternness stick out stiffness still life stimulation stocked stoic stoppage storekeeper storey stork stow away straggler straighten up streaked strenuously stripping stubble stuffing stuffy stupidly stutter stylish subaltern subconscious sublimity subservient subsidize substantive substituting subtly subtract sucker sudden death sufferable sufficiency suffocating suitcase sulphate sulphuric sulphuric acid summarize sun rose sunlit supercilious superintendence superlative supplementary supportable surety surfer surmountable surreptitious susceptibility sward swathe sweetened sweetmeat switching sycamore synonymous syphilis T-shirt TV show Tahiti Talleyrand Tampa Bay Tanzania Tara Tasso Tate Teach Theseus Thomas Jefferson Thrace Tiber Titan Tito Toulon Toulouse Treasury Secretary Tristan Tucson Tunis Tuscan Tuscany tab tabernacle table of contents tableau tabloid tacitly taciturn tactful take aback take home take note take pains take root take the field take up arms talkative tallow talon tantalize tapering taps task force tassel tasting taut tax credit teapot teased telecom telephone system temp tempestuous tempo tenable tendon tendril tenfold tentacle testament testimonial testy thane thankfully thanksgiving the absurd theorist thereabouts thickened thieve thimble thinkable thinned third party third person thirty-eight thirty-four thirty-seven thirty-three thoroughbred thrashing threaded thriller throe thrust out thumping thunderstorm thyme ticking tidal tie in tiller time of year timorous tincture tingling tinkling tire out titanic to a great extent to advantage to leeward to the letter tod toddle tone of voice tonnage toot topmost topping topsail tormentor tornado tortuous torturing totem townsman tractable tractor trammel transcendental transfix transitory transmitter transmute trappings travail travel by trembles trepidation tribesman tripping troll trolley truant trumpeter truss truthfully truthfulness try on tuberculosis tulip turbine turnpike twang twelvemonth twentieth century twenty-nine two dozen tycoon typhoid typify U.S. government U.S.A. UNESCO Ulster Uncle Sam University of Chicago Utrecht ubiquitous ubiquity unacceptable unacquainted with unaided unalterable unanimity unanswered unbecoming unceasingly unceremonious unchangeable uncomfortably unconquerable uncontrollable uncontrolled unconventional under fire underbrush underestimate underline undertaker undervalue underworld underwrite undeveloped undisguised undisputed undivided undoing undressed undying unearth uneducated unendurable unequivocal unfairly unfaithful unfasten unfathomable unfeeling unflinching unfounded ungodly ungracious unguarded unharmed unheeded unhesitating unhurt unicameral unified uninjured unintentional unkindly unleash unloaded unluckily unmixed unnamed unnaturally unnerve unobtrusive unpaid unpardonable unpleasantly unpredictable unprincipled unpublished unqualified unreserved unrestrained unrivalled unroll unsatisfied unsigned unspoken unsuccessfully unsuitable unsuspected unthinkable untied untiring untried unwearied unwell unwholesome unwieldy unwillingness unwittingly unwritten up in the air upcoming upholster upper class uproot upsetting upstart urbane urge on usurpation usurper usury utilitarian VIII VT Verona Very light Vicksburg Volunteer vacillate vagary valiantly validate valise vanguard vantage vapours variegate variegated vaudeville vaunt venter ventilation verity vernacular versify vertebrate vestment vestry vexatious viable vial viand viands vibrant vicarage vice versa viciously video game viewpoint villainy vindicated violinist viper virile virulent vivacious vividness volt vomiting voracity vortex votary WA WMO Wake Wallenstein Waller Walt Disney Waterloo Waters Weimar Westminster Abbey Whittier Wilkes Wilmington Windows Winston Churchill Wisdom Worth Wu Wyatt waddle wading waitress walk out of wally warder warily warm up warped warring wash out waste of time watchdog watchfulness water supply waterman wavy wayfarer ways and means weal weasel weather-beaten weathered wedged weighted welch well out well over well-meaning welt wen westerly whaler wheeze whet whin whir whirlpool whist white paper white-haired whitewashed whitish whittle whore wickedly wicker wieldy wild flower wildness wilfully winking winsome wipe away wiry withers withholding wobble woodman woodpecker woodwork woolen woolly work through worked up workhouse workingman workout world-wide worn-out worsen wrangling wreak writhed wrongdoing wroth XI XII XIII XIV Xavier xxxi xxxii xxxiii Yugoslav yew yuan Zambia Zu zealously zip zoological |
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